[nfbmi-talk] Fw: src minutes important for list serve
David Robinson
drob1946 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 15:56:13 UTC 2015
----- Original Message -----
From: joe harcz Comcast
To: David Robinson NFB MI
Cc: terry Eagle ; Mark Eagle ; Larry Posont NFBMI Pres. ; Terri Wilcox NFB Sec ; Derek Moore
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 9:08 AM
Subject: src minutes important for list serve
Lots of blindness issues in here and it sure would be important for Federationists to know about them and to act upon them.'
3490 Belle Chase Way, Suite 110
Lansing, MI 48911
517.887.9370 or 877.335.9370
Business Meeting Minutes
MCRS Office, Lansing
Tuesday January 20, 2015
Members Present: Carol Bergquist, Sharon Bryant, Trina Edmondson, Suzanne Howell (Department of Human Services – Michigan Rehabilitation Services DHS-MRS), Adam Kaplan, Deanna Middlebrooks, Caryn Pack Ivey, Michael Poyma, Anne Riddering, Brian Sabourin, Mitch Tomlinson, Zach Tomlinson, Jennipher Wiebold.
Members Excused: Sara Grivetti, Ed Rodgers (Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs – Bureau of Services for Blind Persons LARA-BSBP).
Members Absent: Ed Benning, Sheryl Diamond, Rod Jones, William Jones.
Guests Present: James Bunton (DHS-MRS), Lisa Kisiel (LARA-BSBP), Mike Pemble (LARA-BSBP).
Staff Present: Marlene Malloy, Shori Teeple.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Council Chairperson C. Bergquist. Roll call determined that a quorum was present.
Welcome & Introductions
C. Bergquist welcomed council members and guests. Introductions were made.
The draft agenda (January 20, 2015) was reviewed by the membership.
A motion, made by A. Riddering and seconded by S. Bryant, was passed to approve the draft agenda as presented.
The draft minutes (November 18, 2014) were reviewed by the membership.
A motion, made by A. Riddering and seconded by B. Sabourin, was passed to approve the draft minutes as presented.
Public Comment
The public comment statement was read aloud.
There was no one present to make public comment.
Overview - Partner Reports
Written reports received from members representing the Parent Training and Information (PTI) Center, Project Visions - Hannahville Indian Community, and Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) were included in meeting packets. A brief overview was provided of the Project Visions written report, which included 2 customer success stories and a report about their new housing project.
A question was directed to the PTI representative regarding the main successes and challenges for their organization within the past year. In response, the biggest successes have been the development of their webinar series, which has been very well attended, the live learning activities that have been offered statewide, and also their website (www.michiganallianceforfamilies) for providing information and resources to families, professionals, and others. The biggest challenges have been following the rules/data requirements and also getting the families and schools working together in order to develop good relationships for the benefit of the children being served.
Executive Team (ET) Report
Members reviewed the proposed Final ET Minutes for October 28 and December 11, 2014.
A motion, made by B. Sabourin and seconded by Z. Tomlinson, was passed to accept and place on file the final ET minutes as presented.
Financial Operations
Members reviewed the Financial Statements for October, November, and December 2014. It was noted that fieldwork for the MCRS FY 2014 Financial Review has been completed, the report is in progress, and an appointment has been scheduled with the auditor to review physical plant/inventory updates. At this time, no concerns have been noted.
A motion, made by A. Riddering and seconded by M. Poyma, was passed to accept and place on file the Financial Statements for October, November, and December 2014 as presented.
Customer Service System Issues - Brian Sabourin, Vice Chair
Client Assistance Program (CAP) – B. Sabourin
A written report was included in meeting packets. CAP data for FY 2014 was reviewed, with their final Annual Report being submitted to Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) before December 31st. Similar to previous years, the majority of complaints from customers were received by individuals with mental illness (MI) receiving services from MRS. In previous years, most complaints presented to CAP were from customers from MRS with the disability characteristic of orthopedic impairments, with those with MI being second or third. Few to no complaints from BSBP customers continue to be received. In response to a question why there is such a disparity between the number of complaints from customers from the DSUs, it was stated that it has historically been this way. This tends to be the case nationally as well. Another question was asked regarding the estimated percentages of the number of cases for both DSUs. It was concluded that the range in percentages can be accounted for by the differences in total numbers of customers being served by the two DSUs.
