[nfbmi-talk] Followup on Michigan Flyer and Metro AirportFW: 7New, Eco-Friendly Buses Give You an Even Sweeter Ride

J.J. Meddaugh jj at bestmidi.com
Wed Nov 26 03:16:56 UTC 2014

Hello. I'm also greatful for the settlement which was agreed upon. 
Ultimately, it would be up to our board to decide if the settlement goes 
far enough to solve the underlying issue or if further steps need to be 
Persoanlly, I feel there has been substantial thought put into the 
current settlement and while not perfect, I am willing to deal with it, 
given the path of travel is accessible and the waiting area is usable by 
all. I would agree that if there is an arrival/departure board, this 
board should be able to be made accessible. This is not a cheap 
proposition however and perhaps we can work with MI Flyer and others to 
find a source for funding such an accessible kiosk. One of the big 
roadblocks with kiosks currently is that talking features are not 
standardized so they end up being way more expensive than they should be.

Now if, in a few months, things are still status quo, then we should 
revisit the issue.

It is ultimately the board's disgression to decide the exact 
implementation for any resolution that is passed. Given circumstances 
have changed since the resolution passed at state convention, I feel it 
appropriate to reexamine our position for what is in the best interest 
of the afiliate.
I know a few of you may disagree with this, and that's fine. This is why 
we have forums such as this list for civil discussion of our 
resolutions. I am also just one board member and one vote, and do not 
speak for the entire board.

If anyone is traveling through Detroit and using the Flyer, please post 
on your experiences so we can stay current on the issue.

