[nfbmi-talk] march eoc meeting minutes

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Thu Apr 24 12:59:29 UTC 2014

Elected Operators Committee Meeting Minutes, Saturday, March 8, 2014, at the Ramada Inn, in Lansing, Michigan. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson James Chaney 

at 9:11 AM.


Roll Call:  Present: Kevin Tomczak, Ray O'Dell, Greg Keathley, Nathan Prater, Marlene Rothenhauser, Shane Jackson, Henry Mosley, Hazell Brooks, and James Chaney.

Excused: Garnet Prentice.

BEP Staff Present: Constance Zanger, James Hull, Jennifer Doroh, and Rob Essenberg.

Guests Present: Terry Eagle, and Joe Sontag.


Reading and Approval of the Agenda by the Committee: The agenda was read and the following additions were made:


1. Nathan Prater asked that the committee make a motion to rescind references regarding the Big Rapids and Morley Rest Areas. Promulgated rule 393.52 was referenced. A recommendation has been passed by the Locations and Repairs Subcommittee and EOC stating that site 87 receive 

these rest areas. Bureau staff did not respond within the 15 day time period. Ray O'Dell accepted the motion and Kevin Tomczak seconded it.

2. Marlene Rothenhauser stated that Garnet Prentice discovered a problem with workshop attendance last year. Some operators received points and others did not. Because of paperwork difficulties, it was felt that everyone should receive points. James Chaney explained that there 

was a memo stating that a meeting should be held on this topic, and that did not occur. The Promotions and Seniority Subcommittee chair will call a meeting to discuss the topic.

3. Kevin Tomczak would like an update on coffee clubs and the FBI in his location. This will be given during the BSBP report.

4. Ray O'Dell would like to discuss confirmation that the notices sent in November are being received by Bureau staff.

5. James Chaney added the December 12, 2013, minutes, to the September minutes for approval. He would also like clarification on when minutes are posted on the Bureau's website.


Kevin Tomczak made a motion to approve the agenda. Shane Jackson seconded it which passed via voice vote.


Approval of the September 28, and the December 12, 2013, EOC Minutes by the Committee: Henry Mosley moved to accept the September minutes. It was seconded by Nathan Prater and passed via voice vote. Shane Jackson moved to accept the minutes from December 12. Henry Mosley seconded the motion. Ray O'Dell's motion was passed via voice vote.


Posting of Minutes on the Website by Constance Zanger: She stated previously that the June minutes be posted. Because the Bureau no longer has a person permitting them to post minutes, it has to be done through LARA. No follow-through was carried out for the June minutes. This will be done when the September and December minutes are posted. Concern was raised why LARA has control over posting minutes and Constance Zanger stated that they are being posted on the State of Michigan website. She will address the issue with Ed Rodgers. Nathan Prater indicated that http://www.vendorvision.net, the EOC endorsed website, has the committee minutes and notes from December. James Chaney encouraged Nathan Prater to double check the minutes for 



Unfinished Business/Updates by Constance Zanger, James Hull, and James Chaney:


A: BSBP Report by Constance Zanger: She stated that the majority of issues will be addressed in later reports. Bureau staff is in the process of reviewing a draft of the proposed rules for the program. It was hoped that the review would be finished by the EOC meeting, however, that has 

not happened. It is staff's intention to send the document to the committee as soon as the review is complete. Further action on coffee clubs is pending completion of the proposed rules. Investment in coffee machines was discussed. Standards for determining coffee machine installation were discussed. Kevin Tomczak suggested that documentation of certain services from coffee machines should be kept for a period of time.


B: New Class by James Hull: The second week of the training class has concluded. Three students are participating and the training has been moved back to the Training Center. Staff has compressed the class from 9 weeks to 7 weeks and students are staying longer during the day. 

The break week was removed in order to get students into their OJE's faster. An announcement will be placed on the bid line for trainers. The goal is to have students bidding on facilities by mid-summer. Kevin Tomczak asked whether there was benefit for longer hours and James Hull stated that student's class time is increased by only an hour and it allows for the topic area to be completed. There was discussion on register and vending machine training. Extensive discussion took place regarding meals and transportation for students on weekends. Information was provided on a meeting held the first day of class regarding additional responsibility for students.