DHS-MRS Administrative Hearings Manager
A written report was included in meeting packets. It was stated that the Council should continue to receive redacted hearings reports from both Designated State Units (DSUs), which includes BSBP and MRS, as well as updates about hearings decisions that result in cases to be reopened. It was encouraged that follow-up emails be sent to the Administrative Hearings Manager to request this information.
Update - Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs – Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (LARA-BSBP): Lisa Kisiel, BSBP Training Center Director
and Mike Pemble, BSBP Deputy Director
All FY 2014 federal reports for BSBP have been submitted to RSA.
Business Enterprise Program (BEP)
The BEP has undergone some changes, with Constance Zanger (BEP Manager) retiring and Sherry Hybeck (who serves as the Assistant Director at the BSBP Training School), who had been the previous manager, to become the interim manager for the BEP. The position will be posted for a permanent replacement.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Project
BSBP continues to be involved with MRS on the WIOA Work Team. Shannon McVoy (BSBP Regional Manager) and L. Kisiel have been assigned to this task, along with working on another project with the Workforce Development Agency.
While working with carry forward funds, BSBP continues to provide services to customers despite a $300,000 reduction in general funds.
BSBP Training Center
Staff is in the process of updating their handbook, including rules and regulations. A small retail store project is being considered.
Data Request for MCRS Annual Report and Quarterly Data Updates
Questions were asked by Council members regarding requests that have been made for BSBP FY 2014 data, which needs to be included in the MCRS Annual Report, as well as quarterly data to be shared with the membership during business meetings. It was stated in response that these items will be followed up on and reported back to the membership.
Update - Department of Human Services – Michigan Rehabilitation Services (DHS-MRS): Suzanne Howell, MRS State Director
Focus Groups
Discussions took place between the MRS Director, MCRS Chair and Executive Director during the previous fiscal year about reaching out to customers to obtain feedback in an effort to understand their feelings and perceptions with regard to services provided by the public vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies in Michigan. As shared almost a year ago, the context for sharing data is extremely important. The MRS Director has requested that MRS and the Council move forward to gather information from customers with the town hall process. With everyone required to gather information from customers, the process should be approached as a team, with a schedule to be established and plans to be implemented in alignment and partnership/coordination with MRS, BSBP, MCRS, Centers for Independent Living (CILs), and SILC. Having already lost a quarter of this fiscal year, the process should be initiated soon, with events for customers (as many as possible) to be carried out before the end of the fiscal year.
Reports from MCRS
MRS and DHS would like to know more information, on a more regular basis, about the activities of the Council on a monthly (instead of quarterly) basis. Activities in process and those that have been implemented by the MCRS should be well represented and well communicated between the department and Council. The first quarter report will be forwarded to MRS, followed thereafter by monthly reports.
The MRS budget is in good shape. Overviews were provided of some programs that are connected to specific funds, including the Swift and Sure Project, Adjudicated Youth, and Project Search.
Statewide Strategic Planning Coordination Committee
The committee includes MRS Staff, Community Rehabilitation Organizations (CROs), and CILs and is responsible for statewide programming implementation. Programs include Swift and Sure, Benefits Planning, Financial Planning, and others.
MRS recently lost 3 positions but hopes to gain additional staff once all staffing changes have been completed.
Systems Changes
Some system reviews and changes are in process, including the implementation of group authorizations in November 2014, which will help to process similar services to customers faster. The goal is to bring more resources to the field and to reduce delays in getting services to customers.
Business Services Initiative
As connected to the Governor’s Summit, which will be held next on February 9th at the Lansing Center, MRS currently has over 100 employers registered. Thanks were extended to L. Kisiel and S. McVoy from BSBP for their collaboration with MRS in this business service initiative along with other community partners. Business Service representatives will work to coordinate teams with businesses for better collaboration and communication. The Governor’s Summit will be attended by the Governor, Lt. Governor, and newly appointed Justice Richard Bernstein.
Reflection: MRS’ Excellent Customer Service
A personal experience was shared by a Council member about her recent interactions with several MRS counselors and staff. MRS is to be commended for its message of “customers first” and excellent customer service for staff who offer to do amazing things for customers to serve them in the best way possible.