Best regards,

On 11/20/2014 9:14 AM, Fred Wurtzel via nfbmi-talk wrote:
> Hello,
> Well, I think that incrementalism is a valid point of view.  Having a
> settlement which is better , but less than perfect presumably leaves us
> better off.  Certainly, Karla took action and things are better than they
> would have been, otherwise.  This seems like a case of perfection blocking
> progress.  Of course, I, along with most everyone else on this side of the
> issue would have preferred a return to the status quo.  Unless, the NFB of
> Michigan is willing to go back to court it is highly unlikely that such a
> return will happen.  Wishing for another outcome will not accomplish
> anything.  For my part, I am happy that there is a warm place to wait, a way
> to contact Prospect and a plan to make the process work reasonably well.  I
> do not think this is a perfect solution, but I am happy that someone was
> willing to take action, instead of simply complaining, and that the
> situation is better than it would have been.
> So,  what do you think we need to do to work to make the bus stop better?
> How much are we willing to spend from our treasury to fight this?  For my
> part, if we decide to fight more, I will support the effort, but I am
> unwilling to criticize Karla for her good work and willingness to do
> something when none of us did a thing except vote on a resolution.  We need
> to stop talking about problems and do something.  Otherwise, we should be
> grateful to those who are willing to take action which is in our interest.
> Warmest Regards,
> Fred
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of joe
> harcz Comcast via nfbmi-talk
> Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 8:41 AM
> To: David Robinson; NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Followup on Michigan Flyer and Metro AirportFW:
> 7New, Eco-Friendly Buses Give You an Even Sweeter Ride
> Agreed. And for those who have not read the resolution here it is:
> RESOLUTION 2014-02 Michigan Flyer and SMART Bus Access to Airport
> WHEREAS, the Michigan Flyer, Air Ride and Smart bus services offer a
> convenient and affordable means of traveling to the Detroit Metropolitan
> Airport (DTW); and
> WHEREAS, many blind people use public transportation including the Michigan
> Flyer, Air Ride and SMART to travel to and from the McNamara Terminal of
> Detroit Metropolitan Airport; and
> WHEREAS, there is a 70% unemployment rate among blind people who wish to
> work, making affordable transportation an extremely important part of life
> activities; and
> WHEREAS, the Airport Board has decided to move the Bus Stop for these
> services to another location , called the Ground Transportation Center,which
> is inadequate, dangerous and inconvenient to persons using public
> transportation to travel to the McNamara Terminal; and
> WHEREAS, until recently, the busses have dropped passengers at an accessible
> stop within 50 feet of the entrance to the terminal with no safety or other
> negative consequences for over 2 years; and
> WHEREAS, the Ground Transportation Center (GTC) severely limits a disabled
> person's access to and communication with Prospect Airport Services, since
> Prospect is located inside the McNamara Terminal near the former bus stop,,
> a service used by disabled persons to assist them in getting around at the
> Airport, thus leaving  persons needing this assistance without access
> to reasonable accommodations when getting off the bus; and
> WHEREAS, the new location at the GTC is approximately 200 yards from the
> nearest
> indoor area of the airport, as opposed to 50 feet in the McNamara Terminal
> at
> the former location, thus forcing people to either wait outside for their
> bus or
> run quickly once it arrives. Disabled persons, especially those with
> mobility
> limitations, who cannot "run" quickly enough are thus forced to wait
> outside,
> even in harsh weather conditions; and
> WHEREAS, when all three unloading spots at the new stop are occupied,
> passengers loading and unloading from a bus in the middle lane are forced to
> exit between vehicles and cross over
> a lane of traffic, an action which could result in severe bodily harm and/or
> death; and
> WHEREAS, the change in bus stops conflicts with the Americans With
> Disabilities law by limiting access to the terminal by persons with
> disabilities; and
> WHEREAS, the Ground Transportation Center does not have a service dog relief
> area unlike the former stop which has dog relief facilities; and,
> WHEREAS, passengers traveling from the McNamara Terminal to the new transit
> pickup
> location outside of the GTC must either choose to travel directly out "side
> doors" that exit to active lanes of traffic, or go through a revolving door,
> which
> when often broken is inaccessible to those with mobility impairments. To
> wit,
> the Detroit Free Press in 2009 reported that the door had broken 33 times
> from
> April 1, 2008 to March 22, 2009; and
> WHEREAS, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder communicated his support in
> "maintaining the
> integrity of the previous stop locations" in a letter to Mr. Tom Naughton,
> CEO of the
> Wayne County Airport Authority and to Mr. Michael Ford, CEO of the Ann Arbor
> Area Transportation Authority dated June 11, 2014; and
