[nfbmi-talk] I Can Connect

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Thu Nov 20 16:39:37 UTC 2014

Hi Marcus and All,

I found the following item interesting:

“See Letter from Mike Pemble, Acting Director, Bureau of Serv

ices for Blind Persons, to Federal Communications Commission, Consumer and 
Governmental Affairs

Bureau (Sept. 19, 2014); Joe Sibley, President, Michigan Council of the 
Blind and Visually Impaired, to NDBEDP Administrator, Disability Rights 

Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (Sept. 20, 2014). “

Is there anyway to get these referenced letters in accessible format?

I’m really wondering what Joe Sibley and MCBVI had to do with this, but it’s 
all pretty murkyy.

In addition just whom does one go to if one is deafblind to access this 



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