[nfbmi-talk] bsbp peckham questions and info

David Robinson drob1946 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 13:43:37 UTC 2014


   Many of us have given much and sacrificed more then most would know to 
bring equality to the blind here in Michigan.  Just as our national leaders 
of the past, we have given of our time to mentor and bring hope to blind 
people, and yes we still have a continuing role to play to bring that hope 
of equality to the blind of Michigan.  Should we let us consume us? 
Absolutely not, but the rebilitation system, like it or not, is a 
significant part of blind people's lives.  Especially those just becoming 
   It is my thought that we should not turn our back on the system that is 
now totally broken, but to keep it in focus, so we can assist people through 
it when they come to us for our help, and to change it for the better as we 
   This has to be balanced with our need to grow our organization and become 
stronger.  New members, new chapters, expanded projects that educate and 
provide practicle solutions for the blind of all ages.  I believe we need to 
have a plance which combines strong advocacy, programs and projects that 
help blind people of all ages and facilatates growth of the organization, 
and constant outreach, education, mentoring and role modeling for our 
members and others who are not yet part of our movement.  We must keep 
ourselves relavent as a civil rights organization in order to offer our gift 
of the Federation to others.
   You have made a choice in your own live, and others will make their 
choice.   we must always strive to make Michigan a place that will be a good 
choice for them.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christine Boone via nfbmi-talk" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
To: <terrydeagle at yahoo.com>; "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List" 
<nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] bsbp peckham questions and info

> Hi Guys,
> I know that I was not at the retreat, so really I have no right to comment 
> here-- but because I am so shy and retiring, I am going to comment anyway.
> As most of you know, I am passionate about the provision of quality 
> vocational rehabilitation services to blind people, and to people with all 
> kinds of disabilities.  I am so passionate in fact that my zealousness 
> nearly destroyed me and my little family.  I can honestly tell you that I 
> gave absolutely everything I had to the BSBP, and to the Michigan 
> Commission for the Blind in its waining days.  I moved my family 1300 
> miles with my daughter in her junior year in high school; not the easiest 
> time for a young person to leave her friends.  Our son was a college 
> freshman so we thought the move would be easier for him...but we never 
> considered the fact that he left his home to go to his first semester of 
> college, and he was never able to return to that home again.
> I endeavored to be a fair administrator, a strategic planner, a 
> conscientious spender of state and federal resources and a kind human 
> being.  I was laughed at by many in the MCB management for my efforts to 
> save money-and I was jeered and discredited by others when I advised 
> consumers of their rights even when that meant admitting my own mistakes. 
> I believed and still do to this day, that it is in knowing ourselves and 
> facing up to our short-comings that we can continue to improve upon the 
> product we offer, whatever that product might be.
> For my boldness I lost my job, and depleted  our family
> s resources in getting it back again.  I joined others and  worked within 
> the political process in hopes of ensuring that we would be heard and 
> heeded by the Governor's office when the time came to move the Commission 
> forward, and we all know what we got for our pains on that score.
> After returning to work, I was not willing to compromise the services 
> authorized under the Rehabilitation Act and supported by the Michigan 
> Constitution, or to jeopardize the futures of agency consumers just to 
> "get along"; so I walked away from my passion.  In fact I have left the 
> profession- though I think I shall never get it out of my blood.  Having 
> said all of that, you may expect me to say that the NFB of Michigan must 
> continue to fight to improve the agency serving blind persons in Michigan- 
> because the future of the next generation depends upon it and because too 
> much has already been invested to turn back now; but that is not what I am 
> going to say.
> The time has come the walrus said, to talk of many things,
> of shoes and ships and sealing wax,
> of cabbages and kings; and why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs 
> have wings.
> How perfectly these lines from Louis Carroll capture the maxim that things 
> are not always what they seem-
> The public Vocational Rehabilitation program in this Country is a 
> fantastic mechanism through which blind persons can find the means to live 
> the lives we want- but it is not the only mechanism available to those who 
> possess the determination and the courage to succeed.  Just consider all 
> of the folks who achieved their dreams back in those early days, even 
> before the vocational rehabilitation act of 1943 came into being.  Dr. 
