[nfbmi-talk] DAY 4 OF THE 45 DAY CHALLENGE

Terry D. Eagle terrydeagle at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 4 21:57:36 UTC 2014

Hello Fellow Federationist,


Today is April 4, and the 4th day of my 45 day $300 challenge to raise
awareness about the good work of NFB, and raise greatly needed funds to
advance our purpose and mission as the NFB of Michigan.  If you missed the
45 day $300 personal challenge, and an easy route to achieve the walk-a-thon
finest financial result,  please read this e-mail in its entirety.


Since this is day 4 of the 45 day challenge, and you are on board with the
passion of the NFB purpose and mission, and having accepted the challenge
personally, you should be $30, $40, or more toward fulfillment of the $300


Someone commented to me they are not good or comfortable at fund raising.
Anyone who feels that way, you need not be either good or comfortable at
fund raising.  Just simply share your enthusiasism and passion for the
mission of the NFB to bring quality and equality to the lives of blind
persons, from youth to senior citizen, and your passion will fulfill your
desired goal of the $300 challenge.  Share your excitement about the NFB,
then ask, :Would you like to support my excitement of the fine work NFB is
doing for and by blind persons?"  Simple and easy.  Enthusiasism and
passion, and excitement spreads easily, and don't we all desire to help
other people?  When you share your excitement for something, your friends
and family will desire to share in your excitement, and want to help others
just as you are doing!  The weekend provides many social  and faith-based
contacts to share your excitement of the work of NFB, and get you closer to
fulfilling your 45 day challenge of $300 or more!  Live the weekend with
passion and excitement around friends and family, and the challenge goal is
a cinch and fun too!






Did you know, the National Funeral Directors has reported that the average
person who dies, and that is all of us at some point in time, knows an
average of 300 people we each know by way of relatives, friends, fellow
employees, students, and social and faith-based associates and
acquaintances, and that average number is nearly borne out by the number of
social media contacts many Americans have on there chosen social media page


Imagine if each person who believes in the philosophy, mission, and dreams
of the NFB, made a personal commitment to raise just $1 from 300 people,
which translate to $each NFB supporter bringing in $300 for the walk-a-thon,
just imagine the programs, such as chapter and membership building, Braille
training outreach, scholarships to attend state and national conventions,
Washington Seminar, college scholarships, and other  programs and causes, we
the NFB are  engaged and and wish to advance.


Is $300 raised by each NFB supporters readily achievable?  Certainly.  For
those who desire to say that they don't know 300 people, as the national
funeral directors association suggest, just consider how easy it is to
secure $10 from the 30 family members, friend, and acquaintances we may or
might have in our life, past or present.  $300 is easily achievable I
submit.  If each NFB supporter just secured a $10 pledge or donation for the
walk-a-thon, whether you can walk in the event or not, at the rate of one
$10 per day for the 45 days that remain before the walk-a-thon date, that is
45 $10 contributions, or $450 to turn in toward this fund raiser.  So you
can see how easy $300 is  a cinch to raise in 45 days with little effort.


Please do your part if you are reading this, as you must believe in the work
that the NFB is doing to change what it means to be blind in Michigan and
across this great nation.  Please get a pledge form from the nfbmi.org
website, and talk, tweet, or write your way to $300, $450, or more
contributions toward the walk-a-thon in each of the next 45 days.



Can you recall a case of a blind person being discriminated against in
employment, access to public programs and services, a student not getting
the books, supports, or funds to achieve a quality education, in order to
achieve the skills for competitive employment, or avoid the slave wages of a
sweatshop employment opportunity for life, or a senior citizen that feels
that a useful, fulfilling life is over because of vision loss, and wondering
how they shall survive in the darkness of blindness?  These examples
represent the cause and work of the NFB to overcome and bring about positive
change, for what it means to be blind in employment, education, independence
at home and in the community, and much more for a finer quality and
fulfillment of life dreams, collectively and individually.  This is the
first of forty-five days for each of us who believe in the NFB, to take
decisive consistent personal daily action to do our easy part to make the
May 17 walk-a-thon fundraiser event a fabulous financial and NFB outreach
success!  Please, let all of us put energy where it can really matter--in
the lives of blind persons present and future.  This challenge is ours as
individual NFB supporters, to embrace and achieve-as a matter of priority,
dedication, commitment and personal action for the next 45 days.


Note to chapter, division, and interest committee presidents and leaders:
Please widely distribute this fundraising challenge to your members and
supporters immediately.  The clock is ticking toward the May 17 event.




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