[nfbmi-talk] blind man runs for ma sos
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Sun Feb 9 14:01:42 UTC 2014
Malden City Councillor Announces Secretary of State Candidacy - Government - Malden, MA Patch
The following is from Dave D'Arcangelo's campaign.
While praising incumbent Bill Galvin for his years of dedicated service to the Commonwealth, Malden City Councilor at-Large Dave D’Arcangelo today announced
that he is running for the Republican nomination for Secretary of State because it was time to bring a fresh perspective to an office that has been under
the same management for more than two decades.
“Bill Galvin has served our Commonwealth honorably and I deeply respect his service to Massachusetts, but after more than 20 years it’s time for a change,”
said D’Arcangelo. “We need to modernize the Secretary of State’s office and expand its role in bringing transparency to state and local government. If
elected, I will work with people in both parties to do just that.”
“We can increase voter participation through new technologies, such as electronic voting and registration, and we can increase government accountability
by making records and public documents more easily accessible to the public and the press,” he continued, noting that the Secretary of State is responsible
for the proper administration of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). He said that the recent passage of Senate Bill 1975 to modernize elections is
a good start and urged its passage through the legislative process and signing into law.
D’Arcangelo’s public sector experience includes working in the Administrations of three Governors and in the State Legislature, as well as serving on the
Massachusetts Commission for the Blind Rehabilitation Council for two terms under both Governors Mitt Romney and Deval Patrick. Dave is now serving his
second term as a City Councilor at-Large in Malden.
Outside of government, Dave founded and serves as Managing Director of Arc Angel Communications, a public relations and social media firm. Prior to that,
Dave was the Chief Communications Officer for M & L Transit Systems, Inc. and the Regional Development Manager for CSI Support & Development Services.
“People are starving for elected officials who put results ahead of rhetoric…and that will be the hallmark of my tenure as Secretary of State,” said D’Arcangelo.
“I am dedicated to bringing common sense and bipartisan leadership to Beacon Hill.”
D’Arcangelo, who is legally blind after being born with the rare eye disease Retinoschisis, and whose daughter has been diagnosed with autism, said he wants
to inspire those with disabilities throughout the Commonwealth to dream big and exceed expectations others set for them.
“I never let my disability define me, let alone defeat me,” said D’Arcangelo. “That’s why when people warn me that running against a longtime incumbent
is a losing proposition, I simply smile and remind them that I’ve won much tougher fights,” added D’Arcangelo, who also served as Chair of the Massachusetts
Commission for the Blind Rehabilitation Council and served on the Braille Literacy Advisory Council.
“My personal experience lets me put politics into proper perspective and helps me relate to the people of our Commonwealth who are facing real challenges
every single day to pay their bills, afford college, hold onto their jobs and build a better life for them and their families.”
To gain knowledge of the election process and fill a growing need for poll workers, Dave served the City of Boston as an election officer, with experience
as a Warden, Clerk, and Inspector.
“Ensuring free and fair elections is a core responsibility of the Secretary of State, and my experience on the ground level for many years has provided
me with an intimate knowledge of what happens at individual precincts during an election and knowing what changes need to be made to improve the system
for voters.”
Dave and his wife Lisa live in Malden with their daughter.
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