[nfbmi-talk] Fw: what do you do with this money?

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Wed Sep 3 00:54:19 UTC 2014

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "joe harcz Comcast" <joeharcz at comcast.net>
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 8:53 PM
Subject: Re: what do you do with this money?

> How in the world would a person who is blind or a person who is blind and 
> working for an agency actually get access let alone accountability to said 
> services in accessible format pro forma?
> I'm not trying to be obstinate but this is simply pouring money in to a 
> trough without access or accountability to folks like myself Mark!
> We've got blind employees who cannot access the system, and just as 
> importantly, we've got blind folks who are just regular folks and cannot 
> access this system at all here.
> Meanwhile back at the ranch folks are being funded without access or 
> accountability.
> I'm wondering here...What gives eh?
> Isn't Michigan Protection and Advocacy Services Inc. supposed to be the 
> lead agency in access, let alone performance of these programs?
> Is there anything in this state, federally funded that is fully 
> accessible, let alone accountable to all people with disabilities let 
> alone those of us who are blind from the onset through the ending of it?
> This one leads only to more questions and little answers sir!
> And very little is let one even first expectation let alone upon further 
> examination about the effectiveness  of programs, and frankly what they do 
> in the first place, let alone basic non-discrimination and basic access to 
> them.
> I asked very basic questions. They were in the first place what the heck 
> is done with the federal funding here for PWD, including we who are blind.
> It took, literally weeks to come up with some sort of accessible contract.
> Now, sir imagine this: Imagine you are blind and or otherwise disabled and 
> you wish to access the services paid for with this taxpayer monies.
> Imagine you are just a regular disabled guy or gal so-to--speak. Imagine 
> further that you are blind and trying to traverse this system with all of 
> its various obstacles and all of its lack of basic access. Imagine you 
> want your benefits sir! Imagine! Imagine it all! My goodness imagine 
> asking a simple question of a Protection and Advocacy Service and just 
> wwanting to know what the flying fig is being done with the funds which 
> indeed fund you?
> Imagine you are newly blinded and don't know nothing about nothing as they 
> say. Imagine you ask the BSBp for services. Medicaid providers. CILs. The 
> SilC. MPAS. And then imagine you are run around the merry go round, often 
> by outrightly abusive providers who wouldn't even have a paycheck if it 
> weren't for us and then imagine if you went to MPAS the agency funded to 
> protect us from such abuse and to ensure our programs, services, benefits, 
> and activities, let alone fundamental civil and human rights and imagine 
> this: Imagine you get the "kiss offf over and over again".
> Could you make heads or tails of all of this?
> I mean could you figure out just what in the heck is being done with these 
> federal funds to a P and A service?
> I can't.
> And moreover, I can't figure out in the slightest just what is being done 
> with all of the federal taxpayer's funds to Michigan's CILs and Vocational 
> Rehabilitation Programs either.
> I sure know this: Both give me nothing but garbage, documented 
> discrimination, and  and  discriminatory and abusive so-called FOIA 
> responses. And the masters in state apparatchek think their state laws, 
> rigged as they are trump civil rights laws right in the public record! 
> This is Jim Crow and the state rights doctrine that I fought against and 
> continue to fight against since I was a youth and it continues here sir, 
> again with impunity because the likes of Michigan Protection and Advocacy 
> Services Inc allows such outrages to continue. State rights? If this state 
> of Michigan or any other wishes to abuse continually the rights of PWD, 
> including we who are blind then I say, "Live up to your libertarian dogma 
> and defer the federal funds!!! I say this to MPAS as well. Look at your 
> funding, your mission and your purpose sir!"
> The state apparatchek with federal funds is a documented abuser of 
> fundamental civil rights here sir! I cannot retail in one simple post, but 
> have with hundreds documentation of mass discrimination against myself and 
> my class over years here. The insidious thing is that the nature of the 
> discrimination is chronic, pervasive, insidious, malicious and intentional 
> and that the taxpayers fund these abuses on top of it all!They lie, cheat 
> and steal from PWD here in the open and in the public record and with 
> impunity! These state-rightists ignomonious perverters of social justices 
> also have the un-mitigated galll to purloin our federal funds as in this 
> issue with impunity for other purposes than intended which, sir is in the 
> word of a simple, common man here not anything but pure "theft".