C: Remodeling Updates on Facilities by Constance Zanger: Estimates were given for the Big Rapids and Morley rest areas to build shelters. Those proposals are still under review. A meeting has been scheduled with LARA and DTMB to review estimates for the Grand Tower location. 

Future remodeling of the GOB cafeteria will take place pending changes to the building. The Mason Building is being cleaned and once plans are finalized for people to move back in, staff will work to get a new snack bar. There was information provided on when facilities come up for remodeling. James Chaney inquired what the real issue was with Grand Tower.


D: EOC BEP Meet and Greets by James Chaney: Due to weather, there have been no recent meet and greets. An update will be given on a certain operator during the regional reports.


E: New Grievances Filed/Status by James Hull: A written report was sent via e-mail by the EOC secretary. Highlights were given on license revocations for failure to submit highway refund logs, administrative reviews, and hearings. Members asked questions about filing 

exceptions. Concern was raised about late set-aside payments.


F: Sage Brush 2013 by James Chaney and James Hull: Healthy vending was a topic of interest and if a standard of 30 to 35 percent can be set by the BEP, it might off set RSA's standards. RSA buying group was discussed along with Michigan being a top tiered program. James Hull spoke on reauthorization of the Highway Service Transportation Act. Information was presented regarding the Work Force Investment Act. Calorie disclosure was discussed.


Financial Report by Constance Zanger: Staff has been informed that the Bureau has a budget. There is no specific budget for the BEP. Expenses are being tracked and Constance Zanger is asking whether the committee would accept information for the end of the year. Information will be given through the end of the second quarter of 2014, at the workshop. Amounts were given on set-aside fees, equipment repairs, purchased and replaced equipment, and how much set-aside fee was carried over. The carried over money is matched. Nathan Prater asked about working capital. The process for matching money left over was discussed. Information was given about the reports that Bureau staff submit. Nathan Prater inquired about an average profit margin state wide.


State Plate and Capital Facilities by Rob Essenberg: He stated that Ed Rodgers was unable to attend and would like to applaud the board for their work throughout the year. Some of the review sessions for rules were canceled due to weather. Information was given on hiring staff in Rob Essenberg's division along with 3 business plans developed by ndividuals. The intended goal is to have the Anderson Building become a training center for those individuals that are going through VR who want to start their own businesses. Possible models may be food service or franchising. Partnership for the training was discussed. Once equipment and design plans are approved, the facility will be bid out to an operator. They will have to work through Rob's division. Currently, the Capital is being run by student assistance, however, no one has bid on the location. Plans are in the works to expand product line and tours of the facility are being provided. If an operator cannot be found, it may be combined with the Anderson Building to expand product line and increase sales. There was discussion on where the money comes from to train the individuals. Rob Essenberg described how he has assisted the BEP training students. 

Concern was raised about blind presence at the Anderson Building. Discussion took place regarding training impact for the incoming operator and the plan to have the facility be used as an OJE training center for cafeterias. Hazell Brooks suggested that language should be written 

that includes an option which would allow BEP operators to have other businesses other than the BEP. Equipment removal was discussed. Training is being centered on managing a business. It was learned that a meeting is being organized with all sections of the Bureau to determine how candidates will be sent to the BADP. James Chaney inquired about doing research to reach out to companies that are up and coming. Discussion took place regarding whether the Capital could stand alone and how the hiring process should be conducted. Marlene Rothenhauser inquired whether there is a BEP trainer for the program. Constance Zanger described how an operator acquires additional training. Hazell Brooks asked whether information developed by the Ad-Hoc committee regarding modular training will be used.


Confirmation of Documents by Ray O'Dell: NOTE: Due to a technical glitch in the recording, information presented in the remaining agenda items may have to be revised. For the promotional agent and subcommittee reports, motions for acceptance were given. 


