[nfbmi-talk] Why Be a Part of the NFB?

Terry D. Eagle terrydeagle at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 26 02:51:30 UTC 2015

What I Have Given and Received from the  Federation

by Tom Bickford
>From  the Editor: At the 2013 convention of the National Federation of the
of  Maryland, Tom Bickford, a member of the National Federation of the Blind
the 1950s, related what he has gotten through his contact with the people
and  the
programs of the National Federation of the Blind. Here is what he said:
Tom Bickford
What  is it that you get in the mail the most? Bills! Bills, advertising,
requests for money. Yeah, you guys know. It was true sixty years ago-fifty
don't know. In the early 1950s I was a student at Occidental College  in Los
The state of California had a program to pay people to read my  textbooks to
The man who ran that program was Bob Campbell. You'll see his  name in
history. He was also the president of the Federation  affiliate, and it was
that he was using his student list to send out  Federation information.
We'll just
forgive him for that.
Toward the end of my college career  I was talking with my rehab counselor,
and he
said, "You ought to go up to  this orientation center in Oakland. They could
you some independent  travel skills." I had to admit he was right. So at the
of the school  year I went up to Oakland. The most important person I met
there was
Kenneth  Jernigan. He was still in his late twenties then. He was not the
administrator of the program; he was the inspirational and philosophical
though. His ideas were what really made the program go. He taught a number
of  classes.
Every morning he'd come over and work out with us in the gym, and I  mean
work! I
can't name all the classes he taught. He taught a class called  Business
and Procedures. Originally, it was just that, how to run a  business. He'd
done it
himself. By the time I got there the class was about  issues of blindness.
 "How do you feel about yourself  as a blind person, and what do you think
you can
do?" And we came in, most  of us, feeling pretty insecure. And then, "What
do you
think of other  blind people? What do you think they can do? What do you
think of
the sighted  public? What do they think you can do?" We covered all that
and in general. He'd pick on a particular student he thought was in a place
in  the
development of his confidence, and he'd say: "Now Jack, how do you  think of
I'll set up a situation here. How do you justify that? Can't you  think of
else? Why do you say that? What do you think of this other  factor over
here?" And
he worked us over. I was not exempt from those  work-over jobs. He did so
many things
to make us think about our positioning  the development of our confidence
and independence.
I took other classes while I was  there, one in cooking. I learned how to
use kitchen
equipment. I learned how  ingredients work with each other. Over the years,
I lived by myself, I  cooked for myself. Later on, when I got married, my
wife and
I had two  daughters, but she wasn't always home, so I would cook for my
And I can  cook more than rum balls. There's a fruit cake over there from
Pierce's  recipe, and it's properly aged. It has brandy in it. That'll help
it age.
The other class I took that really  made a difference in my life was cane
formally, two hours every  morning, two hours every afternoon, and that was
the beginning. Any time  we were walking around the building, the community,
with other students,  we were using our canes, and that's the way to do it.
Over the years people were asking  me, "Gee, that's amazing how you travel.
How do
you do that?" I got  tired of answering. I decided to write it down. Well, I
to writing, and I  wrote this and that. After a while I realized, "I have a
here." So  I sent my notes over to Dr. Jernigan (by that time we were both
here in
Maryland), and he said, "Yeah, go ahead and write the book."
So I'm sitting on the sofa with a  Braillewriter on my lap, Braille paper on
my left,
Braille paper on my right. I  didn't have any computer skills at that time.
It pays
to have friends; Lloyd  and Judy Rasmussen came to my rescue. We ran off a
few copies,
and we gave one  to Debbie Brown. Debbie says, "You didn't think about this.
don't you  include this issue?" So I did.
We sent it over to Mr. Jernigan, and  his answer was, "All right, the next
time you
send this to me, I want a  copy in Braille, a copy in print, and a copy in
form." So we did. We  did a little more editing, and now we have
Care and Feeding of the Long  White Cane: Instructions in Cane Travel for
Blind People.
 The Federation  made me a published author.
 Now let me go back to California in  the 1950s. Mr. Jernigan was also
of the local chapter of the  Federation, and we learned how the Federation
We wrote letters to  Congress. We wrote letters to our state legislature. We
involved with  anyone who was blind in the Bay area. We went up to
Sacramento to
sit in on  legislative hearings. We went to the state conventions, and we
got involved
in  those.
Well, speaking of conventions, 1957  came along; the national convention of
the National
Federation of the Blind was  in New Orleans, Louisiana. I couldn't find
anyone to
go with me, so I went by  myself by Greyhound bus-three-and-a-half days. Now
a long trip to go  without a bath. I know other people have taken even
longer trips
and have even  brought their children with them, but that was my first long
I learned a  lot about the South. I learned a lot about the Federation. I
