[nfbmi-talk] Fw: FOIA Response to Request for Information on Consumer Satisfaction Survey BSBP Older Blind

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Aug 20 03:38:29 UTC 2014

----- Original Message ----- 
From: joe harcz Comcast 
To: Haynes, Carla (LARA) 
Cc: Rodgers, Edward (LARA) ; Luzenski, Sue (LARA) ; Pemble, Mike (LARA) ; Belknap, Katie (LARA) ; Jones, Leamon (LARA) ; Gaston, Diamalyn (LARA) 
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 11:20 PM
Subject: Re: FOIA Response to Request for Information on Consumer Satisfaction Survey BSBP Older Blind

Dear Ms. Haynes and All,

Can you count in the following response as documented in this dated response albeit most untimely all of the various and sundry, and again documented violations of the very Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which funds your livelihood and others whilst you and others with impunity, within the very Rehabilitation  Act abuse, ignore, and otherwise violate the rights, and benefits and activities of which you are funded to support under this very act?

And, cannot you or RSA read even these simple and forthright responses to these even rummid responses and thus, construe that something ain't right in "paradise" unless, of course one might be just like most of BSBP and one is "sighted, non-disabled, and totally incapable of working in any meaningful capacity in the real world of work as demonstrable over and over again".

The outrage; utter outrage of your continued so-called FOIIA garbage here Ms. Haynes belies the fact that you and your minions wouldn't even make a simple paycheck without we the very people you abuse and despise.

And Madame let me tell ya, I don't think much of the abilities of anyone I've every seen especially in management of BSBP. Shoot none of you hacks can answer sum[ple questions without puncing a perverse calculator and coming up with some outrageous notion of value for your miserable existence.

And I repeat here for the record....None of you miserable folks can put a word to paper in accessible form to actually justify the of thousands, and indeed millions of dollars in federal funds that support your livelihoods such as they are and under the perverted provinces they are secured.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Haynes, Carla (LARA) 
  To: joe harcz Comcast 
  Cc: Rodgers, Edward (LARA) ; Luzenski, Sue (LARA) ; Pemble, Mike (LARA) ; Belknap, Katie (LARA) ; Jones, Leamon (LARA) ; Gaston, Diamalyn (LARA) 
  Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 2:58 PM
  Subject: FOIA Response to Request for Information on Consumer Satisfaction Survey BSBP Older Blind

  July 25, 2014


  Mr. Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

  E-mail: joeharcz at comcast.net

  1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

  Mt. Morris, MI 48458


  Re:  FOIA Response to Request for Information on Consumer Satisfaction Survey BSBP Older Blind


  Dear Mr. Harcz, Jr.:


  This letter is in response to your June 17, 2014, email request for information, received by this office on June 19, 2014, of which an extension was taken to July 3, 2014.  The Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP) is processing this request under the state's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), MCL 15.231 et seq.


  You have requested information that you describe as per your email which is attached.  It is not the purpose of the FOIA to permit persons to secure, from a public body, answers to questions, see MCL 15.232, Section 2(h).


  However, in the spirit of cooperation, attached please find a copy of the 2014 Consumer Satisfaction Survey along with a cover memorandum describing the methods used in the survey.  Please note that this survey is not exclusive to our Older Blind program.




  Carla Miller Haynes, FOIA Coordinator

  Bureau of Services for Blind Persons

  Attachments - 2:  Email Request for Information & Consumer Satisfaction Survey

  cc:     Edward F. Rodgers II, Sue Luzenski

  Mike Pemble, Katie Belknap

            Leamon Jones, Diamalyn Gaston

  From: joe harcz Comcast [mailto:joeharcz at comcast.net]  

  Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 11:17 AM 

  To: Rodgers, Edward (LARA) 

  Cc: Luzenski, Sue (LARA); Jones, Leamon (LARA); Timothy Beatty RSA; valarie Barnum Yarger MISILC; 

  Sarah Gravetti; nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org; BRIAN SABOURIN; Elmer Cerano MPAS; Gary Gaynor; 

  commissioner-hudson at outlook.com; BSBPcommissioners 

  Subject: consumer satisfaction ob request


  June 17 2014 Consumer Satisfaction Survey BSBP Older Blind


  Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.

  1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.

  Mt. Morris, MI 48458

  joeharcz at comcast.net




  Edward F. Rodgers II, Director

  Mich. Bureau Services for Blind Persons

  Leemon Jones, BSBP

  Sue Luzenski, BSBP

  (Via E-mail)



  Dear Mr. Rodgers,


  I point your attention to the following:



  Annual Report - Independent Living Services For Older Individuals Who Are Blind


  RSA-7-OB for Bureau of Services for Blind Persons - H177B130022 report through September 30, 2013.





  C. Briefly summarize results from any of the most recent evaluations or satisfaction surveys conducted for your program and attach a copy of applicable reports.


  The Bureau is in the process of conducting a satisfaction survey for the program and results will be available in 2014."



  Now, I have the following questions and requests:


  1. Just who or what entity conducted or is conducting this survey?

  2. What instrument or tool was used for said alleged survey, and what format or formats was it conducted in?

  3. I am requesting, as a blind consumer advocate a copy of said instrument or "tool" in my most accessible format pursuant to obligations Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II, of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (subpart e, communications). To wit send me this instrument, tool or questionnaire as either a plain text enclosure or attachment to my e-mail address listed above.


