[nfbmi-talk] detailed article on obama executive order pwd

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Feb 12 18:27:35 UTC 2014

Obama to include disabled workers in minimum wage order By Aamer Madhani USA TODAY President Barack Obama's executive order to raise the minimum wage for

workers under future federal contracts includes a key provision to address concerns raised by advocates for disabled workers, according to the White House.

The president, who is set to sign the order at a ceremony in the White House East Room on Wednesday afternoon, announced his plan to take unilateral action

at last month's State of the Union Address and hike the minimum wage for low-wage workers to $10.10 from the current rate of $7.25. Almost immediately

after announcing his plan, advocates for the physically and intellectually disabled began pressing the White House to include the group among those getting

raises. Under a government program that dates back to 1938, employers could pay certain disabled workers subminimum wages - sometimes for a fraction of

the prevailing minimum wage. But with Obama's executive order, that practice will be discontinued with disabled workers laboring under federal contracts

in the future. "Under current law, workers whose productivity is affected because of their disabilities may be paid less than the wage paid to others doing

the same job under certain specialized certificate programs," according to a White House memo detailing the order. "Under this Executive Order, all individuals

working under service or concessions contracts with the federal government will be covered by the same $10.10 per hour minimum wage protections. The White

House says Obama will continue to push Congress to back legislation that would gradually raise the minimum wage for all workers to $10.10 by the end of

his presidency, but the effort faces stiff resistance in the GOP-controlled House. The executive order is intended to cover people who perform janitorial,

kitchen work and other low-wage services on behalf of federal contractors. The action is eventually expected to help roughly 250,000 workers, but it is

unclear how many of those are disabled workers who receive subminimum wage under section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Ari Ne'eman, president

of the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network, welcomed the news and said he's hopeful that the president marks the first step toward ending the practice of issuing

the special certificates. About 95% of disabled workers who work for subminimum wages under the provision are employed in segregated sheltered workshops.

"We applaud the administration for hearing the voices of the disability community and including disabled workers in the new minimum wage protections for

contractors," Ne'eman said. "We hope to work with them going forward to convince Congress to repeal Section 14(c) for all disabled workers. Equal rights

should apply to everyone - we took a significant step forward on that road today. Operators of sheltered workshops say that including 14(c) workers in

Obama's minimum wage hike would inevitably lead to many disabled people being pushed out of work. 



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