[nfbmi-talk] Minutes, National Federation of the Blind of Michigan 10/12/2014

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    Minutes, National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
Quorum yes, Larry Posont, Mike Powell, Terri Wilcox, Mark Eagle Dave Robinson, Sarah
Norwood and Derek Moore.
Introduction of Participating Members
SECRETARY's REPORT, Terri Wilcox. Sarah Norwood moved to approve the August 16 Minutes. Dave Robinson seconded the motion.
TREASURER's Report, Mark Eagle.
NFB of Michigan
Financial Statement
Summary Page
October 1, 2014
General Fund: $59,937.62
Newsline: $2,083.26
Paypal: $1393.14
PNC: $68.75
Youth Grant: $22,231.40
PRESIDENT's REPORT, Larry Posont. Services are not provided by the agency if the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan is 
mentioned. Services continue to go down. Larry Posont wrote letters to get someone from the Bureau of Services to Blind Persons to 
come to
the Convention to speak. Are there ten people between ages 20 and 40 who are blind and are
working? Blind people must leave Michigan to work. A work to welfare mentality exists in
Michigan. The National Federation of the Blind of Michigan builds relationships with people who will listen to the proper ways of 
doing rehabilitation. The leadership seminar is of long term help for the Affiliate. Convention numbers are constant. Agency people 
did not attend or register. Larry Posont takes a call a week from blind people who are not getting services. Larry Posont has been 
Affiliate President for five years and has increased
confidence for the job. The war is never over until we win it.
ELECTION of PRESIDENT Larry Posont is elected President of the Michigan Affiliate of the
National Federation of the Blind. ELECTION of FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Mike Powell is elected
First Vice President of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan. ELECTION of
SECOND VICE PRESIDENT J.J. Meddaugh is elected Second Vice President of the Michigan
Affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan. ELECTION of SECRETARY Terri
Wilcox is elected Secretary of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan. ELECTION
OF TREASURER Mark Eagle is elected Treasurer of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan.
Mr. Brown presented information concerning Insurance against Identity Theft and Legal Insurance. Legal Shield has been around
for 42 years. Identity theft has grown big in the last 60 days. Legal Shield gives
unlimited phone consultation without a high hourly cost. They provide contract and document
review. Legal Shield handles company or individual disputes. Legal Shield draws up your
will for having the service. Attorneys are available 24 hours a day. Identity Plans are
$14.95. Identity and legal plans cost $29.95 for each person plus spouses and children.
Resolutions, Dave Robinson The list serve will keep people informed about the court case
regarding the Michigan Flyer at Metro Airport. Resolution 2014-01 passed. Resolution 2014
-02 passed. The Abraham Nemeth proclamation from the Senate was read. NATIONAL CONVENTION
will be in Orlando on July 5-10, 2015. Dave Robinson moved to have the President and Vice
President serve as Delegate and alternate for the 2015 National Convention. Terri Wilcox
seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Donna Posont moved that the Affiliate
financially support the delegate and alternate to attend National Convention. Dave Robinson
seconded the motion. The motion passed. FUND RAISING - National Convention Sell Braille
mugs. Mugs need to be marketed on the internet and possibly on a web page. STATE
CONVENTION - Locations for 2015? Holiday Inn West Ramada South of Lansing offers $75.00 per
night. Finlay's is connected with the hotel. State rates for banquets and lunches are
offered. $1,000 will be charged for meeting rooms. The Convention hotel should be decided
in the next week. DAVE Robinson moved to have the 2015 State Convention at the Ramada Inn
in Lansing. Fred Wurtzel seconded the motion. Staff will be added to the restaurant.
Convention will be the first week end of November. Mark Eagle will visit the hotel. The
motion passed.
WASHINGTON SEMINAR - 2015 J.J. Meddaugh will coordinate Washington Seminar. Dave Robinson
moved to allocate 2 rooms, a male and female room, plus $1,000 to be distributed by the
President for Washington Seminar. Mike Powell seconded the motion. The motion passed.
STUDENT DIVISION REPORT, Jordyn Castor Hannah Furney spoke about her time at Blind Inc.
Hannah Furney has an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts. COMMITTEE Appointments Legislation,
Mark Eagle, Joe Harcz, Georgia Kitchen, Membership, Dave Robinson, Mike Powell, Derek Moore,
Larry Posont, Kimberly Mohnke, Mary Ann Robinson Communications J.J. Meddaugh, Georgia
Kitchen, Jeff Crouch, Fred Wurtzel, Joe Harcz, Leonard Gross Newsline Mark Eagle, Georgia
Kitchen, Mike Powell Leonard Gross, John Scott, Braille Terri Wilcox, Georgia Kitchen,
Lillian Quickly, Jerusalem Crawley, Dog Guide Mary Wurtzel, Larry Keeler, Jeff Crouch, The
Dog Guide Committee should coordinate with the Legislative Committee concerning Guide Dog
law in Michigan. Fund Raising Larry Posont, Fred Wurtzel, Dave Robinson LEADERSHIP RETREAT
REPORTS Fred Wurtzel will head up Leadership operations. Fred Wurtzel moved that the Board
allocate $1,000 for the Great Backyard Bird Count on February 13-15. Dianna Mohnke seconded
the motion. The motion passed. CHAPTER REPORTS The Detroit Chapter views videos that
highlight the philosophy of the National Federation of the Blind. It has over 20 people
attending. They meet the second Saturday at St. Pat's Church. The Ann Arbor Chapter is
growing with 6 attending Convention. The Flint Chapter has a good core. They are working
with the Flint Library to make it accessible. The Grand Rapids Chapter is having an open
house at Grand Valley on the third Thursday of November. Let's build the Federation! The
Jackson Chapter is trying to bring equity to blind prisoners. They are working on
transportation for blind people. Computer training is also being provided. The Lansing
Chapter is working with the Regional Transportation Authority. They will have a theater
fund raiser. The Wayne County Chapter meets the first Saturday at Leon's Diner. Marcus
Simmons is in Florida to help his mother-in-law. He will be home next week. Derek Moore is
putting a Pac form on the list serve so anyone can fill one out and sign it. NEW BUSINESS:
The Human Services Division started. A model constitution is adopted with one minor
change. Consumers of service and consumer advocates are welcome to join. Officers include:
President, Mary Ann Robinson, Vice President, Joe Harcz, Shelley Cook, Secretary and Georgia
Kitchen Treasurer. Dave Robinson moved to adopt the new constitution plus give the new
Division $50 to start their Treasury. Patti Chang will take a report back to President
Riccobono that Michigan is growing the Federation. Officers of the Student Division
include: President, Jordyn Castor, Vice President, Donna Posont, Secretary, Kim Mohnke and
Treasurer, JJ. Meddaugh. The Board consists of Lizzie Kazmierski and Egypt Crawley.
Invite parents to the Midwest Seminar in Illinois. Check with Marcus Simmons on the
dividend report. TERRI Wilcox moved to close the Pnc account. Dave Robinson seconded the
motion. The motion passed.


