[nfbmi-talk] Key provisions in proposed amendmentstoWorkforceInvesstment Act
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Apr 23 00:33:37 UTC 2014
Thanks for these comments Christine.
I come from the world of journalism which is the world of who, what, when,
where, why and how. It also goes to accountability of public actors acting
in public capacity at the public's expense for the ascribed public purpose.
Moroever, the ultimate defense against libel, defamation, and slander is the
truth both in media case law and in the Michigan Constitution.
If I have impatience or terse and even invective words against highly paid,
corrupted public officials so be it.
I've run out of adjectives to express the outrages against blind folks of
all classes, races, colors, creeds, genders, natinal origions or other
status in describing the outright perfidy, chronic and pernicious, and well
documented discrimination from this outlaw organization and those who run
And when llawyers and those acting supposedly under the color of law violate
the laws that bind them then we are nothing butan outlaw state, a corrupted
apparatchek, and, well an oligarchy, or something as perverse as a fascist
It is not only the blind that should stand up to these outrages against the
public purpose, but all citizens in my not so humbleopinion, again backed up
by facts.
This is tyranny and the corruption of tyranny and if personified it is done,
by in fact real people who have real names, and do real evil things like
stealing livelihoods fromthe blind.
And what adjectives should we ascribe to such villians?
We in the Federation cut our teeth in fighting such infamy and
And frankly given the evil reeked upon us by these sick clowns I thought my
words were more than restrained.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christine Boone" <christineboone2 at gmail.com>
To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Key provisions in proposed
amendmentstoWorkforceInvesstment Act
Elizabeth, I generally agree with you that there is no need to engage in
name calling. Nor do I tolerate the use of profanity on this list. In this
case however, I see nothing objectionable in Joe's post. He is simply
pointing out that which is true in the state of Michigan. When an
individual becomes a Bureau Director, he or she understands that their
privacy interest is diminished by virtue of the public trust that has been
place in them. They understand that constituents and even disinterested
persons will discuss their decisions, practices and positions as they impact
the tax-payer base and most especially the persons who are actual and
potential customers of the agency in question. Given the numerous
documented violations of law in the case of the Bureau, nothing
inappropriate in my view, has been said here.
Happily there is better news in other states, and even for some customers
here in Michigan, who receive helpful services from the vocational
rehabilitation system. Happily also, there are many good, strong, inventive
and courageous people who will continue to succeed in spite of what ever may
come against them. Let us discuss some of those successes on this list.
wouldn't that give encouragement to those who strive for excellence? We can
all use a little positive motivation.
If anyone has a great example of a blind person who stepped out of the mold
to capture the American dream, let us know!
On Apr 22, 2014, at 11:32 AM, Elizabeth <lizmohnke at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Joe and All,
> I can understand your dislike of the rehabilitation agency here in
> Michigan. however, I do not believe the disrespectful name calling in this
> post should be a part of our email list. I believe this language only
> creates more hostility, and does absolutely nothing to solve the problem.
> Warm regards,
> Elizabeth
>> On Apr 8, 2014, at 12:33 PM, joe harcz Comcast <joeharcz at comcast.net>
>> wrote:
>>> On your latter point Christine one of the things sited in the last
>>> so-called RSA monitoring here is that MRS was cited for violating the
>>> Rehab Act over a decade for requiring a means test for SSI and SSDI
>>> recipients who were not blind.
>>> Of course, MCB at the time was cited for violating similar provisions
>>> inmaintainence.
>>> And we know they've violated the general provisions as well for years.
>>> I mean that mercenary punk lawyerMichael O. King, paid with by MCB bucks
>>> even argued in court on the Terry Eagle case that Terry must be required
>>> to pay $30,000 for training!
>>> That is in the public record!
>>> And that is just one extreme example of fundamental Rehab Act violations
>>> in a court record.
>>> We all know things were worse than that and are even worse now.
>>> By the way if one examines even the college funding which one can only
>>> glean from past reports which is why I ask for them we'll note that MCB
>>> sent many more blind students to college and paid for them then they do
>>> now.
>>> It is hard to ferret out the information, but simply if we take a look
>>> at state plan information, comparativie monitoring reviews and the
>>> belated RSA-2 report we see a steady decline of the aggregate numbers of
>>> blind students alone who are being funded for college and or other
>>> postsecondary ed.
>>> Yet, the percent of VR funds has gone up.
>>> Now, this goes to a rather complicated issue in that during the last
>>> fifteen years the cost of higher ed has escalated dramatically
>>> especially as state supports have dropped and as the recession lingers.