> TenBroek, Perry Sunquist, Newell Perry,our own Dr. Abraham Nemeth and 
> their   colleagues needed to rely upon themselves, their friends and their 
> communities to build their lives, and build lives they did.  They enjoyed 
> successful careers, raised families and were viewed as men of skill, 
> intellect, integrity and insight, all of which surpassed blindness to 
> stand as the characteristics that defined them.
> As for the agency in Michigan, there comes a time when the cost and the 
> energy expended in trying to fix a broken system simply outweigh the 
> benefits derived therefrom.
> It is time to let that field lie fallow for a season.  Terry's email 
> beautifully and succinctly captures the winning strategy for the NFB of 
> Michigan, at least in my opinion.  You guys have fantastic ideas, 
> wonderful energy, a lot of know-how, a great deal of talent, friends who 
> are willing to help and Communities that can offer their resources to 
> assist in your endeavors.  Through these paths the affiliate in Michigan 
> will grow.  New members will come to know that it is respectable to be 
> blind, and that their are many ways in which to live the lives they want. 
> They will meet positive role models who can teach them the skills of 
> independence and the positive, empowering attitude necessary for any 
> person in America, blind or sighted, to achieve their goals.
> Lead on my friends!  As for me, I am willing to help in any way I can from 
> this distance, so call on me.
> That is all I have to say about that.
> Warmest Regards,
> Christine
> On Oct 28, 2014, at 12:00 AM, Terry D. Eagle via nfbmi-talk 
> <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> If I understood the majority sentiment of the September Michigan NFB
>> affiliate leadership retreat participants, which included members of the
>> past and current board, the sentiment was that the affiliate should 
>> assume a
>> hands-off or non-proactive approach toward BS4BP acts and inactions that
>> negatively effect services to blind persons.  The sentiment as I 
>> understand,
>> is to direct efforts and pursue programs that are NFB based and designed 
>> to
>> assist NFB and non-NFB members in various skill and exploration for 
>> personal
>> growth and independence, with the hope of building the affiliate and
>> chapters and membership.  Is this the correct sentiment of the majority 
>> of
>> retreat participants?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of joe
>> harcz Comcast via nfbmi-talk
>> Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 11:49 AM
>> To: Lydia Anne Schuck; NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] bsbp peckham questions and info
>> The agency should be sued in the Eastern District, Federal Court for:
>> -Chronic, documented violations of the ADA and Section 504, that are
>> pernicious and malicious as the agents have been notified of obligations
>> -The agencies should be sued in U.S. Federal court for documented
>> discrimination in the hiring of people who are blind.
>> It is as simple as that.
>> And anational was to have set up a conferance call on these issues.
>> Re; Last entry in retreat notes.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Lydia Anne Schuck via nfbmi-talk" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>> To: <terrydeagle at yahoo.com>
>> Cc: "'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 11:11 AM
>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] bsbp peckham questions and info
>>> What is the next action step that should be taken to move ahead with 
>>> this?
>>> Lydia Schuck, MSEd
>>> Research Associate, National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance
>>> Center
>>> Western Michigan University
>>> 1908 W. Michigan Avenue, Mailstop 5259
>>> Kalamazoo, MI  49008
>>> phone 269.387.5990
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Terry D. Eagle via nfbmi-talk <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>> To: 'joe harcz Comcast' <joeharcz at comcast.net>, 'NFB of Michigan 
>>> Internet
>>> Mailing List' <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 10:56:22 -0400 (EDT)
>>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] bsbp peckham questions and info
>>> Amen!  Well said.  But who has the courage to bring about such results 
>>> for
>>> the legal, ethical, and moral abuse and misappropriation, and misuse of
>>> power and authority.  Go along to get along does not require courage and
>>> integrity, rather it only requires lip-service and inaction, to promote
>>> and
>>> advance the oppression and injustice.  To say nothing and not act in the
>>> face of corruption and injustice speaks loudly in and of itself. 
>>> Silence
>>> speaks loudly that discrimination and injustice is acceptable and 
>>> promotes
>>> the status quo, so as to not rock the injustice to simply get along.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of joe
>>> harcz Comcast via nfbmi-talk
>>> Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 1:04 PM
>>> To: Mark Eagle; NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List
>>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] bsbp peckham questions and info
>>> While I agree with you in sentiment Peckham is a total evil, slave shop
>>> and
>>> would not supply good paying jobs to PWD, or at least those with the 
>>> most
>>> significant disabilities.