WHEREAS, the transition from print-based medical records to electronic health records (EHRs)
offers the opportunity to expand the circle of participation in the healthcare industry by
giving blind providers mainstream access to systems and material that they need in order to
do their jobs without the need for alternative formats, specialized services, and customized
supports, and by giving blind patients private and equal access to their health records; and

WHEREAS, most current EHR technology is inaccessible to blind patients and blind people
working in or pursuing work in the healthcare industry, creating new barriers that may
ultimately drive blind people out of the industry altogether and prevent blind patients from
having equal access to and privately viewing their records; and

WHEREAS, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 have been in effect since 2008 and
are the means by which EHR technology can be made accessible; and

WHEREAS, blind patients and workers in the health care industry in Michigan are facing
extreme and needless discrimination as a result of inaccessible EHR technology: Now,

BE IT RESOLVED by the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan in Convention assembled
this 12th day of October, 2014, in the city of Flint, Michigan that we strongly demand
compliance to all laws which insure our right to information and that the Department of
Human Services, hospitals, outpatient physical health clinics, the Department of Community
Health, the 46 community mental health agencies/authorities and any healthcare provider that
deploys HER technology proactively to demand without delay, accessibility from developers,
since all of these entities are stakeholders in this matter and will never fully realize the
benefits of EHR technology unless that technology is accessible to users with disabilities;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that within 30 days this organization shall request legal
consultation with our national office to determine if any declaratory, injunctive relief, or
any other legal remedies would be deemed appropriate.

RESOLUTION 2014-02 Michigan Flyer and SMART Bus Access to Airport

WHEREAS, The Michigan Flyer, Air Ride and Smart bus services offer a convenient and
affordable means of traveling to the Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW); and

WHEREAS, Many blind people use public transportation including the Michigan Flyer, Air Ride
and SMART to travel to and from the McNamara Terminal of Detroit Metropolitan Airport; and

WHEREAS, There is a 70% unemployment rate among blind people who wish to work, making
affordable transportation an extremely important part of life activities; and

WHEREAS, The Airport Board has decided to move the Bus Stop for these services to another
location , called the Ground Transportation Center, which is inadequate, dangerous and
inconvenient to persons using public transportation to travel to the McNamara Terminal; and

WHEREAS, Until recently, the busses have dropped passengers at an accessible stop within 50
feet of the entrance to the terminal with no safety or other negative consequences for over
2 years; and

