[nfbmi-talk] Michigan Braille Enrichment Literacy and Learning Program

trising at sbcglobal.net trising at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 9 16:14:48 UTC 2014

Michigan Braille Enrichment Literacy and Learning Program

Terri Wilcox, Coordinator

2533 Sandalwood Circle
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
trising at sbcglobal.net

     The Michigan Affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind is providing a Braille Enrichment Literacy and Learning Program 
on August 4-15. This day program will teach Braille literacy and improve Braille reading speed for students four to fifteen years 
old. The program will be held Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. The Braille Enrichment Literacy and Learning Program 
will be held at the Ann Arbor Community Center at
625 N. Main Street,
 Ann Arbor, MI 48105.

     The Braille Enrichment Literacy and Learning Program will teach Braille reading and writing through a curriculum that has been 
used in other states for around five years. The curriculum involves short lessons that teach Braille through games, art projects, 
skits and practice.
     Students will attend three field trips during the two week Braille Enrichment Literacy and Learning Program. Students will go 
to the local Library for the Blind in order to see a Braille display and embosser. They will also go out to lunch once each week 
where they will get to order from a Braille menu. They will go swimming in a pool and explore the Hands on Museum.
     If you have questions contact Terri Wilcox, Braille Enrichment Literacy and Learning Coordinator at
trising at sbcglobal.net
Applications must be received by June 15. Since this is a day program, parents, guardians, or authorized adults designated by 
parents must bring students to and from the Braille Enrichment Literacy and Learning Program each day. Tuition for the program is 
$75.00. Checks should be written to the National Federation of the Blind Ann Arbor Chapter.

Please fill out this application before June 15. June 15 is the final deadline for submitted applications. These should be emailed 
trising at sbcglobal.net

Student's First Name *

E-mail *

Student's Gender *
 - Select -Male Female

Student's Date of Birth *



Does your child have a white cane? *
 - Select -Yes No

Student's Height In Inches *

Please order a Free White Cane from
 for your child. To get the correct size, measure your child's height and subtract six inches. Canes should be at least chin height.

Students Grade as of Fall 2014 *

Parent/Guardian Names *

Address 1 *

Address 2

City *

State *

Zip Code *

Primary Phone *

Secondary Phone

Emergency Contact Name *

Emergency Primary Phone *

Emergency Secondary Phone

Please tell us about your child's blindness/vision loss. Please include your child's visual acuity, visual field, and the cause of 
your child's blindness. *

Please tell us about any medical conditions or disabilities your child has other than blindness. Please include information such as: 
the existence of orthopedic impairments (i.e. your child uses a wheelchair or has limited use of his/her arm), medications that will 
need to be taken during the program.
Medical Disabilities/Conditions *

Does your child have any other special considerations (medical or otherwise) of which we may need to be aware? *

Does your child have any dietary restrictions or allergies that we need to be aware of? If so, please describe them. *

Describe your child's academic performance. Please include a list of all strengths and weaknesses. *

Describe any technology your child uses. *

Describe your child's experiences with Braille, if any (i.e. slate and stylus, reading speed, contractions). *

Please order your child a free slate and stylus from
 Bring it with you to camp.
Describe your child's understanding and usage of nonvisual (i.e. using his/her hands, ears, or other senses to gain information that 
a sighted person would gain visually) techniques. *

Has your child ever attended a day camp or summer program for blind children? If yes, please explain. *

Is your child toilet trained? *
 - Select -Yes No

Your child must be toilet trained in order to attend this program.

Tell us about your child. What interests does he/she have? Does he/she have any favorite books or authors? Feel free to share any 
additional information. *
We will be giving away numerous books to each student. Please have trunk space available to take home free Braille books.
What is the parent/guardian's reading medium? *
 - Select -Braille Electronic Large Print Print

Is there any other information about your child you would like to share?

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