[nfbmi-talk] new osers grants

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Thu Oct 9 13:25:53 UTC 2014

New FY14 OSERS Grants!!

OSERS Header

The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (
announced yesterday more than $121 million in grants to help improve the outcomes of children and adults with disabilities—from cradle through career. The
investments are aimed at promoting inclusion, equity and opportunity for all children and adults with disabilities to help ensure their economic self-sufficiency,
independent living and full community participation.

Highlighted below are three in particular that are focused on improving academic results and functional outcomes to help ensure that children and adults
become college and career ready!

Funded at $8.7 million, the Center for Systemic Improvement (CSI) becomes the largest technical assistance (TA) investment ever funded by OSERS. The focus
of CSI is to provide TA to States to help build their capacity to support local school districts and early intervention services programs in improving
educational results and functional outcomes for children with disabilities. This national center will help States implement the Department’s Results Driven
Accountability framework by strategically delivering the TA necessary to implement bold, innovative, and systemic reforms that raise expectations for academic
achievement and improve outcomes.

Funded at $2.5 million, the National TA Center on Improving Transition to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students with Disabilities (Transition
Center) is the first major investment funded jointly out of RSA and OSEP to create a seamless transition process from high school through employment. The
Transition Center will work with States, school districts, and Vocational Rehabilitation agencies to implement evidence-based and promising practices and
strategies to ensure that students with disabilities, including those with significant disabilities, graduate from high school with the knowledge, skills,
and supports needed for success in postsecondary education and employment.

Funded at $9 million for the next three years, the Job-Driven Vocational Rehabilitation TA Center (JDVRTAC) will provide TA to State Vocational Rehabilitation
agencies to help them develop training and employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities that meet the needs of today’s employers and the
demands of the local economy. This award, along with the passing of the
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
(WIOA), will provide greater access to employment, education, job-driven training, and support services that give individuals with disabilities the chance
to advance their careers and secure the good jobs of the future.

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