WHEREAS, The Ground Transportation Center (GTC) severely limits a disabled person's access
to and communication with Prospect Airport Services, since Prospect is located inside the
McNamara Terminal near the former bus stop, a service used by disabled persons to assist
them in getting around at the Airport, thus leaving persons needing this assistance without
to reasonable accommodations when getting off the bus; and

WHEREAS, The new location at the GTC is approximately 200 yards from the nearest
indoor area of the airport, as opposed to 50 feet in the McNamara Terminal at
the former location, thus forcing people to either wait outside for their bus or
run quickly once it arrives. Disabled persons, especially those with mobility
limitations, who cannot "run" quickly enough are thus forced to wait outside,
even in harsh weather conditions; and

WHEREAS, When all three unloading spots at the new stop are occupied, passengers loading and
unloading from a bus in the middle lane are forced to exit between vehicles and cross over
a lane of traffic, an action which could result in severe bodily harm and/or
death; and

WHEREAS, The change in bus stops conflicts with the Americans With Disabilities law by
limiting access to the terminal by persons with disabilities; and

WHEREAS, The Ground Transportation Center does not have a service dog relief area unlike the
former stop which has dog relief facilities; and,

WHEREAS, Passengers traveling from the McNamara Terminal to the new transit pickup
location outside of the GTC must either choose to travel directly out "side
doors" that exit to active lanes of traffic, or go through a revolving door, which
when often broken is inaccessible to those with mobility impairments. To wit,
the Detroit Free Press in 2009 reported that the door had broken 33 times from
April 1, 2008 to March 22, 2009; and

WHEREAS, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder communicated his support in "maintaining the
integrity of the previous stop locations" in a letter to Mr. Tom Naught on, CEO of the
Wayne County Airport Authority and to Mr. Michael Ford, CEO of the Ann Arbor
Area Transportation Authority dated June 11, 2014; and

WHEREAS, The change of bus stop only effects those using public transportation and
drastically reduces the convenience and accessibility for these passengers, this change
unreasonably and discriminatorily targets persons who use public transportation to travel to
and from the airport by making the environment hostile and unwelcoming to visitors to our
state who use these services to reach the many attractions and services including colleges,
industries, residences, tourist attractions and the vast natural and commercial resources of
the state of Michigan: Now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED in convention assembled this 12th day of October, 2014, in the city of Flint,
Michigan that this organization condemns and deplores the action of the Wayne county Airport
Authority in discriminating against users of public transportation, especially those with
disabilities by relocating bus drop off points used by the Michigan Flyer, Air Ride and
SMART; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that this organization call upon the Airport Authority to
immediately and permanently reverse its decision to move the Bus Stop for the Michigan
Flyer, Air Ride and Smart busses to the Ground Transportation Center and return it to its
former location at the entrance to the McNamara Terminal; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that this organization empower our president and board to join in
any legal actions to remediate this move by the Airport Authority, including filing of
friendly briefs, or other actions; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that, this organization empower our president and board to
authorize any actions, including, but not limited to, press releases, testimony or
demonstrations, which seem prudent, effective and are designed to , result in the
restoration of convenient transportation to users of public transportation to the Detroit
Metropolitan Airport.

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
 Human Services Division

The name of this organization shall be the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan
Human Services Division.

The purposes of the Division are to serve as a vehicle for self expression by blind human
Service professionals, blind human service advocates and blind consumers of human services;
to provide a support and information network of blind human Service professionals, advocates
and consumers of human services about techniques and capabilities of the blind; to advocate
for the full integration of blind professionals into all human services fields; and to
function as an integral part of the National Federation of the Blind Human Services
Division, the National Federation of the Blind, and the National Federation of the Blind of


Section One: Active Members
A majority of the active members of this organization must be blind. Active members shall
have the right to vote, serve on committees, speak on the floor, and hold office.

Section Two: Affiliation
Membership in this organization constitutes membership in the National Federation of the
Human Services Division, the National Federation the Blind of Michigan and the National
Federation of the Blind.

Section Three: Expulsion
Any member may be expelled for violation of this Constitution or for conduct unbecoming a
member of the National Federation of the Blind by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active
membership present and voting at any regular business meeting of this organization. Any
person who feels unjustly expelled from this organization may appeal to the Board of
Directors of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan.

Officers and Board of Directors
There shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Division in each odd numbered year: a
President, a first Vice President, a second Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and
two (2) board members. These seven (7) persons will be referred to as the Division's Board
of Directors. The terms of these officers and board members shall begin at the close of the
meeting at which they are elected and qualified. The President, Vice Presidents, and a
majority of the Board of Directors of the Division must be blind. Officers and board
members shall be elected by a majority vote of the members of the Division present and
voting. There shall be no proxy votes. If no nominee receives a majority vote on the first
ballot, the name of the person receiving the fewest votes shall be dropped from the list of
nominees and a second ballot shall be taken. This procedure shall continue until one of the
nominees receives a majority vote. The officers and board members are authorized to conduct
such business as is necessary for the normal operation of the Division between the annual
regular meetings of the Division. The duties of each officer and board member shall be
those ordinarily associated with the office.