  Thank you for your prompt and accessible response to this inquiry.


  Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.



  Cc: TB, RSA

  Cc: MI SILc, ED and Chair

  Cc: NFB MI


  Cc: BSBP Commission














  Date:          January 31, 2014


  To:              Leamon Jones


  From:         Bob Robertson


  Re:             Satisfaction Survey               



  In early December of 2013,  a total of 500 notices were sent to consumers of the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP) advising them that someone would be contacting them in the near future to get their opinions on the services provided by the agency. That notice was sent in large print and Braille. 


  Approximately 10 days later, student assistants working for BSBP began contacting those individuals by phone. The student assistants were given instruction on how to introduce themselves, how to complete the survey form, and what to do if the individual wanted to talk to someone or refused to respond to the questions.  A total of 181 surveys (36%) were completed.  The rest were not done because either the phone number was no longer valid, the person refused to answer, or they couldn't be reached after numerous attempts.


  The completed forms were then given to me and I compiled the responses. This report provides the results of the survey. If the respondent made some additional comments, I have included those later in the report.  For each question, I have indicated the number of replies for each possible answer.


  Survey & Responses:



  1.   What was the primary reason you applied for services?


  a.   Help finding a job   56

  b.   Vocational training or schooling   56

  c.   Receive assistance to live more independently   69

  d.   I had a job and needed help to keep the job   6

  e.   My family suggested it   9

  f.     I was afraid to go places alone   4

  g.   To become an operator in the Bus. Enterprise Prog   6

  h.   Other (please specify):


  -      Small business planning   2

  -      Referred by doctor   3

  -      A friend suggested   1

  -      Assistive Technology   3

  -      Losing sight, needed help   8

  -      Needed glasses to drive   2

  -      All of the above   1



  2.   Have you attended a program at the Training Center in Kalamazoo?


  Yes   71 (39%)                       No   110 (61%)


  If yes, how satisfied were you with the services?


                     Very                     Somewhat                    Not at all

                        l - - - - - l - - - - - - - - l - - - - - - - - - l - - - - - l


                     39         13               13                  1            4  

                    (55%)    (18%)        (18%)             (1.5%)   (6%)


                     (one person said "don't remember")




  3.   Did you have a say in determining which services were provided, the doctor you visited, the job goal on the rehabilitation plan, the school you attended, etc.?


  1 - Yes                         129 (73%)

  2 - No                           25 (14%)

  3 - It wasn't an issue            23 (13%)



  4.   How often were materials and documents provided to you in your preferred format?


  1 - Always                    99 (56%)

  2 - Most of the time     31 (18%)

  3 - Sometimes             33 (19%)

  4 - Never                      14 (8%)


  5.   Have you received job placement services from the agency?


  Yes   31 (17%)                       No   149 (83%)


  If yes, were you satisfied with the assistance you received?


            1 - Very satisfied                  15 (48%)

            2 - Somewhat satisfied        11 (35%)

            3 - Not at all satisfied           4 (13%)



  -      Didn't get a job but very helpful

  -      Terrible services

  -      Not bringing anything new from what she could find

  -      She was in BEP for a while

  -      He's receiving help with his own business plan

  -      Currently unemployed, the job he had was part-time

  -      Wants to create own job because of lack of transportation; no help getting equipment

  -      Services are good. Just haven't landed a job

  -      Found my own job but help was offered

  -      Connected with a job coach

  6.   To what extent did the services provided to you by the agency help you develop a more positive attitude about your blindness?


  1 - A great deal  87 (49%)

                               2 - Somewhat   59 (33%)

  3     - Not at all      31 (18%)



  7.   Overall, how satisfied are you with the services you received?


  1 - Very satisfied                  108 (60%)

  2 - Somewhat satisfied        60 (33%)

  3 - Not at all satisfied   1      2 (7%)



  8.   Would you refer a blind friend or family member to the agency for services?


  Yes   162 (92%)                              No   15 (8%)


  (2   people said "not sure")



  9.   How satisfied are you with the communication between you and your counselor or teacher?


  1 - Very satisfied                  70 (39%)

  2 - Satisfied                           33 (18%)

  3 - Somewhat satisfied        42 (23%)

  4 - Not at all satisfied           35 (19%)










  10.               What county do you live in?


  Wayne - 41

  Oakland - 27

  Kent - 17

  Ingham - 14

  Macomb - 12

  Kalamazoo - 9

  Ottawa - 6

  Genesee - 6

  St Clair - 5

  Livingston - 3

  Washtenaw - 3

  Branch - 3

  Ionia - 2

  Gratiot - 2

  Lapeer - 2

  Emmet - 2

  Saginaw - 2

  Berrien - 2

  Marquette - 2

  Isabella - 2

  Allegan - 1

  Grand Traverse - 1

  Monroe - 1

  Gladwin - 1

  Tuscola - 1

  Lenawee - 1

  Manistee - 1

  Arenac - 1

  Wexford - 1

  Missaukee - 1

  Muskegon - 1

  Clinton - 1





  Carla Miller Haynes

  LARA Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP)

  201 N. Washington Square, 2nd Floor

  P.O. Box 30652

  Lansing, MI  48909

  Telephone:  517-373-2063 or Toll-Free 1-800-292-4200

  Fax:  517-335-5140




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