[nfbmi-talk] What do people want to learn?

Lydia Anne Schuck lydia.a.schuck at wmich.edu
Fri Apr 25 13:04:33 UTC 2014

Hello list friends,

I know the term "needs assessment" makes people groan, but at the last quarterly board meeting, we talked about surveying blind people and parents of blind kids to find out ways in which the NFB could serve them, and in turn, encourage them to be part of the NFB family.

I am trying to make a list of skills that people in our group might want to learn. I will post my list below, but I am writing to ask you to think about what skills other blind people or children might want.  You can post your ideas right back to me via the listserv. By the way, if there is a skill you could teach someone, you could mention that, too. 

General Skills
Kitchen skills 
Cleaning and basic home maintenance
Social Interaction
Applying to take college or other courses
Accounting for a business
Keeping track of your expenses and earnings
Using a debit card

Using Technology
Using a computer to write a letter
Using the internet
Using email
Using phone apps

Skills of blindness
Slate and stylus
Basics in using a cane to travel
Advanced skills in using a cane
Working with a guide dog

Lydia Schuck

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