[nfbmi-talk] information tim hortons, more from rodgers

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri Sep 27 23:32:22 UTC 2013

September 27 to Rodgers re Expenses for Dublin Ohio Tim Hortons


Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

Mt. Morris, MI 48458

joeharcz at comcast.net



To: Edward Rodgers, director,


(Via e-mail)


Dear Sir,


I, a citizen and advocate who happens to be blind, am asking you some basic questions and asking for information in accessible format. Twice in the public record, once being at theMCBVI convention which is recorded and yesterday at the highly witnessed, BSBP Commission meeting, you stated that you personally and on behalf of BSBP engaged with negotiations personally with “Tim Hortons USA” in Dublin, Ohio. I also assume that other staff of BSBP engaged in those negotiations, or whatever you wish to call them. (Common terms are common terms as any lawyer, such as yourself should know.)


Regardless I am requesting the following from you in accessible format which I’ll describe later in these requests:


-The time, place and date where you and/or other personnel met with representatives of Tim Hortons USA in Dublin Ohio (which I assume must be from your anointment as BSBP director in October of last year to present, of course as common logic); or any documents pertaining to said “visit”.


In addition I wish to request any and all records, including but not exclusive of, travel, meals, hotel/motel, etc. or other vouchers, reimbursements, etc. related to this documented travel.


That should include, of course anything that was let or granted or guaranteed through the good services of Tim Hortons, USA (or its parent group Tim Hortons, Canada, or other dbas such as The TDL Group, etc.) (We wouldn’t wish for a public official such as you to engage in promotional issues which might be rightfully be deemed a conflict of direct interests would we?)


Aside for the documented violations of PA 260 and other relevant laws in these regards I would also hope you haven’t violated state procurement laws in these regards in directly negotiating contracts with the federal/state nickel so to speak and without even putting out an RFP for competitive bidding. In fact now that I think of it I am requesting the RFP you submitted or any other agency of state has made for the “franchise” or perspective franchise at the Anderson House Office Building and/or the State Capitol which are priorities under PA 260 for blind operators to this day clearly defined in said act and promulgated rules and said franchise if any should be vested under same in the hands of the operator.


Regardless, and again in the public record you’ve clearly stated sir to the commission and to MCBVI that you personally were the agent in “negotiations” relative to this franchise issue.


The public records requested related to these events are to discern whether or not you have followed all applicable rules, federal and state in these regards and must be forthcoming.


Now, as a blind person I am requesting all said documents requested  as either simple plain text e-mail enclosures, and/or Word ® attachments based upon the ADA, Title II subpart e, effective communications and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended sent to my e-mail address without surcharge. Or you might just put this stuff on BSBP’s web site in the interest of public disclosure. Moreover you might send details of how much the Tim Hortons fiasco has cost taxpayers and send this to commissioners of BSBP as well as RSA and the MRCS for that matter.


Sir, you are accountable to we the people in these regards, and that includes people who are blind and not the other way around.


Thus I do sincerely expect that you will be responsive to this inquiry and will not obfuscate it further with delays, obfuscations and silly feudal abuses of FOIA over notions of openness, transparency, etc. of this Administration and by LARA, etc.


Just send me the information requested sir and this will all go away or maybe not!


Thanks as always by your warm, timely and accessible response.


Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.


Cc: rsa

Cc: bsbp commissioners

Cc: nfb mi

Cc: inspector general usde

Cc: arwood, zimmer lara

Cc: mpas/cap

Cc: mi silc

Cc: media, legal, several


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