[nfbmi-talk] silc report to mcrs for tues meeting
joe harcz Comcast
joeharcz at comcast.net
Fri Nov 14 23:56:01 UTC 2014
SILC Liaison Report to MCRS
November 2014
Submitted by: Sara Grivetti, SILC Liaison to MCRS
Duties of SILC:
1) Jointly develop and sign, in conjunction with the DSU the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL);
2) Monitor, review and evaluate the implementation of the SPIL;
3) Ensure the meetings are open to the public;
4) Submit periodic reports to the Commissioner (i.e. 704 report)
5) Hold forums, focus groups and hearings to secure public input.
SILC Activities:
Below are objectives in the SPIL, and status updates, which may have mutual interest to MCRS members.
Objective 3: Strong collaboration between VR and CILs to promote quality employment outcomes and independence for persons with disabilities.
The CILs and BSBP continue to hold regional summits to discuss services, gaps and services and mechanisms for enhanced collaboration. A summit was held in October with BSBP and the Superior Alliance for IL (Upper Peninsula). One remaining summit will occur in December.
CILs continue to work with MRS and MARO on the Statewide Strategic Programming Council. This council is focused on enhancing statewide service delivery, and the partnerships between CROs, CILs and MRS. The current focus is on implementing the Swift and Sure program, benefits counseling, reducing transportation barriers and employment counseling mandates for Aging Disability Resource Collaboratives (No Wrong Door approach)
Objective 8: Michigan’s CILs, in collaboration with Michigan’s disability and aging service providers, will build a stronger partnership to enhance streamlined services that promotes access to quality health care and community living.
Status: Michigan’s CILs and Area Agencies on Aging are federally mandated conveners of the Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs). These collaborations are virtual in nature and provide people with disabilities and our senior population with a ‘no-wrong door’ approach to long-term services and supports. As of September 30th, fourteen (14) of Michigan’s 16 ADRCs have achieved fully-functioning status.
In September 2014, CILs and Michigan’s Home and Community Based Waiver Agents held their bi-annual meeting to discuss service delivery improvements for people transitioning to community-based living from nursing facilities. The primary focus is on the Money Follows the Person (MFP) grant benchmarks and how joint efforts can help ensure reaching the benchmarks.
CILs and SILC continue to monitor Medicaid changes in regards to definitions about community –based living and adherence to person centered planning for community living supports. There is a growing concern that GF/GP reductions to the Community Mental Health system is resulting in fewer people with mental health needs having access to services.
Objective 9: The Michigan Statewide Independent Living Council members will engage in activities to promote integration and full inclusion of children, youth and adults with disabilities in Michigan.
Status: The SILC Children, Youth and Families workgroup is finalizing an e-brochure that will assist the target population access services by creating enhanced awareness of community-based services.
Other SILC information:
· Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA)- SILC continues to monitor the changes to the IL and VR program as a result of WIOA. SILC is no longer required to coordinate activities with the state rehabilitation councils (SRCs), however our understanding is that the SRCs still need to coordinate with SILC. Our desire is to continue and enhance our collaborative efforts with MCRS due to the benefit of all parties involved.
· Since the last SILC report to MCRS, we experienced some staffing changes. Our long-time director Valarie Barnum-Yarger resigned from her position in August 2014. SILC has named Rodney Craig as the Interim Director. Decisions to fill this position are based upon the changes in the SILC/CIL relationship, as outlined in WIOA. These changes have precipitated a need for stronger alignment between the work of SILC and the CILs, and may require a different approach to resourcing the staffing needs of SILC.
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