> WHEREAS, the change of bus stop only effects those using public
> transportation and drastically reduces the convenience and accessibility for
> these passengers, this change unreasonably and discriminatorily targets
> persons who use public transportation to travel to and from the airport by
> making the environment hostile and unwelcoming to visitors to our state who
> use these services to reach the many attractions and services including
> colleges, industries, residences, tourist attractions and the vast natural
> and commercial resources of the state of Michigan:  Now, therefore,
> BE IT RESOLVED in convention assembled this 12th day of October, 2014, in
> the city of Flint, Michigan that this organization condemns and deplores the
> action of the Wayne county Airport Authority in discriminating against users
> of public transportation, especially those with disabilities by relocating
> bus drop off points used by the Michigan Flyer, Air Ride and SMART; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that this organization call upon the Airport
> Authority to immediately and permanently reverse its decision to move the
> Bus Stop for the Michigan Flyer, Air Ride and Smart busses to the Ground
> Transportation Center and return it to  its former location at the entrance
> to the McNamara Terminal; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that this organization empower our president and
> board to join in any legal actions to remediate this move by the Airport
> Authority, including filing of friendly briefs, or other actions; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:  that, this organization empower our president and
> board to authorize any actions, including, but not limited to,  press
> releases, testimony or  demonstrations,  which seem prudent, effective
> andare designed to , result in the restoration of convenient transportation
> to users of public transportation to the Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Robinson via nfbmi-talk" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
> To: "Fred Wurtzel" <f.wurtzel at att.net>; "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing
> List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 8:26 PM
> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] Followup on Michigan Flyer and Metro AirportFW:
> 7New, Eco-Friendly Buses Give You an Even Sweeter Ride
>> Fred,
>>    Our resolution at this years convention calls for more then what is just
>> in the settlement.  I don't see any specific progress in the releasethat
>> warrants any praise for anyone yet.  Carla may have decided to settle, but
>> our resolution does not call for a compromise that results in unequal
>> treatment.
>> Dave
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Fred Wurtzel via nfbmi-talk" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>> To: "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 8:08 PM
>> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Followup on Michigan Flyer and Metro AirportFW: 7
>> New,Eco-Friendly Buses Give You an Even Sweeter Ride
>>> Hello,
>>> Here is a release from Michigan Flyer.  There is a promising update on
>>> the
>>> progress toward fulfillment of the settlement.
>>> I really appreciate Karla Hudson for her proactive work on this and the
>>> support of the NFB of Michigan in advocating for a reasonable settlement.
>>> We will be vigilant until we are certain that blind travelers will be
>>> able
>>> to fully utilize this service without undue inconvenience from the
>>> airport
>>> authority.  Together, our voices were heard.
>>> Warmest Regards,
>>> Fred
>>> From: Michigan Flyer [mailto:sales at michiganflyer.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 6:45 PM
>>> To: f.wurtzel at att.net
>>> Subject: 7 New, Eco-Friendly Buses Give You an Even Sweeter Ride
>>> Trouble viewing this email? Read it online
> <http://secure.campaigner.com/Campaigner/Public/t.show?7lzhp--3tlsa-ymsckn8&
>>> _v=2>
>>> ?
>>> Image removed by sender.
>>>   Image removed by sender. E-newsMasthead_November.jpg
>>> 7 New, Eco-Friendly Buses Give You an Even Sweeter Ride
>>> Just for you, we're putting a brand new fleet of seven luxury
>>> motorcoaches
>>> on the road this month, representing a $3.8 million investment by
>>> Michigan
>>> Flyer's parent company, Indian Trails, Inc.
>>> <http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?7lzhp-ivu79-ymsckn8&_v=2>
>>> "We invested in a new fleet with high-end safety, comfort, eco-friendly
>>> features because of our commitment to our customers and our communities,"
>>> said Indian Trails President Gordon Mackay. "Since 2012, the number of
>>> passengers who've rewarded Michigan Flyer-AirRide with their business has
>>> doubled from 90,000 a year to more than 180,000."
>>> The new fleet-all state-of-the-art 2015 Prevost H3-45 coaches-is equipped
>>> with technology that reduces exhaust pollutants to near zero. In
>>> addition,
>>> each motorcoach achieves 206 passenger miles per gallon and has the
>>> potential to remove 50 automobiles from the highway, further reducing air
>>> pollution and traffic congestion.
>>> Safety features include an electronic stability system that enables
>>> drivers
>>> to avoid danger on slippery roads; an engine fire-detection and
>>> suppression