>>> In fact the Peckham's in this state; the community rehab organizations 
>>> are
>>> the ones who really run through MARO our VR agencies including being the
>>> fiduciary for the Statewide Rehab Council. Again they are the illegal
>>> tails
>>> wagging the dog.
>>> As per BSBP and the entire BEP program though I totally agree with you 
>>> and
>>> Terry. It is a fraud, and a farce and a massive documented
>>> misappropriation
>>> of VR funds.
>>> I, for one want it shut down and for the funds to go in to core
>>> rehabilitation services here. And for the scofflaws in BSBP/LARA to go 
>>> to
>>> jail for the massive theft of those VR dollars. which are right now fora
>>> large part going to non-blind, non-disabled vendors and hacks sucking at
>>> the
>>> public trough and literally stealing stands from the blind.
>>> Joe
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Mark Eagle via nfbmi-talk" <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>> To: <terrydeagle at yahoo.com>; "NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List"
>>> <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 11:38 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] bsbp peckham questions and info
>>>> I am not a fan of peckham. But, if BSBP continues to place sighted
>>>> operators in facilities that are mandated under PA 260 for the blind 
>>>> and
>>>> we
>>>> the blind don't fight for our rights to operate them. Then we shouldn't
>>>> hold our brothers and sister with other disabilities back from a job.
>>>> The BEP has been corrupt for as long as I can remember. It has
>>>> discriminated against some great people. It has created an environment
>>>> where the blind fight amongst each other and not for each other. BEP
>>>> staff
>>>> and operators have "used" their fellow blind "friends" to gain What I
>>>> ask.
>>>> A broken system for future generations and few more pennies in their
>>>> pocket.
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: Terry D. Eagle via nfbmi-talk <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>> To: 'joe harcz Comcast' <joeharcz at comcast.net>; 'NFB of Michigan 
>>>> Internet
>>>> Mailing List' <nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>>> Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2014 7:16 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [nfbmi-talk] bsbp peckham questions and info
>>>> Perhaps the payments are related to the future takeover of BEP by
>>>> Peckham.
>>>> Sounds like a great marriage in rehabilitation.  After all, as pointed
>>>> out
>>>> below both Peckham and BEP discriminate against blind persons in
>>>> rehabilitation services, employment, and subminimum wage employment, as
>>>> demonstrated by the current posted BEP employment opportunities, more
>>>> than
>>>> 10 percent of the entire BS4BP Business Enterprise Program, are
>>>> subminimum
>>>> wage, less than minum wage, for a required 50 hour business week, not
>>>> including shopping weekly for the business.
>>>> Why not open up the BEP to persons with disabilities?  Peckham 
>>>> certainly
>>>> cannot do any worse than BS4BP in serving persons with disabilities. 
>>>> At
>>>> least Peckham provides good supported employment srvices, job coaching
>>>> for
>>>> on-the-job training, retention of employment services, and support
>>>> personnel
>>>> that actually show up at, and meaningfully interact with clients and
>>>> employers.  Peckham also provides necessary and appropriate equipment 
>>>> and
>>>> supports to their clients and employment-placed clients, except for 
>>>> blind
>>>> persons of record.  That is better than BS4BP BEP, who will not even
>>>> invest
>>>> in talking cash registers credit card readers, talking UPC readers for
>>>> inventory control, and Braille note for doing business  successfully, 
>>>> as
>>>> a
>>>> blind business operator and their blind employees.  Yet BS4BP BEP 
>>>> expects
>>>> a
>>>> printed signed and notarized inventory from their blind operators.  And
>>>> there is no meaningful advocate, since the EOC is neutered and bought
>>>> off.
>>>> To Give Peckham the BEP perhaps will replace sighted vending facilities
>>>> with
>>>> persons with disabilities, and the necessary and appropriate supports 
>>>> and
>>>> equipment for business success.  Since BEP simply does not serve blind
>>>> persons with meaningful employment.  I support the BEP expansion to 
>>>> other
>>>> persons with disabilities.  Perhaps we will see much needed support of
>>>> our
>>>> nation's disabled war veterans, rather than sighted family members,
>>>> friends,
>>>> and intimate relationships of agency staff and blind operators.  Just
>>>> watch
>>>> what the BEP future holds, especially after the November re-election of
>>>> the
>>>> Snyder administration.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of 
>>>> joe
>>>> harcz Comcast via nfbmi-talk
>>>> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 10:14 AM
>>>> To: Ed Rodgers BSBP Dir.
