[nfbmi-talk] Minutes, National Federation of the Blind of Michigan, April 9

trising at sbcglobal.net trising at sbcglobal.net
Mon Apr 20 15:06:15 UTC 2015

Minutes, National Federation of the Blind of Michigan, April 9
Quorum Yes, Larry Posont, Mike Powell, Terri Wilcox, Mark Eagle, Dave Robinson, and Derek Moore.
Introduction of Participating Members
Secretary's Report, Terri Wilcox.  Mike Powell moved to adopt the March 26 Minutes.  Derek Moore seconded the motion.  The motion 
was approved.
Treasurer's Report, Mark Eagle.
NFB of Michigan
Financial Statement
Summary Page
April 9, 2015

General Fund: $56,071.15
Newsline: $2,083.26
Paypal: $0.00
Youth Grant: $9,178.57

1.	Refer to DOES Seminar Financial report.

NFB of Michigan
DOES Seminar
Financial Report
April 9, 2015

Total Expenditures: $4,191.27
	Hotel: $4,124.28
	Materials: $66.99
	Transportation: $0.00 (needs amount and receipts)
Total Income: $0.00
	Registration: $0.00

 Terri Wilcox moved to adopt the Treasurer's Report.  Mike Powell seconded the motion.  The Treasurer's Report was approved.
President's Report, Larry Posont.  The President's comments are given as they pertain to specific topics listed in the Agenda.
Agency News, Larry Posont.  Rob Essenberg has been fired by the agency.  Twenty vending locations are rumored to be slated bebe cut 
from the program.  People cannot be given vending facilities without going through the bid system.
Vendors Committee, Terry Eagle.  A letter was sent to Terry Smith about follow up after a letter about vending concerns in Michigan 
was sent to Rsa.  Rsa has responded.  Terry Smith will follow up.
Employment Seminar Jordyn Castor, J.J.  Meddaugh.  The Employment Seminar was very well done.  Speakers were impressive.  Mike 
Hudson spoke at the Seminar.  The National Federation of the Blind was extensively discussed.  Half of the participants have not 
previously been to a National Federation of the Blind of Michigan event.  Refer students to their local chapters.  The hotel and 
food were good.  State Convention will be held there at the Ramada Inn.
National Convention 2015 Mugs 144 mugs were purchased.  Affiliate Financial Support People from Jackson are attending National 
Convention.  Seek financial assistance by May 1 by contacting Larry Posont.
Update Access to Metro Airport, Larry Posont.  A brief will not be written by the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan 
because we do not agree with the settlement.  It was against the Americans with Disabilities Act to move the Michigan Flyer.  Metro 
Airport is not supportive of the presence of public transportation.  Busses are promised from Oakland and Wayne Counties.  A written 
letter requesting a meeting with Delta, plus presenting our resolution, has been sent.  Be prepared for future action!
Old Business: A State Convention theme is need.  State Convention will be at the Lansing Ramada Inn during the first week end of 
November.  The Constitution draft will be presented on May 16.  The deadline for Jernigan Scholarships is April 15.  A human 
Services survey was posted on Newsline.  The Advisory Board Report about the Agency is available.  Mike Pemble announced that the 
Advisory Committee's work is done and no further meetings are scheduled.  Mike Powell moved to adjourn at 9:34.  Terri Wilcox 
seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned.

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