[nfbmi-talk] bsbp accomplishment report to mcrs

Christine Boone christineboone2 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 21:56:37 UTC 2014

This agency is a sham and a shambles. The Rehabilitation Act is really not that complicated. Neither is the Randolph Sheppard Act, or the Michigan Constitution. One does not need a law degree to understand any of these statutes and mandates, but it is truly beyond my ken how someone who holds himself out as a Michigan lawyer could have such utter noncomprehension, and/or slatternly disregard for these laws and their properly prommelgated Regulations.  Furthermore, Mike Zimmer is yet another lawyer who permits the abuse of state and federal authority and missappropriation of state and federal funds. Would that we could have seen right, rationalism and public responsibility exercised in the Department of Licensing & Regulatory Affairs, but I do not believe that this is even possible with the current crop of executives suckling at the public trough.   


> On Feb 11, 2014, at 3:59 PM, "joe harcz Comcast" <joeharcz at comcast.net> wrote:
> This is the lying and innaccurate, non-data driven report submitted to MCRS our Statewide Rehab Council for FY 2013....Oh and the numbers on closures don't reflect the fact they in the State Plan failed three of six standards and indicators. And don't we all love the note that BAD-P attended the National Federation "for" the Blind convention?
> Their words not mine. Man that Mike Pemble sure knows his Rehab Act eh? This stuff is simply sick, sick and trully perveted.
> By the way what does it mean they "closed more files"? What utter nonsense this is. And the feds fund these clowns?
> Joe
> FY 2013 was one of transition and accomplishments for the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSPB). This report contains a summary of each Division’s accomplishments and activities during FY13.
> Consumer Services Division (CSD)
> The Consumer Services Division participated with Low Incidence Outreach to develop a program with intermediate school districts throughout the state to serve low-vision individuals. The effort included seminars and meetings with districts to establish qualifications and services provided for transitioning students. The Division created a partnership with Disability Network to increase collaboration between BSBP and the Centers for Independent Living. This partnership concentrated on identifying areas of services where BSBP and Centers for Independent Living can work together in improving services to persons who are blind and visually impaired. 
> With a specific focus on BSBP job-ready consumers, the Division paired up with Michigan Works! to provide a job fair. At the job fair, applicants had the opportunity to interview with local companies in the areas that are interested in hiring individuals who are blind and visually impaired. 
> The Division worked with school districts, businesses and mental health facilities to make it possible to develop the Project Search Program. The Project Search Program provides training and employment opportunities to multiply-impaired high school students who are in their last year of school and transitioning to work or job training. As a result of these efforts of the staff, clients were successful in completing the program and obtaining employment with private industries. 
> In FY13, the Consumer Services Division focused on ensuring that consumers receive the same employment opportunities as other transition students. 
> In FY12, BSBP served 1,769 individuals in vocational rehabilitation. In FY13, BSBP served 1,851 individuals in the vocational rehabilitation program. This was an increase of 82 individuals served. In FY12, 411 files were closed. The Division closed 561 cases in FY13. Thus, BSBP closed 150 more files than the previous fiscal year. 
> Business Assistance and Development Program (BADP)
> The BADP was created and began operations in August 2013. During FY13, with the assistance of the Consumer Services Division, the State Capital Café, was remodeled and is in the process of being prepared to be put on the BEP bid line.  
> BADP staff is also assisting in evaluating and writing new rules for the BEP program. When the new draft rules are completed, the BADP and BEP will work with the Elected Operator’s Committee (EOC) in promulgating the new rule set.  
> The BADP division participated in the state National Federation for the Blind - Michigan (NFB-M) convention, as well as the Michigan Restaurant Association’s food show. In the future, BADP will be working with the private sector as the Division’s assistance and development program evolves.  
> The staff of the Division has become involved in applications and case reviews for small business assistance. The BADP in the future will be partnering with the CSD in expanding private sector business opportunities for BSBP’s clients. 
> The BADP is involved in an eventual remodeling of a BEP facility in the Anderson legislative building. The Division has been successful in securing the sale of dairy products from the Michigan State (MSU) dairy.
> Administrative Services Division (ASD) 
> Business Enterprise Program (BEP)
> Consumer response time improved with electronic communication devices within the Business Enterprise Program (BEP). Division staff also conducted a preliminary review of the BEP data collection system. This review concluded that a new auditing system to provide useful and adequate audit data for BSBP and the licensed operators is needed. Presently, BSBP is involved in creating a Request For Proposals to bid out a contract for these services. 
> BSBP is establishing with the Libera Corporation an upgrade to the System 7 program to enhance future staff training, continuing education, and data collection. 
> Further, the BSBP and licensed operators conducted a thorough review of vending machine needs. A study of vending equipment and capabilities have been undertaken to upgrade vending services.
> In cooperation with the Elected Operators Committee (EOC), facility standards have been established in an effort to polish the Program’s image and to enhance facility sales.
> Dialog has commenced with the Office of Retirement Service to identify means to more quickly apply operator retirement contributions to 401(k) accounts.
> Administrative Services Division
> The Division incorporated RSA 911 changes into System 7 and provided end user training; implemented a solution for improving audio streaming of Advisory Commission Meetings; coordinated upgrade to Office 365 for all users; enhanced Equipment Inventory by including all printers and Braillers; coordinated an upgrade of network printers in all BSBP offices increasing the accessibility for blind and visually impaired staff for faxing, scanning, printing, and copying; and completed COSO for FY14. 
