[nfbmi-talk] Fw: Job Opportunity

Fred Wurtzel f.wurtzel at att.net
Thu Dec 4 02:47:08 UTC 2014

RHello Joe,

Yes, you have documented, as you put it, a lot of reprehensible behavior.  I
am simply saying that it is time for something that will begin to resolve
the problem.  I'm asking for us all to think creatively about an approach
which will move us off dead center.  I have read with sadness your other
posts of the past few minutes.  Lashing out at those of us who are just as
concerned, angry and disgusted as you are will only serve to undermine all
of our morale and motivation to work together.  I was thinking of you and my
fellow federationists when I mentioned smart and motivated people.  I
suppose you can choose to attack us all, or you can think up another tactic
which may be more effective.  I'm not saying that you should not continue to
"document" things.  We now have a list for that purpose.  I am asking to
create a broad and positive conversation on this list of possible means of
making change.  "Documentation" could be a part of this, in fact, if we get
to a place where anyone will listen to us, this body of information may be
helpful if it can be organized in a concise and targeted way.

Anyway, I don't intend to engage in any negative or hurtful dialogue with
you or any of my fellow federationists.  Name-calling and attacks are
old-school and negative.  It is time for positive collective action which is
directed at the culprits, not at ourselves.

Warm Regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of joe
harcz Comcast via nfbmi-talk
Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 8:07 PM
To: nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Fw: Job Opportunity

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "joe harcz Comcast" <joeharcz at comcast.net>
To: "Fred Wurtzel" <f.wurtzel at att.net>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Job Opportunity

> Bluster? My Goodness. I've documented over the decades and not just years 
> systemic and specific violations of individual and collective civil 
> rights.
> Not only is it time to sue individually and collectively it is long since 
> past time to do so.
> Unless you think we who are blind are children of a lessor God or a lessor

> civil/human rights law(s).
> If the latter is the case just say so.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Fred Wurtzel" <f.wurtzel at att.net>
> To: "'joe harcz Comcast'" <joeharcz at comcast.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 4:19 PM
> Subject: RE: [nfbmi-talk] Job Opportunity
>> Hi Joe,
>> Ok, we all know what you say.  Continuing to do the same thing over,
>> expecting different results is sometimes called insanity.
>> We need to create a new way to resolve this.  Continuing to bluster is 
>> not
>> enough.  We need to find a new way forward.  The ball is in our court. 
>> It
>> is us who want change.  There is no incentive on BS4BP's side to change
>> anything.  We need to provide that incentive, somehow.  I am presently 
>> dry
>> of new ideas to try.  Maybe, together, we can think up some positive,
>> creative and effective ways of making change happen.  We definitely have
>> members who are smart, have energy and are capable of acting.  Let's work

>> on
>> acting.
>> Warmest Regards,
>> Fred
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: joe harcz Comcast [mailto:joeharcz at comcast.net]
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 2:17 PM
>> To: Fred Wurtzel; NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Job Opportunity
>> Bob Robertson has been doing the same four, cherry picked VR file studies
>> for thirty plus years Fred! He had that so-called charge under Peterson,
>> Cannon and now Rodgers.
>> These scofflaws don't know how to meet deadlines yet keep on keeping on 
>> and
>> getting pay for work undone and not to mention exploitation and abuse of
>> those they are paid to serve quite handsomely I might add.
>> The only work these folks know is work avoidance while they chit and chat

>> in
>> back rooms about how blind folks try to game the system in trying to get 
>> a
>> little rehab or assistive technology.
>> These are nothing short of scum of the earth who continually exploit 
>> again
>> the people they are charged with liberating.
>> The vision-twenty-twenty thing was a scam from the get go and all about 
>> spin
>> and control over the agenda and ambiguity and form over substance. It was
>> pure Orwellian double-speak.
>> Now since the Executive Order 2012-10 and all of the fallout the powers 
>> that
>> be don't even pretend. They just steal the money and run.
>> Check out how many blind folks are hired at $13 per hour plus to do all 
>> of
>> this or that as so-called student assistants. And check out all of the 
>> blind
>> people running the BADP program sans the ultimate sellout Essenberg. The
>> answer Fred is precisely zero blind folks are working in BSBP under these
>> programs!
>> Zero. Nada. Nothing!
>> Not even one token.
>> Now let us get back in to the ring and re-invent the wheel and go back to
>> the same abusers with the same old approach and ask for a different 
>> outcome.
>> Or let us demand that the federal laws and the federal civil rights of we
>> who are blind and other PWD are followed and that we launch every action
>> within our disposal to ensure such rather than dancing around with the 
>> same
>> poisons snakes who bit us over and over again and who have literally 
>> killed
>> off the hopes, dreams and aspirations of a generation of blind folks here