>>> system; two GPS systems; and a tire pressure monitoring system. All are
>>> equipped with three-point retractable seatbelts for passengers;
>>> ADA-compliant wheelchair lifts, and a large under-floor luggage
>>> compartment.
>>> As for comfort, the new coaches offer deluxe, ergonomic seating with
>>> leather
>>> headrests and ample leg room; individual climate controls, reading lamps
>>> and
>>> cup holders; tinted, panoramic side windows; 110-volt AC outlets at each
>>> seat for charging mobile devices; free WiFi; on-board lavatories; and
>>> enclosed, overhead parcel racks.
>>> Image removed by sender. Katie Donovan and Odie Norkin
>>> So, relax and enjoy an even better ride than before!
>>> Detroit Metro Airport Update
>>> Image removed by sender. MIFlyer_Bullet_16px.JPGNew Customer Service Desk
>>> at
>>> DTW's McNamara Terminal
>>> In December, we're opening a new public-transit customer service desk
>>> inside
>>> the McNamara Terminal's climate-controlled Ground Transportation Center
>>> (GTC), which has accessible restrooms, drinking fountains and phones
>>> nearby.
>>> A Michigan Flyer-AirRide staff member will be posted at the service desk
>>> to
>>> assist passengers on most of our scheduled runs. This lets you stay
>>> inside
>>> until just before your motorcoach arrives, limiting exposure to weather
>>> at
>>> our boarding location (in the parking ramp about 200 yards from the
>>> waiting
>>> area).
>>> Image removed by sender. MIFlyer_Bullet_16px.JPGIf You Need Help, Just
>>> Ask
>>> If you need special assistance in accessing facilities at DTW, it's best
>>> to
>>> arrange for it with your airline at the time you make flight
>>> reservations.
>>> The airlines at DTW contract with Prospect Airport Services, Inc., to
>>> provide wheelchair and baggage assistance, and more. You can also call
>>> Prospect directly to arrange for help, preferably in advance but also
>>> when
>>> you're at the airport. Prospect's phone number at DTW's McNamara Terminal
>>> is
>>> 734-247-2400; at the North Terminal, it's 734-247-1121.
>>> Image removed by sender. New Customer Service Desk at McNamara Terminal
>>> Cheers to You This Thanksgiving!
>>> Thanks to you-our wonderful passengers-Michigan Flyer is now celebrating
>>> its
>>> eighth anniversary! With your support, our service has been growing
>>> rapidly
>>> since 2012.
>>> Over the years, you've told us you love how we enable you to ride in
>>> comfort, avoid traffic, stay productive, save money, conserve energy and
>>> protect the environment. And it doesn't hurt that we help connect two
>>> great
>>> university towns with one another and the world, and generate millions in
>>> economic benefit for both regions.
>>> However, you also really wanted the convenience of near-hourly departures
>>> every day between early morning and late evening.
>>> Image removed by sender. Happy Thanksgiving!
>>> We delivered in November 2013, upping our daily schedule of roundtrips
>>> from
>>> eight to 12 on the East Lansing-Ann Arbor segment of our route to and
>>> from
>>> Detroit Metro Airport. A one-year, one-time start-up grant from the
>>> Federal
>>> Highway Administration helped us do it. Because of the continuing surge
>>> in
>>> loyal riders like you, the four new runs are now self-supporting.
>>> We'd like to express our gratitude to our friends at the Ann Arbor Area
>>> Transportation Authority
>>> <http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?7lzhp-ivu7a-ymsckn8&_v=2> , too. A
>>> giant
>>> first step toward greater frequency was the formation of a public-private
>>> partnership with AAATA ("TheRide") in February 2012 to increase daily
>>> roundtrips from eight to 13 on the Ann Arbor-DTW segment of our route,
>>> which
>>> we operate as "AirRide
>>> <http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?7lzhp-ivu7b-ymsckn9&_v=2> ." It's been
>>> a
>>> resounding success for Southeast Michigan, and no local property taxes go
>>> to
>>> support AirRide.
>>> Image removed by sender.
>>> Why Drive?!
>>> Booking is easy, click here
>>> <http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?7lzhp-ivu7c-ymsckn0&_v=2>  to view
>>> schedules on
>>> Image removed by sender.
>>> Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
>>> Image removed by sender.
>>> <http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?7lzhp-ivu7d-ymsckn1&_v=2> Image removed
>>> by
>>> sender.
>>> Image removed by sender.
>>> Michigan Flyer
>>> 333 Albert Street Suite 214 | East Lansing, MI 48823
>>> <http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.c?7lzhp-ivu7e-ymsckn2&_v=2>
>>> www.michiganflyer.com
>>> **Unsubscribing will affect your ability to receive Michigan Flyer
>>> information
>>> pertaining to general schedule changes or other updates.
>>> This email is intended for f.wurtzel at att.net.
>>> Update your preferences
>>> <http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.fo?7lzhp--8lrq-ymsckn2&sl=u&t=1&_v=2>  or
>>> Unsubscribe
>>> <http://trk.cp20.com/Tracking/t.fo?7lzhp--8lrq-ymsckn2&sl=u&t=5&_v=2>
>>>   _____
> <http://www.campaigner.com/?utm_source=campaigner&utm_medium=email&utm_campa
>>> ign=deliveryfooter> Image removed by sender.Image removed by sender.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
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