[nfbmi-talk] Fw: FOIA Response to Request for BSBP Commission forBlind Persons- Transcripts/Minutes & Reports
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Thu Feb 20 23:27:27 UTC 2014
And when it relates to a meeting of a VR entity these things are not FOIA
requests but are required underh the ADA andSection 504 to be issued
affirmatively let alone upon request in the most effective format for the
The ADA and 504 are federal civil rights laws and trump the abuse of FOIA.
Great work by the way Dave!
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Robinson" <drob1946 at gmail.com>
To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 4:26 PM
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Fw: FOIA Response to Request for BSBP Commission
forBlind Persons- Transcripts/Minutes & Reports
----- Original Message -----
From: Haynes, Carla (LARA)
To: David Robinson
Cc: Rodgers, Edward (LARA) ; Luzenski, Sue (LARA) ; Pemble, Mike (LARA) ;
Belknap, Katie (LARA)
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:06 AM
Subject: FOIA Response to Request for BSBP Commission for Blind Persons-
Transcripts/Minutes & Reports
February 20, 2014
Mr. David Robinson
E-mail: drob1946 at gmail.com
818 Loomis Street
Jackson, MI 49202
Re: FOIA Response to Request for Information on BSBP Commission
Transcripts/Minutes and Reports
Dear Mr. Robinson:
This email is in response to your February 7, 2014, email request for
information, received by this office on February 10, 2014. Please be
advised that the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP) is processing
this request under the state's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), MCL 15.231
et seq. On February 14, 2014, an extension was taken on this request to
March 3, 2014, as permitted by Section 5(2)(d) of the FOIA.
You have requested information you describe as:
"I would like to request that your report to the advisory commission along
with any additional reports from BSBP staff be forwarded to me in an
accessible format for me. I would accept either electronic information in
word or in braille. In addition, I would request that the approved minutes
of meetings be sent to me as well. Likewise in an electronic or braille
Your request is granted as to existing, nonexempt records that pertain to
your request. In regards to the report(s) to the BSBP Advisory Commission
on February 7, 2014, attached to this response/email are two reports that
were presented to the BSBP Commission for Blind Persons at this meeting.
FOIA Response - D. Robinson
February 20, 2014
Page 2 of 2
In regards to the BSBP Commission for Blind Persons approved
minutes/transcripts, these are available on our website at
www.michigan.gov/bsbp, Commission for Blind Persons, Transcripts, 2013
Transcripts, then by meeting date. As of this writing, all approved
transcripts/minutes are available on this website.
The FOIA cost to produce the two reports is $7.84 (calculated by using
$31.37 which is the hourly wage plus fringe benefits of the Department's
lowest paid employee capable of processing this request multiplied by the
amount of time to process this request which is ¼ of an hour = $7.84). As
this amount is below the Department threshold of $25.00 for charging costs
involved in complying with a FOIA request, this FOIA fee is being waived.
Please note that nothing within the federal American with Disabilities Act
(ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (RA), as amended, or
the state's FOIA (MCL 15.231 et seq.) requires a public body to process FOIA
requests free of charge. Further, while the ADA and Section 504 of
the RA may mandate that, upon request, material be produced in an accessible
format without charge, neither the ADA or Section 504 of the RA preclude a
public body from charging costs under the state's FOIA. Thusly, please note
that no labor fee charges have been, or will be, assessed to convert
existing, nonexempt public records responsive to your requests into an
accessible format to forward to you.
Carla Miller Haynes, FOIA Coordinator
Bureau of Services for Blind Persons
Attachment: Email Request for Information
cc: Edward F. Rodgers II
Sue Luzenski
Mike Pemble
Katie Belknap
From: David Robinson [mailto:drob1946 at gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 1:57 PM
To: Rodgers, Edward (LARA)
Cc: NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
Subject: request for reports and minutes
Dear Mr. Rodgers,
Having listened to the BSBP meeting of Friday, February 7, I was
interested in some additional data. I would like to request that your
report to the advisory commission along with any additional reports from
BSBP staff be forwarded to me in an accessible format for me. I would accept
either electronic information in word or in braille.
In addition, I would request that the approved minutes of meetings be
sent to me as well. Likewise in an electronic or braille format.
This is just a request for public documents by a member of the public and
not a FOIA request. My e mail is (drob1946 at gmail.com) My address is 818
Loomis St. Jackson, Mi 49202.
Thank you for your prompt response to this request.
David Robinson
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