>> in
>> Michigan.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Fred Wurtzel via nfbmi-talk" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>> To: <terrydeagle at yahoo.com>; "'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'"
>> <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 11:48 AM
>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Job Opportunity
>>> Hello terry,
>>> Bob Robertson is supposed to do these things.  MCB nor BS4BP has ever 
>>> done
>>> these functions adequately.  In the beginning, the 2020 process had
>>> promise
>>> of doing some of these things until it was clear that management was
>>> unhappy
>>> with some of the directions which were emerging.
>>> We need to develop a strategy to disrupt the status quo at BS4BP unless 
>>> we
>>> enjoy  being abused on an ongoing basis.  Clearly, BS4BP is not coming 
>>> to
>>> us.  We need to figure out how to carry the fight to them.
>>> Warmest Regards,
>>> Fred
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of 
>>> Terry
>>> D. Eagle via nfbmi-talk
>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 8:33 AM
>>> To: 'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'
>>> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Job Opportunity
>>> How sad and too bad the functions of this position are absent in 
>>> Michigan
>>> rehabilitation services to the blind of Michigan.
>>> Vocational Rehabilitation Manager (PCN 05-2106)
>>> Workplace Alaska - Anchorage, AK
>>> The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of
>>> Vocational
>>> Rehabilitation is recruiting for a Vocational Rehabilitation Manager for
>>> their Anchorage
>>> area.
>>> The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) is recruiting for an
>>> experienced
>>> vocational rehabilitation professional that will be able to assume a 
>>> broad
>>> range
>>> of managerial duties of the Anchorage-Western Region with an office in
>>> Anchorage;
>>> the incumbent is also responsible of VR service provisions to Nome,
>>> Kotzebue, Bethel,
>>> and surrounding areas.
>>> The manager will assist and direct counselors and assistants in the
>>> delivery of
>>> services to individuals with disabilities seeking entry or re-entry into
>>> the
>>> workforce.
>>> Additionally, the manager will ensure the quality of rehabilitation
>>> services
>>> through
>>> monitoring and oversight. A key component of this position is to train
>>> professional
>>> rehabilitation counselors regarding clinical, policy and ethical issues 
>>> in
>>> service
>>> delivery; participate on agency management team in strategic planning 
>>> and
>>> policy
>>> development; and monitor documentation of casework for compliance with
>>> state
>>> and
>>> federal regulations.
>>> Examples of Duties:
>>> Plan, organize, coordinate, and supervise the daily operation of all
>>> office
>>> sites
>>> in a region or equivalent catchment geographical area.
>>> Direct and facilitate the formation and progress of self-managed work
>>> teams;
>>> identify
>>> and resolve problems and issues through additional training and
>>> encouragement towards
>>> team and individual empowerment. Assists in consensus building; helps 
>>> team
>>> members
>>> redefine roles and responsibilities; develops feedback systems for team
>>> members.
>>> Delegates decision making responsibilities to teams and employees as
>>> growth
>>> toward
>>> self-empowerment increases.
>>> Develops methods for achieving involvement of individuals with
>>> disabilities
>>> in the
>>> rehabilitation process.
>>> Selects/participates in the selection of employees; assures that
>>> performance
>>> evaluations
>>> are completed; prepares or assists in the preparation of evaluations by
>>> individual
>>> teams. Acts as regional arbiter of personnel disputes, grievances and
>>> assignment
>>> of work while encouraging teams to participate in these functions.
>>> Meets with community organizations and advocacy groups to explain and 
>>> find
>>> support
>>> for division programs. Listens to concerns and encourages participation 
>>> in
>>> rehabilitation
>>> program efforts. Works toward achieving acceptance of individuals with
>>> disabilities
>>> by employers, schools, service providers, etc.
>>> Develops regional plans based upon the division's strategic plan by
>>> holding
>>> community
