[nfbmi-talk] online education in mi and why it is important

Christine Boone christineboone2 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 21:00:53 UTC 2014

Terry, you and I are on the same page here for sure.  I am nodding and saying "Yes, Yes" as I read your comments.  The love affair that America, and the world for that matter, has with all things technological seems to make it difficult for people to imagine that doing something virtually may not be the very best way to do it.  If it's possible, it is presumed to be the Best!  

I know Joe Harcz, that you will say this is not the crux of the issue, and while this is perhaps true, I do believe that virtual education must be understood in the broader context if we are to bring meaningful input to the table and not find ourselves working in a vacuum.  My opinion only.

On Mar 27, 2014, at 1:23 PM, Terry D. Eagle <terrydeagle at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I find this article and the concept of massive onlinwe learning, or virtual
> learning very interesting from a public policy in education front.
> What is the real intended goal of having and expansion of online learning?
> That is the real question that must be answered.
> While the percentage of students completing and passing any given subject is
> an indicator of something; I am not sure what, the proof of the quality and
> effectiveness will, I believe, be measured in the scores students show on
> the MEAP, or whatever the measurement test the state requires of students in
> any given year.  As admitted in the article, the percentages reported say
> virtually nothing, no pun intended, about the quality and effective outcomes
> of virtual learning education, from a public policy perspective.  Again,
> what are the percentages trying to prove or impress?
> The article raises a primary concern I have about virtual learning,
> especially in the early years of education.  Before asking the question, can
> virtual learning effectively assist students who are already behind in
> academic levels for their grade or age, it seems to me the first question
> that needs to be answered is, why is the student lagging behind in academic
> level at his/her grade or age level?
> I have completed numerous classes online, and it certainly is not the
> environment in which to get the necessary support to address individual
> concerns of not understanding the material, which is not conducsive to
> subjects that require knowledge and understanding as a foundation for future
> course learning.
> We already observe, as a result of virtual technology, a generation that has
> difficulty putting together a verbal or written sentence, carrying on an
> intelligent conversation, and exhibiting acceptable social skills in public
> and relationships of all types.  These things, I believe, cannot and will
> not be effectively learned sitting in front of a monitor or smart phone,
> while munching on Cheetos and washing it down with soda pop.  Which raises a
> whole different set of issues for society and education in particular.
> As for students with disabilities, as if the issue of resources to
> accommodate the special needs of students doesn't already exist, does anyone
> really believe such issues will be on the table of policy-makers,
> legislators, and educators, as virtual learning is expanded?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of joe
> harcz Comcast
> Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 7:20 AM
> To: nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org
> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] online education in mi and why it is important
> Fellow Federationists:
> The article after my signature line might not seem germane at first blush to
> this list. But, it is. Regardless as to the merits of online education what
> we need to be concerned with is the accessibility, or rather, full and
> complete accessibility of these programs to blind students, educators and
> even blind parents.
> This is precisely why the TEACH Act is so important and why the recent OCR
> ruling under the ADA and 504 is so important.
> I urge all to work to ensure that these systems in Michigan are fully
> accessible and NFB of Michigan should, in my opinion create a task force on
> this critical issue.
> Joe Harcz
> Online classes surge in popularity among Michigan K-12 students By Lori
> Higgins Detroit Free Press Education Writer The number of K-12 students
> taking online
> courses in Michigan surged 52% in the last three years, according to a
> report released this week that provides a first-of-its-kind - but limited -
> look
> at the effectiveness of online learning in the state. During the 2012-13
> school year, 55,271 students took at least one online course, up from 36,348
> during
> the 2010-11 school year. The overall number of courses taken surged from
> 89,921 to 185,053 during the same time period. The effectiveness data was
> mixed.
> Of the students taking a blend of online and traditional classes, the
> completion/passed rate for the online classes was just 60%, compared to a
> completion/passed
> rate of 72% for non-online classes. But the researchers caution that
> limitations in the data could affect those completion rates. For instance,
> completion
> rates for summer school classes were not available when the data was
> analyzed, said Joseph Freidhoff, executive director of the Michigan Virtual
> Learning
> Research Institute, which conducted the research at the request of the
> Michigan Legislature. The students who took the summer classes in 2013 are
> listed
> as incomplete, but many of them may have passed those classes, Freidhoff
> said. "We know this data isn't perfect," said Jamey Fitzpatrick, president
> and
> CEO of the Michigan Virtual University, the state-created nonprofit that
> includes the research institute. "This is a giant first step in trying to
> wrap
> our arms around what we know is a growing trend. State Superintendent Mike
> Flanagan said in a news release that the information in the report will help
> impact instruction and policy in Michigan. "The findings ... provide an
> important baseline to evaluate online growth and effectiveness over time,"
> Flanagan
> said. Fitzpatrick said the report puts Michigan years ahead of other states
> in evaluating the effectiveness of virtual learning. More work will be
> needed
> to ensure that there is uniformity in the way schools are submitting data to
> the state. The researchers analyzed data from several sources: Students
> enrolled
> in courses through Michigan Virtual School , which is part of Michigan
> Virtual University; students who take all of their coursework online through
> a cyber
> school; and students who take online courses via other means, such as
> courses provided by their districts or another entity. While there's been a
> growing
> push for students to take advantage of online learning, the data suggests
> students perform better when they only take one or two classes online. Of
> the
> students who take a mixture of online and non-online courses, the
> completion/passed rate was higher - 68% - for those taking one or two online
> classes
> than for those taking three or four (59%) and those taking five or more
> (55%) online courses. Some additional findings: |Completion/pass rates for
> students
> in grades K-5 ranged between 87% and 94%, while the rates for older students
> in grades 6-12 ranged from 47% to 77%. |The overall percentage of students
> taking online courses still remains relatively small, particularly at the
> elementary grades. In grades K-7, fewer than 1% of students have taken an
> online
> course. The highest percentage was in 12th grade, where 15% of seniors have
> taken an online course. Fitzpatrick says he's concerned that the data
> suggests
> that a large number of the students taking virtual courses are students who
> are behind academically and need to catch up on credits. He said there needs
> to be more discussion at the local level on how to ensure online courses are
> an option for all students. "We have to ask ourselves from a policy
> perspective
> - if a student is struggling and they need more help and assistance, is
> loading them up with five or six online classes going to increase their
> chances
> of success? The data suggests no. 
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