[nfbmi-talk] Job Posting - Dept Analyst in Lansing

Terry D. Eagle terrydeagle at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 29 04:58:15 UTC 2014

I wonderc who has a lover now that needs a job now within BS4Bp and BADP.
If past practice is an indicator, certainly a highly qualified blind person
will not get an interview, let alone the position, from the civil service
list.  You can see my confidence in the Bureau's dedication to the
employment of qualified blind persons within the agency allegedly serving
the training and employment needs of blind persons in Michigan.  One would
think the BS4BP and LARA would run out of family members, friends, and
lovers, so the BS4BP would no longer have a need to create positions, or
perhaps the BS4BP simply needs to expend more of the $26 million budget on
administration, since the service funds for rehabilitation of blind persons
for training, employment, and job retention is not trickling down to the
blind agency consumer.

I view the BS4BP as having the same problems as those recently exposed about
the Veteran's Administration, just on a micro level, yet the same results;
eligible consumers unserved, and the death of career and job dreams of blind
individual persons killed in vast numbers statewide, as the training and
employments go unanswered.  All BS4Bp cares about is case closures despite
unmet training and employment needs identified for individual blind persons
as agency consumers of service.

That raises an additional question from a public agency administration
standpoint.  If timely and accurate data were made available, of the
consumers actual served to successful closure to training and employment,
what is the job retention rate of those individuals actually placed in
competitive employment?.

Has anyone heard any member of the governor appointed BS4BP Advisory
Commission ask such a question and similar rehabilitationemployment  and
business outcome results questions?

As the position post indicates, the BADP is once again hiring another
administrative position, one year into BADP's inception, with approximately
1/2 $1,000,000 expended on administration, with what results?  The only fact
known is that Rob Essenberg has hired all SIGHTED friend, former co-workers,
and intimate relations of at least one other agency paid position, and each
and every person has no knowledge or experience in blindness, rehabilitation
of the blind, training or training of blind persons, and business and public
management or administration., compared to the highest to least qualified
blind persons who have applied for the various positions within BADP, and
did not even get an interview, except for one interview granted to one blind
person for a student assistant position, and even then, that person was
asked if he possessed a driver's license, as Rob Essenberg was seeking a
driver and reader for his use.  It is presumed if that blind person was one
of the licensed blind drivers in Michigan, he may have stood a chance for a
low-level agency position, wich is well below that blind person's training
and experience.

That raises another question.  Does the agency no longer accommodate its'
blind persons with readers and drivers as needed.  The obvious answer is:
that has not been an issue for some period of time, as the agency has
demonstrated that administration has not and will not hire highly qualified
blind persons, from student assistant, to receptionist, to top management.
I guess the agency staff and management have no blind family members,
friends, or lovers in need of a job.

I approved this unsensored message.
-----Original Message-----
From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Larry
Posont via nfbmi-talk
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 6:20 PM
To: nfbmi-talk
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Job Posting - Dept Analyst in Lansing

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
7189 Connors Rd.
Munising, MI 49862

August 28, 2014

Dear Michigan Federationists:

     Here is some information you may wish to read. I would like you
to have this information about job postings from the Bureau of
Services to Blind Persons.

Larry Posont
 National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
 (906) 387-3546
Email: president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
 Web page: www.nfbmi.org

Munising home of the beautiful Pictured Rocks.

On 8/28/14, Robertson, Bob (LARA) <robertsonb2 at michigan.gov> wrote:
> The Bureau of Services for Blind Persons has an opening for a Departmental
> Analyst 9-11 in the Business Assistance & Development Program located in
> Lansing. The posting expires at the close of business on Friday, September
> 5.  More detailed information about this position can be found on the
> Michigan Department of Civil Service website:
> If you need further information about this job, contact Rob Essenberg at
> 517-373-2062.
> Bob Robertson
> BSBP - Lansing Central Office

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