>>> forums. Integrates the needs and concerns of providers, public,
>>> individuals
>>> with
>>> disabilities and staff.
>>> Finalizes and approves the regional budget and accompanying plan to
>>> accomplish the
>>> objectives of the region and agency within the geographic areas of the
>>> region. In
>>> a similar manner plans and budgets for case services, commodities,
>>> equipment, travel
>>> and contractual services.
>>> Assists central office and regional personnel in the review of service
>>> providers
>>> to assure that contractual responsibilities and the needs of individuals
>>> with disabilities
>>> are met.
>>> Participates in the development of division procedural guidelines. 
>>> Manages
>>> and balances
>>> statewide resources for individuals with disabilities to ensure
>>> individual's
>>> service
>>> needs are met.
>>> Trains new and existing staff on the vocational rehabilitation process,
>>> new
>>> programs,
>>> division policy, laws, regulations, and ethics. In conjunction with the
>>> division's
>>> training coordinator, analyzes staff training needs, develops 
>>> curriculum,
>>> and presents
>>> training courses on a regional and occasional statewide basis.
>>> The division is looking to recruit a candidate with the following
>>> knowledge,
>>> skills,
>>> and abilities
>>> ( please note that the following bullet points will need to be 
>>> highlighted
>>> in your
>>> cover letter, along with additional information that is outlined in the
>>> "Cover Letter"
>>> section below . Please see the "additional required information" section
>>> for
>>> further
>>> instructions )
>>> :
>>> d Experience ineffective development, implementation, management,
>>> continuous
>>> improvement
>>> and innovation of vocational rehabilitation related services including 
>>> on
>>> a
>>> statewide
>>> level for persons with disabilities;
>>> d Ability to work independently as well as collaborate with team members
>>> to
>>> establish,
>>> implement and achieve successful outcomes related to agency strategic
>>> plans
>>> and goals;
>>> d Ability to serve in a lead role as a supervisor, mentor and/or team
>>> leader
>>> regarding
>>> the successful development, innovation, sustainability and continuous
>>> improvement
>>> of various initiatives;
>>> d Experience with successfully developing, implementing and sustaining
>>> cross-agency
>>> collaboration to enhance employment outcomes for persons with
>>> disabilities;
>>> d Strong professional communications skills, both verbal and written,
>>> including communicating
>>> with a wide variety of audiences;
>>> d Strong organizational skills with the ability to discern and 
>>> prioritize
>>> critical
>>> tasks;
>>> d Ability to efficiently manage multiple tasks and to meet varying,
>>> sometimes overlapping
>>> timelines and goals;
>>> d Flexibility and willingness to work in an environment with changing
>>> priorities;
>>> d Ability to work with confidential, sensitive information; and
>>> d Fluency with MS Office 2007 applications with an emphasis on managing
>>> Outlook email,
>>> tasks and calendar events.
>>> For more information on the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and 
>>> our
>>> mission,
>>> please review the following web site: http://www.labor.alaska.gov/dvr/
>>> Minimum Qualifications:
>>> A Certification in Rehabilitation Counseling (CRC) from the Commission 
>>> on
>>> Rehabilitation
>>> Counselor Certification.
>>> AND Either
>>> Two years of advanced professional vocational rehabilitation counseling
>>> experience.
>>> The required experience includes work such as a Vocational 
>>> Rehabilitation
>>> Counselor
>>> III with the State of Alaska or the equivalent elsewhere.
>>> OR
>>> One year of expert, consultant professional vocational counseling
>>> experience. The
>>> required experience includes work such as a Vocational Rehabilitation
>>> Counselor IV
>>> with the State of Alaska or the equivalent elsewhere.
>>> OR
>>> One year of experience managing or coordinating the delivery of
>>> rehabilitation or
>>> career counseling, specialized education, vocational evaluation, or 
>>> other
>>> services
>>> to people with disabilities.
>>> Additional Required Information:
>>> In addition to answering the supplemental question regarding how you 
>>> meet
>>> the minimum
>>> qualifications for this position, applicants are ALSO required to attach