Follow-up discussion about plans for Customer Focus Groups
It was encouraged that Community Rehabilitation Organizations (CROs) be a part of the process to conduct the focus groups. The more information shared with transparency, the better. It was requested that once the Council comes up with a proposal that S. Howell be able to review it, as well as having it reviewed by other community partners with opportunities to provide input as well. It is anticipated that the plans will be formulated in complete partnership. All forms of accessibility for customers should be considered for planning purposes.
Match Inquiries
With questions asked by a member about MRS’ recent, current, and future match situations, as well as how the MCRS might be able to assist with match, it was stated that details for this information will be obtained and reported back to the membership. S. Howell stated that money should not be a big issue for MRS in the future, because they will have the potential to draw down more match funds. With more that MRS can do together with others by being at the table with partners, MRS and BSBP should be doing joint programming to run programs together and maximize the potential for funding.
BSBP Follow-up about FY 2014 Budget
M. Pemble shared that BSBP was successfully able to match all available federal dollars during FY 2014. In addition, there were some one-time expenditures that the state made that BSBP was able to count toward state expenditures for purposes of BSBP match. BSBP was able to draw down an additional $800,000-900,000, which they were able to take advantage of. BSBP also went to the federal government and made a request for additional Title I funds, which were granted. All money was spent within the time period allotted, so BSBP did well to utilize funds last year.
Report of the Executive Director (ED): M. Malloy
A written staff report was included in meeting packets. Additional updates were shared regarding involvement with the MRS Marketing Team, which now includes participation by BSBP Staff. A document titled “MRS By the Numbers: FY 2013” was shared and reviewed as a tool for staff to use for marketing purposes. Once FY 2014 data becomes available, the document will be updated. Staff attended the morning session of the recent MRS Public Hearing for Promulgation of Rules. Membership constitution updates were shared, a New Member Orientation is in the planning stages, a letter of support for a grant being requested by the PTI Center will be drafted and sent on behalf of the membership, and updates were shared for the National Coalition of State Rehabilitation Councils. Staff will soon be involved in the MRS process for updating the online orientation series.
Advisory Work Team Reports
Customer Experience (CE) - M. Poyma (Chair)
A CE Work Team Highlights document was included in meeting packets. The team met prior to the business meeting, with work continuing to refine DSU dashboards to track data with regard to Performance Standards and Indicators and other customer data.
Regulatory Guidance (RG) - A. Riddering (Chair)
A Highlights document and final RG minutes (October 21, 2014) were included in meeting packets. An overview was shared of progress made by the team with regard to plans for completing the Council’s Annual Report for FY 2014. Once data and other information is received from both DSUs for the previous fiscal year, it will be incorporated into the final report, which will then be printed, distributed, and submitted to RSA. Next steps for the work team will focus on the State Plans for both DSUs.
A motion, made by M. Tomlinson and seconded by M. Poyma, was passed to accept and place on file the final Regulatory Guidance minutes as presented.
State Plan (SP) - B. Sabourin (Chair)
A Highlights document and draft SP minutes (November 3, 2014) were included in meeting packets. An overview was provided of the meeting that took place in November. The Ad Hoc SP Advisory Work Team will be reconvened soon to begin working on updating Attachment 4.2c documents for both DSU FY 2016 State Plans.
A motion, made by A. Riddering and seconded by M. Tomlinson, was passed to approve the draft State Plan minutes as presented.
Public Comment
The public comment statement was read aloud.
There was no one present to make public comment.
Customer Experience - Methodologies for Gaining Input
Discussion took place about plans for customer focus groups to be held around the state in order to gain input from customers who receive services from the DSUs. See Attachment One for a summary of notes from the discussion.
State Plan FY 2016 Overview
A power point presentation was shared and discussed as related to the State Plan process. Highlights included the Council’s responsibilities to author Attachment 4.2c for both DSU State Plans as well as Council representation at the table during the development of both DSU State Plans for the next fiscal year. The process for development and monitoring of State Plan recommendations was also reviewed.
There was no further business for discussion.
A motion, made by B. Sabourin and seconded by M. Tomlinson, was passed to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:03 p.m.
Tuesday March 17, 2015
MCRS Meeting Room, Lansing
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