[nfbmi-talk] check this out!

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Tue Nov 18 12:09:41 UTC 2014

Here are the MCRS Executive Team meeting minutes from August 2014. And check out the reference to MCBVI being unhappy with the BSBP commission and all that.

Listen one and all I told folks what would happen if EO 2014-10 went through.

It's a dictatorship with the VR agencies including BSBP simply stealing funds for rehabilitation of the blind with no accountability at all,.








Michigan Council for Rehabilitation Services (MCRS)

Executive Team (ET)


Tuesday August 5, 2014

12:00 p.m.



Members Present:  Carol Bergquist, Michael Poyma, Anne Riddering, Brian Sabourin.


Members Absent:  Trina Edmondson.


Staff Present:  Marlene Malloy, Shori Teeple.


I.    Approval of Agenda (8/5/14)

The draft agenda was reviewed.


A motion, made by A. Riddering and seconded by B. Sabourin, was passed to approve the agenda as presented.


II.   Approval of Minutes (7/8/14)

The draft minutes were reviewed.


A motion, made by B. Sabourin and seconded by A. Riddering, was passed to approve the minutes as presented. 


III.  Financial Operations

Members reviewed the June 2014 financial statement.  The Council’s current financial status is solid, with a redress being completed for the FY 2014 Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) budget, with plans to complete a redress in the near future for the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP) FY 2014 budget.  The MCRS FY 2015 budget was submitted to MRS, the contract has been signed by David Price at MARO, and it is now in the final stages at the Department of Human Services (DHS).  

IV.  MCRS Strategic Plan Discussion

Members reviewed documents related to strategic plan development and discussed potential goals that would connect the work already in progress by the three MCRS work teams:  Customer Experience, Regulatory Guidance, and State Plan.  Two strategic plan goals for FY 2014-2015 were drafted with expectations that ET members will further review, revise, and provide input for the draft goals.  Staff was directed to review notes from the membership’s strategic planning discussions in May and determine draft strategies for each goal for the ET’s review before presentation to the membership for final approval at the August business meeting.


V.  Training Session and Business Meeting Agenda Review

During the morning prior to Friday’s business meeting, members will review and have discussion about the FY 2013 BSBP and MRS Customer Satisfaction Survey Reports, as well as the 2014 Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment Report.  All of these documents have been printed and mailed to the membership for review. 


During the business meeting, B. Sabourin will provide a presentation from the Client Assistance Program perspective for customer rights and responsibilities in the public vocational rehabilitation system.  BSBP and MRS Hearings Manager staff have been invited to participate in and contribute to the discussion as well.


VI.  Michigan Council for the Blind and Visually Impaired (MCBVI) Position Statement

A MCBVI Position Statement document was sent to the ET regarding their concerns with the organizational structure of the Commission for Blind Persons, requesting that the MCRS offer a response and/or support of the issues presented. Discussion resulted in members unanimously agreeing that that though they understand the frustration of the MCBVI committee, their request is not the business of the MCRS.  In accordance with the Executive Order that established the Commission, the LARA Director is the individual named to work with the Commission. 


A motion, made by A. Riddering and seconded by B. Sabourin, was passed to direct staff to draft a response to the MCBVI for the ET’s review and approval, and then for the response to be sent to the MCBVI Committee and copied to the membership. 


VII.  BSBP Meetings – ET involvement

Plans are moving forward for meetings with BSBP managers and field staff to be scheduled and take place in the near future.  Meeting topics will include State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) Partnership Requirements and SRC 101 Trainings.  ET Members will need to determine their availability and interest in attending and/or participating in the meetings.


VIII.  MCRS Work Team Updates

Chairs provided brief updates about recent work team meetings.


IX.  Follow-up

MRS Rule Making Documents

With regard to the MRS Rule Making Documents that were managed by the ET in June 2014, a response from MRS is expected to be received in the near future.  


Requests for Information from the Public

With an influx of recent public requests for information and following consultation with DHS Legal Services staff, it was discussed that any requests to the MCRS for information from the public should be forwarded to and managed by DHS, instead of Council staff managing these requests.  Following discussion, members were in agreement that procedures should be followed for directing requests for MCRS information from the public to DHS for response.  


State Plan Attachment 4.2 Responses

A response has been received by the MRS State Director for the Council’s recommendations in Attachment 4.2(c) for the FY 2015 MRS State Plan.  However, a response has not yet been received by the BSBP State Director for the Council’s recommendations in Attachment 4.2(c) for the FY 2015 BSBP State Plan.  This topic will be addressed during Friday’s business meeting.


X.  Next Meeting:  Tuesday August 12th at 12:00 p.m. via teleconference (2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month)


XI.  Adjournment

With no further business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned.


A motion, made by M. Poyma and seconded by A. Riddering, was passed to adjourn the meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:02 p.m.


Next Meeting Date/Time:  Tuesday August 12, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. via teleconference.
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