> What the heck!
> And here we have another fancy way of saying: "information and referral" 
> without defining anything.
> Jeez Louise let's cut out the middle-man, lay off the non-disabled hacks 
> and let us just cut some checks for PWD and the blind here in Michigan.
> These programs are not supposed to be about the enabling of bureaucratic, 
> non-disabled folks who couldn't get a job in the dreaded private sector if 
> it snuck up on them and bit them on their sorry posteriors sir!
> Now, tirade to the side, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is 
> about to turn twenty five years old and IDEA and 504 are now forty years 
> old.
> Your agency, and all the jobs therein would not exist without these 
> seminal civil rights laws. Nor would your job or that of the bosses at 
> Now I wish for a simple thing herein, and I wish for it in my lifetime and 
> for not only me, but for all PWD, let alone all who are blind.
> I wish not for charity. I wish not for mercy. I wish for the justice that 
> these laws not only implies but funds and imputes sir
> !
> I do not wish for them yesterday for that was long ago promised. I wish 
> for them today and now and forever!
> I will not rest until justice is delivered to not only me but to all.
> I shall not cease and desist as some might wish, nor will I genuflect upon 
> an alter of a false god and defer to the powers that be and thus deny 
> myself and my brothers and sisters justice!
> This contract s outrageous in concept, design and effect.
> It is throwing money at the wind without giving input let alone one dime 
> or recognition to the very people it is meant to fund, support and 
> otherwise help.
> The fact that it took you all almost a month to make it accessible is 
> testament to the perversity of it all sir.
> Now, I think you are a kind and well meaning sort Mr. McWilliams. I really 
> do.
> But the system is corrupted and the bottom line is that some get fat, 
> quite literally upon the backs of PWD with all of these unaccountable 
> programs whilst so many, too many go without even basic access to 
> programs, benefits, services and activities, including even due process 
> and equal protection under law, of federally funded programs nominally in 
> and for and of our benefit.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "MARK MCWILLIAMS" <MMCWILL at mpas.org>
> To: "joe Comcast" <joeharcz at comcast.net>
> Cc: "ELMER CERANO" <ECERANO at mpas.org>; "MARK CODY" <MCODY at mpas.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 4:49 PM
> Subject: Re: what do you do with this money?
>> Hi Joe,
>> I've attached the contract that describes the services under our state
>> grant, in Word format. If there are any parts you need changed into
>> text, let me know and I'll do that.
>> Mark
>> Mark McWilliams, Attorney
>> Director, Information, Referral, and Education Services
>> Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc. (MPAS)
>> 4095 Legacy Parkway, Suite 500
>> Lansing, MI  48911
>> mmcwill at mpas.org
>> (517) 487-1755 or (800) 288-5923
>> *****
>> The transmitted material is intended
>> only for the use of the addressee.
>> It may contain confidential, proprietary,
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>> received this communication in error,
>> please notify us immediately by e-mail
>> reply or by phone (800-288-5923),
>> delete the communication and destroy
>> any copies.
>>>>> "joe harcz Comcast" <joeharcz at comcast.net> 8/13/2014 8:08 AM >>>
>> August 13 2014 to Cerano Fund Info
>> Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.
>> 1365 E. Mt. Morris Rd.
>> Mt. Morris, MI 48458
>> joeharcz at comcast.net
>> 810-516-5262
>> To:
>> Elmer Cerano
>> Mich. Protection and Advocacy Services, Inc.
>> (Via e-mail)
>> Dear Mr. Cerano,
>> Could you please detail for me precisely what Michigan Protection and
>> Advocacy  Services does with the public funds denoted after my signature
>> line?
>> In other words what services does MPAS provide to Michiganders with
>> disabilities with these funds?
>> Sincerely,
>> Paul Joseph Harcz, Jr.
>> Attachment:
>> HEALTH for fiscal year 2014
>> Table with 4 columns and 8 rows
>> Agency Name
>> Category Description
>> Warrant Date
>> Payments Total
>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>> 7/15/2014
>> $32,695.93
>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>> 5/15/2014
>> $15,971.19
>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>> 4/1/2014
>> $15,875.31
>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>> 3/3/2014
>> $17,049.54
>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>> 2/7/2014
>> $15,954.68
>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>> 1/24/2014
>> $15,952.39
>> Contractual Services Supplies and Materials
>> 12/30/2013
>> $16,915.19
>> Source:
>> http://media.state.mi.us/MiTransparency/Vendor/Warrants?y=2014&v=MICHIGAN%20PROTECTION%20%26%20ADVOCACY%20SERVICE%20INC&a=391&g=Contractual%20Services%20Supplies%20and%20Materials&Column=WarrantDate&Direction=Descending

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