>>> The VR funding is simply a transfer, but I suggest an important one and
>>> should be maintained.
>>> At least that is what existing law says is so, though again not
>>> followed.
>>> Oh, as an aside when that narcistic puke Rodgers brags about how many
>>> students he (note he always says I fund like it is his personal money)
>>> for college like it is some sort of perk and a real nice charitable
>>> thing he is doing personally for those blind kids, and adults....Well it
>>> makes me ill.
>>> It is his job to do so.
>>> Moreover, as Dearest Lydia and other parents of blind persons and others
>>> point out the system even here is broken for what about the kids and
>>> even adults who are blind and who are not so-called "college material"?
>>> Meanwhile the likes of Rodgers and Pemble who wouldn't know the Rehab
>>> Act if it snuck up on them in the dark and bit them on their behinds
>>> make $128,000 and $116,000 per year respectively out of VR funds to
>>> fiddle about with our lives.
>>> Lord I want these predators to be unemployed as I do their susupiors and
>>> handlers in this current administration.
>>> Another rant....Sorry....
>>> The situation makes me ill. But we must speak truth to power and we must
>>> as Federationists fight for the rights and empowerment of blind
>>> citizens, even those who don't affiliate with us.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Christine Boone"
>>> <christineboone2 at gmail.com>
>>> To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 12:07 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Key provisions in proposed amendments
>>> toWorkforceInvesstment Act
>>> That funding should not change, however the move of rehabilitation
>>> programs out of DOE will impact partnerships and supports for secondary
>>> education and the ripple effect of this cannot be known.
>>> Also, you need to remember that funding levels for post secondary
>>> education are much lower in general VR programs than in blindness
>>> programs, even for individuals receiving SSI and SSDI.
>>> On Apr 8, 2014, at 11:49 AM, joe harcz Comcast <joeharcz at comcast.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Another question here Christine. How will funding for higher education
>>>> and/or other postsecondary training occer under changes?
>>>> In other words the only thing IMO that VR does right, when they do it
>>>> is to fund one hundred percent of college/postsecondary ed for PWD who
>>>> are on SSI or SSDI.
>>>> Will that change under this schema?
>>>> As an aside we know that BSBP and MRS has violated these provisions,
>>>> but another story for another day I suppose.
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Christine Boone"
>>>> <christineboone2 at gmail.com>
>>>> To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>;
>>>> <nfbp-talk at yahoogroups.com>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 10:49 AM
>>>> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Key provisions in proposed amendments to
>>>> WorkforceInvesstment Act
>>>> Federationists:
>>>> As most of you know, beginning with its reauthorization in 1998, the
>>>> Rehabilitation Act has been included as Title IV in the Workforce
>>>> Investment Act. That Act has never been reauthorized since its first
>>>> writing, but it is once again scheduled for reauthorization this year.
>>>> The current proposal would have some significant negative
>>>> ramifications respecting vocational rehabilitation services. Here is
>>>> one overview that was prepared by a State Vocational Rehabilitation
>>>> agency outside Michigan. It is provided here for your information.
>>>> Review of Key Provisions
>>>> in S. 1356 and the SKILLS Act
>>>> S. 1356
>>>> Splits up Rehab Act programs.
>>>> Sends VR to Labor Department, Independent Living to HHS, and NIDRR
>>>> (research) to HHS.
>>>> The transfer of VR from Education to Labor will disconnect VR from
>>>> rehabilitation expertise and place it in a department with no
>>>> rehabilitation experience and a scant record of serving people with
>>>> severe disabilities.
>>>> The Secretary of Labor would write the regulations for Rehab.
>>>> The new name for RSA would be Disability Employment Services and
>>>> Supports Administration (DESSA).
>>>> The Commissioner would still be a President’s appointment but would not
>>>> have to have rehabilitation experience or knowledge.
>>>> Rehab would be put under ODEP (the Office of Disability Employment
>>>> Policy) – a tiny division that has never administered direct service
>>>> programs.
>>>> Placement in Labor ties VR closer into the generic One-Stop culture,
>>>> where the focus is on the general population and specialized approaches
>>>> tend to be absent.
>>>> The bill mandates state VR programs to expand and intensify services to
>>>> youth transitioning to post-secondary life, without added funding to do
>>>> so.
>>>> Youth are defined as age 14-24.
>>>> Creates a new category of Pre-Employment Transition, for youth age 14
>>>> up with significant disabilities. For those in Supported Employment,
>>>> VR would pay 4 years extended services.
>>>> Makes states set aside 15% of basic VR funds for Transition, limiting
>>>> administrative spending to 5% of this.