>>>> Cc: Marlene Malloy MCRS Dir.; Sarah Gravetti silc mcrs mcil; MARK CODY
>>>> mpas
>>>> pair; Sue Luzenski BSBP Adm. Ass.; Lewis,Anil; trina edmondson mcrs 
>>>> dac;
>>>> katie belknap bsbp; Christyne.Cavataio at ed.gov; Pemble,Mike (LARA);
>>>> nfbmi-talk at nfbnet.org; BRIAN SABOURIN; Elmer Cerano MPAS; MARK 
>>>> MPAS
>>>> Subject: [nfbmi-talk] bsbp peckham questions and info
>>>> October 24 2010 BSBP Peckham Questions
>>>> Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.
>>>> 1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.
>>>> Mt. Morris, MI 48458
>>>> joeharcz at comcast.net
>>>> 810-516-5262
>>>> Edward F. Rodgers, IIDirector (Mich.) Bureau Services to Blind Persons
>>>> (Via e-mail)
>>>> Dear Mr. Rodgers,
>>>> I am writing you today to inquire specifically what the payments to
>>>> Peckham
>>>> Vocational Industries from BSBP (see ref. after signature line) were 
>>>> for.
>>>> It
>>>> is a very simple question sir.
>>>> Moreover, I wish to inform you in case you didn't know it that Peckham
>>>> has
>>>> a
>>>> track record documented in the public  domain of paying people with
>>>> disabilities sub-minimum wages and employing them in segregated work
>>>> settings. Moreover, again in documented fashion Peckham has 
>>>> discriminated
>>>> against blind people in its varius programs and services by not 
>>>> supplying
>>>> them with required reasonable accommodations and even has 
>>>> discriminatory
>>>> hiring practices  against people who are blind.
>>>> Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended one
>>>> recipient
>>>> of federal funds (BSBP)may not contract with a violator of 504 
>>>> (Peckham).
>>>> I've sent you statute and regulations in those regards in the past so
>>>> you've
>>>> been informed of obligations in these regards.
>>>> I thank you in advance for your prompt and accessible response to this
>>>> inquiry.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.
>>>> Cc: RSA
>>>> Cc: NFB MI
>>>> Cc: MPAS/CAP
>>>> Cc: MCRS
>>>> Cc: MI SILC
>>>> Attachment:
>>>> Source:
>> http://media.state.mi.us/MiTransparency/Vendor/Warrants?y=2014&v=PECKHAM%20V
>> OCATIONAL%20INDUSTRIES%20INC&a=641&g=Contractual%20Services%20Supplies%20and
>>>> %20Materials&Column=WarrantDate&Direction=Descending
>>>> AFFAIRS for fiscal year 2014
>>>> Table with 4 columns and 20 rows
>>>> Agency Name
>>>> Category Description
>>>> Warrant Date
>>>> Payments Total
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 10/15/2014
>>>> $2,202.00
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 9/26/2014
>>>> $5,159.76
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 9/23/2014
>>>> $1,022.48
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 9/15/2014
>>>> $4,868.90
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 9/9/2014
>>>> $250.00
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 8/13/2014
>>>> $4,990.76
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 7/9/2014
>>>> $1,022.48
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 6/19/2014
>>>> $3,090.00
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 6/10/2014
>>>> $1,022.48
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 5/12/2014
>>>> $1,022.48
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 4/21/2014
>>>> $1,735.44
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 4/14/2014
>>>> $1,022.48
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 4/11/2014
>>>> $620.00
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 3/20/2014
>>>> $1,022.48
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 2/20/2014
>>>> $1,022.48
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 1/28/2014
>>>> $1,022.48
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 1/22/2014
>>>> $3,419.76
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 12/18/2013
>>>> $1,022.48
>>>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>>>> 11/18/2013
>>>> $2,044.96
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