>>> a
>>> cover
>>> letter to be considered for this position. If you do not provide a Cover
>>> Letter,
>>> following the instructions outlined below, you will NOT advance to the
>>> next
>>> step
>>> in the recruitment process and your application will be processed as
>>> Your cover letter must provide the following information:
>>> d Provide a detailed explanation of how you meet the minimum
>>> qualifications
>>> listed
>>> in the job announcement. Please describe your education and/or work
>>> experience as
>>> it relates to the minimum qualifications of this position.
>>> d The cover letter must highlight your knowledge, skills and abilities 
>>> as
>>> they pertain
>>> to the information outlined in the job description above. Give a 
>>> specific
>>> example,
>>> in its own separate paragraph, to demonstrate your experience for each 
>>> of
>>> the numbered
>>> traits.
>>> d The cover letter will be used as a writing sample and should be
>>> formatted
>>> in the
>>> traditional letter style complete with date, inside address, subject 
>>> line,
>>> salutation,
>>> body of letter, complimentary close, and signature block. Applicants are
>>> advised
>>> to pay particular attention to spelling, punctuation and grammar.
>>> Paragraphs
>>> in the
>>> body of the letter may be numbered or bulleted.
>>> Please attach the cover letter to your application before submitting it
>>> online or,
>>> if unable to attach to your application, email it to the contact number
>>> provided
>>> in the job posting (if email is not an option, please call the contact
>>> person to
>>> obtain a fax number). Applicant Profiles and Job Qualification Summaries
>>> will be
>>> reviewed to determine if the minimum qualifications are clearly met. If
>>> they
>>> are
>>> not clearly supported, you will not advance to the interview phase of 
>>> the
>>> recruitment.
>>> If you are selected for an interview, please provide the following at 
>>> the
>>> time of
>>> the interview:
>>> d Resume, with detailed professional work history;
>>> d Names and daytime telephone numbers of three (3) professional
>>> references;
>>> d University/college transcripts;
>>> d Certified Rehabilitation Counselor certificate; and
>>> d Two (2) most recent job performance evaluations. If evaluations are
>>> unavailable,
>>> please provide two (2) letters of recommendation from past employers.
>>> You can ONLY apply for this position through the Workplace Alaska 
>>> website.
>>> If you
>>> accessed this recruitment bulletin through a job search portal such as
>>> ALEXsys or
>>> any other database, you MUST use a Workplace Alaska login to 
>>> successfully
>>> apply.
>>> If post-secondary education is required to meet the minimum
>>> qualifications,
>>> you
>>> must fill in the Education section of the application. If you have not
>>> obtained a
>>> degree, please indicate the number of units completed. Copies of
>>> transcripts
>>> are
>>> required to verify educational credentials if used to meet the minimum
>>> qualifications
>>> for a position. Transcripts can be attached at the time of application 
>>> or
>>> provided
>>> at the time of interview.
>>> Education completed in foreign colleges or universities may be used to
>>> meet
>>> the
>>> above requirements, if applicable. If utilizing this education you must
>>> show
>>> that
>>> the education credentials have been submitted to a private organization
>>> that
>>> specializes
>>> in interpretation of foreign educational credentials and that such
>>> education
>>> has
>>> been deemed to be at least equivalent to that gained in conventional 
>>> U.S.
>>> education
>>> programs; or an accredited U.S. state university reports the other
>>> institution as
>>> one whose transcript is given full value, or full value is given in
>>> subject
>>> areas
>>> applicable to the curricula at the state university. It is your
>>> responsibility to
>>> provide such evidence when applying.
>>> If using work experience not already documented in your application, 
>>> also
>>> provide
>>> the employer name, your job title, dates of employment, and whether
>>> full-or
>>> part-time.
>>> Applications will be reviewed to determine if the responses are 
>>> supported
>>> and minimum
>>> qualifications are clearly met. If they are not, the applicant may not
>>> advance to
>>> the interview and selection phase of the recruitment.
>>> This recruitment may be used for more than one (1) vacancy. The 
>>> applicant
>>> pool acquired
>>> during this recruitment may be used for future vacancies for up to 
>>> ninety
>>> (90) days
>>> after this recruitment closes. Interested applicants are encouraged to
>>> apply
>>> to each
>>> recruitment notice to ensure consideration for all vacancies.
>>> Questions regarding the application process can be directed to the
>>> Workplace Alaska
>>> hotline at 800-587-0430 (toll free) or (907) 465- 4095. If you choose to
>>> be
>>> contacted
>>> by email, please ensure your email address is correct on your 
>>> application
>>> and that
>>> the spam filter will permit email from the 'govermentjobs.com' domains.
>>> For
>>> information
>>> on allowing emails from the 'governmentjobs.com' domains, visit the Lost
>>> Password
>>> Help page located at
>>> https://www.governmentjobs.com/js_lostpswd.cfm?&topheader=alaska .
>>> The State of Alaska complies with Title I of the Americans with
>>> Disabilities Act
>>> (ADA). Individuals with disabilities, who require accommodation, 
>>> auxiliary
>>> aides
>>> or services, or alternative communication formats, please call
>>> 1-800-587-0430 or
>>> 465-4095 in Juneau or (907) 465-3412 (TTY) or correspond with the 
>>> Division
>>> of Personnel
>>> & Labor Relations at: P. O. Box 110201, Juneau, AK 99811-0201. The State
>>> of
>>> Alaska
>>> is an equal opportunity employer.
>>> Contact Information:
>>> Questions regarding application submission or system operation errors
>>> should be
>>> directed to the Workplace Alaska hotline at 1-800-587-0430 (toll free) 
>>> or
>>> (907) 465-4095
>>> if you are located in the Juneau area. Requests for information may also
>>> be
>>> emailed
>>> to:
>>> recruitment.services at alaska.gov .
>>> For applicant password assistance please visit:
>>> https://www.governmentjobs.com/js_lostpswd.cfm?&topheader=alaska
>>> For specific information in reference to the position please contact the
>>> hiring
>>> manager at:
>>> Mariah Krueger
>>> Chief of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
>>> mariah.krueger at alaska.gov
>>> (907) 269-3559
>>> Workplace Alaska  - 8 days ago
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