>>>> Requires all VR offices have Transition Coordinator positions with
>>>> support staff – administrative expenses which would mostly have to come
>>>> out of basic VR funds, beyond the 15% set-aside.
>>>> These provisions effectively make Transition a priority for VR
>>>> spending. As a result, some state VR programs may have reduced funds
>>>> for serving adults with severe disabilities.
>>>> The bill subjects VR to the same performance standards and measures
>>>> used for Workforce programs for the non-disabled public. There are
>>>> concerns this will not accurately reflect VR performance, will be
>>>> costly to implement, and could discourage service to persons with the
>>>> most significant disabilities.
>>>> To implement use of common performance measures, VR would have to
>>>> retool data systems at great cost. Adjustments in standards to reflect
>>>> different conditions for the VR population would entail much staff
>>>> work, negotiation and approval by Labor.
>>>> VR would have to pay for 2 years of extended services for Supported
>>>> Employment clients, instead of the current flexible 18 months. This
>>>> would be 4 years for youth.
>>>> The bill de-emphasizes rehabilitation throughout.
>>>> Rehab credentials for VR staff are weakened.
>>>> There is concern that features in S. 1356 will reduce access to the
>>>> highly specialized services required to remove employment barriers for
>>>> people with severe disabilities.
>>>> Positive features in the bill are business relations emphasis,
>>>> in-demand occupations emphasis, and a focus on career exploration, work
>>>> experience and internships for youth.
>>>> Skills Act
>>>> H.R. 803 by Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC)
>>>> Consolidates 36 federal employment programs, not VR, which remains a
>>>> mandatory partner, however. Although VR remains a distinct program,
>>>> various provisions in the bill tie VR more closely into the generic
>>>> Workforce system.
>>>> Requires common data reporting and performance measures for all
>>>> Workforce partners.
>>>> Increases business representation on Workforce state and local boards.
>>>> Boards would be 2/3 business representatives. Partner members like VR
>>>> are not required on the Boards.
>>>> Emphasizes job training that is responsive to in-demand occupations and
>>>> business needs.
>>>> In HR-803 VR remains a distinct program but is moved more closely into
>>>> the generic Workforce system.
>>>> Partners must make all their “work-ready” services available at
>>>> One-Stops. It is uncertain whether this translates to co-location.
>>>> Lets Governors decide what funds each partner must contribute to the
>>>> One-Stops. The Governor can require partners contribute funds above
>>>> those set in any infrastructure formula. Thus VR funds could be tapped
>>>> for various One-Stop expenses.
>>>> One-Stops and training providers would have to meet standards, be
>>>> certified and re-certified every 3 years, with focus on meeting
>>>> standards of program integration, as well as other goals.
>>>> It is unclear if VR training providers would have to meet training
>>>> provider criteria set by the Governor.
>>>> Makes RSA commissioner a Director, no longer a Presidential
>>>> appointment.
>>>> Requires at least 10% of a state’s VR basic funds must be for expanding
>>>> Transition.
>>>> The Comprehensive Needs Assessment must add a focus on Transition needs
>>>> and the performance of existing services in meeting those needs.
>>>> Supported Employment title VI grants are eliminated.
>>>> States must set aside one-half of 1% of their basic VR funds for grants
>>>> to for-profit businesses to do job readiness, training and placement.
>>>> Eliminates in-service training of VR personnel as a training grant
>>>> purpose.
>>>> Special concerns related to maintaining an effective Rehabilitation
>>>> system:
>>>> Special concerns for Rehab: with VR melded more closely into the
>>>> generic Workforce system in a number of ways – there is concern for the
>>>> future of some key rehabilitation principles, features and resources
>>>> that are critical for successful employment results, including:
>>>> informed client choice
>>>> individualized plans and services
>>>> specialized services
>>>> information accessibility
>>>> communication accessibility
>>>> physical accessibility
>>>> availability of specialized staff
>>>> staff and system understanding of disability
>>>> There is concern that more closely merging VR into the generic
>>>> Workforce system will lead to
>>>> leaching away of VR funds for non-VR use
>>>> cherry-picking – serving the least disabled first
>>>> reduced help for severely disabled with the greatest employment
>>>> barriers
>>>> increased diversion of staff time to bureaucratic functions, away from
>>>> direct service delivery.
>>>> ___________________________
>>>> This week staff and administrators from most public VR agencies across
>>>> the Nation are gathered in Washington D.C. Today they are on Capitol
>>>> Hill, visiting with their Congressional delegations. Yesterday they
>>>> were briefed by a panel of experts which included leaders of the
>>>> National Federation of the Blind.
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