This organization shall hold regular meetings at the State Convention of the National
Federation of the Blind of Michigan.

The President may appoint such committees as deemed necessary.

The National Federation of the Blind of Michigan Human Services Division shall be a Division
of the National Federation of the Blind Human Services Division and the National Federation
of the Blind of Michigan. This organization shall furnish to the Presidents of the National
Federation of the Blind Human Services Division and the National Federation of the Blind of
Michigan annually, on or before June 1, a list of the names and addresses of its members and
elected officers. Furthermore, a complete financial report showing all financial
transactions for the previous calendar year shall be furnished to these Presidents on or
before March 1. A copy of the Constitution of the National Federation of the Blind of
Michigan Human Services Division and of all amendments to this Constitution shall be sent to
the Presidents of the National Federation of the Blind Human Services Division and the
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan immediately upon their adoption. The National
Federation of the Blind of Michigan Human Services Division shall not merely be a social
organization, but shall formulate programs and actively work to promote the economic and
social betterment of the blind. This organization shall comply with the provisions of the
Constitutions of the National Federation of the Blind Human Services Division, the National
Federation of the Blind of Michigan, and the National Federation of the Blind. All policy
decisions National Federation of the Blind Human Services division, the National Federation
of the Blind, or of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan, whether made by the
National or State Convention, during the regular meeting of the National Federation of the
Blind Human Services division, or by the Board of Directors of the National Federation of
the Blind Human Services Division, the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan, or the
National Federation of the Blind are binding on this organization. Therefore, this
organization shall affirmatively participate in carrying out such policy decisions. As a
condition of affiliation, it is agreed by this organization that the National Federation of
the Blind Human Services Division and the National Federation of the Blind whether by
National or State Convention or by National or State Boards of Directors, has the power to
expel or discipline any individual member and to expel or reorganize a state affiliate,
local chapter, or any Division. In the event of reorganization, the assets of this
organization belong to the reorganized division, and the former Division shall dissolve and
cease to exist. The name National Federation of the Blind Human Services division, Human
Services Division, National Federation of the Blind, Federation of the Blind, or any variant
thereof is the property of the National Federation of the Blind and this organization, if it
ceases to be a part of the National Federation of the Blind Human Services division or the
National Federation of the Blind, for whatever reason, shall forfeit the right to use the
name National Federation of the Blind Human Services division, Human Services Division,
National Federation of the Blind, Federation of the Blind, or any variant thereof.

Commentary: It is strongly suggested that the amount of dues not be set forth in this
article since changing that amount would require an amendment to this constitution;
amendments require a supermajority (2/3 affirmative vote of the members present and voting)
rather than a simple majority. The dues of this Association shall be an amount determined
by the membership and in accordance with the constitutions and policies of the National
Federation of the Blind Human Services Division, the National Federation of the Blind of
Michigan, and the National Federation of the Blind. No rights or privileges of membership
are extended to any person who is delinquent in the payment of their dues. Dues are for
membership from Convention to Convention. Any individual who becomes a new member within
three (3) months of Convention shall retain membership until the following Convention. N.B.
This latter provision does not apply to previous members who are delinquent on their dues!

Section One: General Expenditures
The funds of this organization shall be deposited in a bank selected by the Treasurer with
the approval of the President. All financial obligations of this organization shall be
discharged by check issued on written order of the President and signed by the Treasurer, or
in the absence or incapacity of the Treasurer, such check may be signed by the President or
other designee.

Section Two: Expenditure of Restricted Income
If donations are accepted subject to restrictions or limitations, these donations shall be
expended only in accordance with those limitations or restrictions.

In the event of the dissolution of this organization or for whatever reason it ceases to be
a Division of the National Federation of the Blind Human Services Division or of the
National Federation of the Blind of Michigan, its assets shall be given to the National
Federation of the Blind of Michigan to be held in trust for a reorganized Division. In the
event that no Division is reorganized for a period of two (2) years from the date this
organization ceases to be a Division of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan,
the assets shall be divided equally between and become the property of the National
Federation of the Blind Human Services division and the National Federation of the Blind of

This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization by an
affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the active members present and voting, provided the
proposed amendment has been submitted in writing and read at the regular business meeting,
and provided it is in compliance with the provisions of the Charter of Affiliation received
from the National Federation of the Blind and with the policies of the National Federation
of the Blind Human Services division and the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan.

This Constitution was ratified on this 10th day of October, 2014.


Mary Ann Robinson president


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