> Human Resources and Training
> The Division planned and arranged for two in-service training programs for field staff through the Region 5 TACE Center.   (Social Media & Ethics and Supported Employment). In addition, staff were regularly notified of available training programs and coordinated the registration for several large groups of employees to attend programs such as the MAER Conference, Re:Con, Michigan Transition Conference, and the MARO Employment Training program.
> Further, the Division facilitated the monthly statewide BSBP Safety Team meetings. Activities in these meetings include a presentation from public health on airborne pathogens, sending staff to safety training programs, various videos and other training materials on safety related issues (i.e., blood borne pathogens, active shooters, etc.), and the ongoing issue of emergency procedures at the Cadillac Place.
> The Division worked with the Office of Human Resources and BSBP managers to coordinate the hiring or promotion of both classified employees and student assistants.
> Braille and Talking Book Library (BTBL)
> The following statistics for FY 13 are as follows: 
> ·        690 new patrons signed up in the BTBL direct service area.
> ·        737 patrons discontinued (deaths and transfers to another region included).
> ·        3,955 total patron count on September 30, 2013
> ·        330 Braille patrons 
> ·        3,270 digital patrons
> ·        1,450 cassette patrons
> ·        3,044 Braille volumes circulated
> ·        292,615 digital books circulated
> ·        1,450 cassette books circulated
> Local volunteer recordings
> ·        BTBL submitted the first locally produced book to the National Library Service’s Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) site as part of a pilot to add and test the viability of local uploads to the site.
> ·        11 new volunteer narrators brought on
> ·        6 new volunteer editors brought on
> ·        50 local recording projects completed
> Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD)
> ·        One-hundred and eleven patrons and institutions signed up for BARD bringing the total for BTBL to 792.
> ·        41,201 books were downloaded by patrons
> ·        1,965 magazine issues were downloaded by patrons
> ·        National Library Service introduced the BARD download application for iPhone and iPad. A similar application will be released for Android products in 2014. 
> Programs
> ·        Libraries Without Walls (adaptive technology focus) was held in June.  Seventeen workshop sessions were provided by 11 presenters over the course of the day. More than one hundred were in attendance consisting of patrons and their family members, teachers, counselors and librarians.
> ·        The Computer Club was held monthly (11 sessions) with a total of 83 in attendance. On average, 7.5 attended in person and 4 attended on-line.
> ·        Book Club was held monthly (11 sessions) with a total of 81 in attendance. On average, 7 attended in person and 1 attended online.
> Training Center Division
>          The Training Center Division was able to decrease the number of individuals waiting to attend the Center from approximately 40 to 17.  The waiting period was reduced from 6 months to 1 month. The Division continues striving to keep the facility at capacity as much as possible. The average amount of training that each individual received in FY13 was 7.9 weeks in duration. The training center served and closed 136 files in FY13.  
> The Training Center facilitated two mini adjustment programs serving 91 participants – 49 consumers for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and 42 consumers for Independent Living (IL).  Additionally, 37 college assessments were conducted by the Division during the summer of 2013.  
> The Division is in the process of hiring additional staff, including a registered nurse, which will allow the support services team to increase from 4 to 5 full time employees. This is paramount in maintaining the resident life program and enhancing the opportunities for health education. Additionally, the Division plans to hire a new rehabilitation coordinator in the support services area. 
> For FY14, the Training Center is planning the following: review and update of guidelines and curriculum, final completion of the renovation project, and facilitation of 3 mini-adjustment programs in the Bay City, Holland and the Detroit areas. The Training Center plans FY14 will allow for expansion of the Vocational Exploration program which includes a “work experience” component of the Center that will utilize the maintenance, dietary, and administrative service areas.
> Mission Statement
>          The mission of BSBP is to provide opportunities to individuals who are blind or visually-impaired to achieve employment, and/or function independently. 
> Vision
>          It is BSBP’s vision that Michigan will become a better state for blind people to live in, learn, work, raise a family, and enjoy all the advantages of a full and independent life. 
> Goals
>          BSBP’s priorities and goals are as follows:
> 1.    To improve and provide better customer service through effective and efficient administration of BSBP’s programs
> 2.    To expand the rehabilitation and educational services offered to Michigan’s blind citizens
> 3.    To increase the public’s understanding and appreciation in the abilities of blind people to achieve successful employment and independent living.
> 4.    To increase Michigan’s employers belief in, and the hiring of, people who are blind. 
>          In addition to the successes outlined above in this report, BSBP, in January 2014, received from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) the results of its analysis of Michigan’s standards and indicators. RSA concluded that BSBP is no longer bound by an improvement plan, which was implemented for FY11 and FY12. BSBP exceeded the performance level indicators, by 84.92% in the outcomes category for competitive employment. The category for increasing disabled individuals in reaching and achieving employment was a 97.68% increase. The successfulness of the BEP employment program with earnings enhancement was 67%. Finally, the BSBP exceeded the standards of self-support by 44%. BSBP will continue to strive to serve Michigan’s blind community with improved services and increased opportunities. 
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