Ray O'Dell inquired whether there was a system in which operators would be notified that Bureau staff has received documentation regarding reports sent in November 2013. James Hull stated that the promotional agents are collecting e-mail addresses for operators that have them. The goal is to 

enter them into system 7 and once staff has received appropriate documentation, the operator would be notified by e-mail. There was a discussion on how canceled checks are used for sales tax verification. Committee members also discussed when annual income is due and some expressed that they were late. James Chaney inquired about lost documentation and James Hull stated that operators should keep copies for their records.


Promotional Agent Activity Reports by James Hull:


Region 1 by James Hull: The cafeteria at the McNamara Building is closing. Due to Craig McGlassion retiring, the Detroit Federal Courthouse will be placed on the bid line.


Region 2 by James Hull: Discussion took place on the Flint Vending Route. Rolando Petty has accepted the Port Huron Vending Route. Equipment issues at the facility were discussed. Garnet Prentice accepted the Greyhound Bus Station in Detroit, and the Detroit Arsenal Building 270 

will be up for bid.


Region 3 by James Hull: A facility was discussed that did not meet the federal minimum wage and requires committee action. Risa Patrick-Langtry has accepted the Operations center. Bob Lozier was awarded a facility. The Victor Office Center will be placed on the bid line due to an 

operator withdrawing from the program. Sheila Hiemstra accepted Capital Commons. On-going work is taking place to inventory Hazell Brooks out of the Grand Tower Facility due to Richard Heisser's transition. Staff is still seeking approvals for post offices.


Region 4 by James Hull: Discussion took place regarding the awarding of the Coldwater Welcome Center. Due to David Petrilli's retirement, the Grand Ledge Vending Route will be open for bid. The Hartford/Van Buren County FIA facility will be placed on the bid line this coming week. Shane Jackson inquired about a post office in Grand Rapids.


Subcommittee Reports by Kevin Tomczak, Ray O'Dell, Shane Jackson, Hazell Brooks, Nathan Prater, and Marlene Rothenhauser:


1. Promotions and Seniority by Kevin Tomczak: The subcommittee voted on a motion to lower the Detroit Main Post Office to 17 percent due to it being a 24 hour operation and operator struggles. The motion was accepted and seconded. Concerns were raised that the committee did 

not have enough information to vote and James Chaney explained that the spreadsheet for this location was sent previously. Afterword, the motion was tabled until further notice.


2. Highway Vending by Ray O'Dell: This subcommittee has not had meetings. Ray O'Dell raised concerns about vending machine stickers and snow removal. Information was provided on handling sidewalks and how to file a complaint to MDOT if snow removal is not being handled in a timely fashion.


3. Resolutions Ad-Hoc by Shane Jackson: He stated that the committee discussed lowering profit percentages for other locations.


4. Locations and Repairs by Hazell Brooks: The operator at the Operation's Center expressed concerns that a piece of equipment was not accessible and inquired whether training could be provided. A suggestion was made to combine the Mayson and the Hannah Buildings and test a 

365 system. A recommendation was made for locations that are not doing well.


5. Marketing and Technology by Nathan Prater: He informed the committee that new RSA information was posted on his website. Discussion took place on a pole in which operators could vote on how they felt about the current promulgated rules and the new ones. Members expressed their opinions about the pole and concern was raised regarding screening.


6. Workshop by Marlene Rothenhauser: The subcommittee reviewed the agenda presented by the previous subcommittee chair. A revised copy has been sent to committee members and a brief overview was given. Some of the highlights included speakers for break-out sessions. A motion 

was read regarding attendance and there was discussion on who would be best suited for facilitation. After discussion, the motion was amended as follows:


That all name tags be mandatory worn be punched at time of each session and at the end of the Sunday business meeting, they be turned into Camille Jones and upon receipt will be given back to operators. It passed via voice vote. Because of concerns raised about submitting questions ahead of time, James Hull stated that Ed Rodgers agreed to answer questions on the spot as long as the subject matter is submitted in advance. It was also learned that a hotel will be determined within the next two weeks. Marlene Rothenhauser would like to hold a meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2014, to discuss a TV as a grand prize. No public comment took place.


Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM.


Preparation and Distribution of Minutes by Jennifer Doroh:


Minutes were completed by Jennifer Doroh on Monday, March 24, 2014.


Minutes were approved by the chair on Monday, March 24, 2014.







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