[nfbmi-talk] comments from Rodgers

David Robinson drob1946 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 12:46:17 UTC 2013

   It seems imperative that we begin conversation on this list regarding
comments made by Ed Rodgers at the recent MCBVI conference.  His comments
clearly leave you with the impression that he has learned very little about
services to the blind in this State, and assures all of us that he is just
continuing to follow his big ego. 

   First, his comments regarding the interview process within the Business
Enterprise Program are faulty on their face and reflects shallow thinking on
Mr. Rodgers part.  As a BEP operator you are granted entry into the program
by completing your training and being placed on the potential operators
list.  This allows you to be promoted into your vending location.  Let me
repeat, you are promoted into the location, not hired into the location.
The bidding process to secure a location is a promotional system based on
performance, not entry level hirering.  The agency, as it now stands
according to the rule of law, does not have  the right to select an operator
for advancement in the case of a mandated location.  All state and federal
locations are mandated.  It is only when a location is non-mandated, as a
private company or county or municipal building, location can an interview
process be used,and only at the request of the landlord.  Perhaps Rodgers
has to sit down and really understand the program and get over his attempts
to control everything.  


   Secondly, I would like to comment on his defamatory comments regarding
the NFB of Michigan and Newsline funding.  All he knows is numbers and not
the facts.  The NFB and the NFB of Michigan as provided triple the amount
that the BSBP has provided to keep the Newsline running in Michigan for all
blind people.  The BSBP is not the generous God that he implies.  

   The NFB of Michigan has always sought the full support of the State to
fund Newsline for the Blind.  The partial payments made to Newsline over the
past several years were just what the agency under Pat Cannon, was willing
to provide.  The year they did not fund the Newsline program was not because
NFB of Michigan did not request funding, it was just that Cannon did not
approve any funding.   He needs to get his facts straight. 

   The request this year for $112,000 is nothing more then what is needed
and falls in line with requests from the past.  Every penney provided to the
Newsline program from the agency has gone directly to the Newsline program
at a national level so that the service could be available in Michigan.  To
infer that the NFB of Michigan would take part of that funding, some
$40,000, of that funding and use it for political purposes, is a lie and
such a statement is defamatory to the organization and its attempt to keep
Newsline up and running.  The $40,000 for marketing and administration was
to be used for promoting the service through out the State to others and
cover the hundreds of requests received each month for the service, which
thus far, has been covered by the NFB of Michigan resources.  I am aware of
the questions he asked the NFB of Michigan,and all were answered in an
approbriate manner and it was only because of the public protests and public
pressure, that he relented and provided some funding for six months.  He did
not do it willingly  or graciously, but was forced to do so. Once again he
wanted all the control. 


   Finally, I hope others saw through the ridiculous comments of hirering
the new training director and the value of the new BADP division of BSBP and
his newly hired director.  If he believes what he said about those
hirerings, he again clearly reflects how little he knows of the needs in
this State for good services to the blind.  Donna Posont's comments really
gets to the root of the problem and what Rodgers should be fixing.  His
comments about needing our help to get staff to do their work is bocus as
many comments regarding the members of his staff who have lied, cheated,
broken federal and state laws and done all they can to destroy blind peoples
lives, has not resulted in any firerings.  He still has the same lieing,
cheating and incombatent staff he had when he came in as director.  


  I hope others will comment on Rodgers comments and point out other
falsehoods which I did not address, as I know of many.  I do know that the
NFB of Michigan will always stand for all the blind of Michigan, and will
always be fighting for the rights of the blind and tell the truth. We have
the truth on our side and we know the facts.  We do not mislead and we do
not sell out. We do not intend to have any blind person in Michigan to lose
their rights and fall under the thumb of bureaucratic dictators. 


Dave Robinson 

save Robinson

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