learned  a lot about myself, and that's another thing the Federation can do
for you.
At that convention Ken Jernigan  wanted to introduce an official membership
He had six copies with him, and  he gave them out. He had three left over.
said, "Auction them  off!" The last one went five-ten-fifteen-seventeen
dollars to
Tom  Bickford. I have it right here on my lapel next to my Whozit pin.
My program at the orientation center  was through, so I went back to my home
in Southern California. I joined  the local chapter: The Associated Blind of
East Los Angeles County-what a  name. I joined in and participated, and
after a while
they elected me  secretary. I realized later that was my first office in the
In those years there was a group of  people inside the Federation who wanted
to get
rid of Dr. tenBroek. They were  jealous of his long time as president; they
to take the Federation off  in a different direction. That was the civil
war, and
some of it got nasty. I  was in on that, and I gave and received blows. They
did get rid of Dr. tenBroek,  and, after five years of fighting it, they
went off and formed their  own organization. That was the American Council
of the
Blind. Yeah, they like  to fight.
 In 1958 Ken Jernigan went to Iowa to  be the director of the Iowa
Commission for
the Blind, and he was mighty  successful. He worked sixteen-hour days,
making friends
here and there: with  the legislators, with the Temple Sisterhood, with
anyone who
had any chance to  help him out in his work to help the blind.
I heard about Dr. Schluntz, the  blind chiropractor. By then he was already
a millionaire.
I thought some of  those Iowans were doing pretty well. Mr. Jernigan called
me up
one morning from  Iowa-I was still in California-and he said, "Tom, how
would you
like to  come to Iowa and be a rehab counselor for me?" I most certainly
would! So
I got to Iowa in January of '59. Now I can talk Federation; I can live
but I'm not the right kind of person to be a rehab counselor. It's  not my
It became more obvious and more obvious, and we parted company  on very
cordial terms.
We both knew it wasn't going to work, and he actually  introduced me to a
at the University of Iowa that was for  rehabilitation counselors. I can go
to class,
I can study, I can pass tests,  but I'm still not a rehabilitation
All right, the next big opportunity  that came along was to go to
Washington, DC
to study Russian language and go to  work for one of the security agencies.
It happened
again. I can study Russian;  I can learn it passably well; and I passed the
But I didn't pass the big  test: security clearance. About half of the
students did.
I was in the half  that did not, so I had to go off and find a job somewhere
While I was there, I joined the  local chapter of the Federation, and I
and after a while they  elected me president. Now I'm going to say this: I'm
the only former  president in this room. Orlo Nichols was also serving his
term for
a while. His  job moved from Washington to Baltimore, so he followed the
job. That's
While I was there, there were two  men who were refused admittance to a
movie theater
because they had guide dogs.  Oh no. How do we fight that? They were from
I thought, the congressman  from Arlington is right here in Washington, Joel
I got a copy of the  Model White Cane law from Dr. tenBroek, and I gave it
to Broyhill.
Well, he  wasn't going back to Arlington. He introduced it into Congress.
All right,
I'm  in the Federation. I know what to do. I got a list of the other members
of his
committee (the Committee on the District of Columbia), and at the next
of the National Federation of the Blind I went to the president of  each
state with
a congressman on that committee, and I said, "We are  asking you to ask your
to support this bill, and here's a letter  outlining what we want him to
do." The
Federation came through. When I got  back to Washington, Broyhill was
amazed: "I've
got people from all across  this country supporting this bill."
All right, the next step was to get  members of my chapter to write up
We had hearings in the House  committee. We had hearings in the Senate
It was passed by Congress. It  was signed by the president.
Now we have Public Law 92-515. It's  a civil rights law for the blind and
handicapped. Since then it has  been superseded by the Americans with
Act, but that's all right  with me. I don't mind; that gives the whole
country better
I got married in 1968. That spring  Dr. tenBroek died, and Ken Jernigan, as
president, succeeded to the  presidency. The national convention was in Des
During that convention  two New Yorkers brought in a song they wanted to be
the official
National  Federation of the Blind song, "Glory, Glory Federation." A lot of
us  know
that. Just as we were about to vote on that, a young woman came running up
the center
aisle saying, "But I have a song too!" Mr. Jernigan says,  "All right, we'll
a contest. We'll have a committee. Anyone who has a  song can send it in to
the committee,
and we'll vote on it next year in South  Carolina."
My  wife gave me an elbow in the ribs and said, "You ought to be on that
Oh well, that's what wives are for. I know what to do; I know  how things
go. I wrote
a note in Braille and gave it to one of Mr. Jernigan's  staff members I
knew, and
he passed it along.
Next  morning from the podium: "We'll have a committee, and it will be
chaired  by
Tom Bickford." I hadn't expected that one. We had some good  submissions. We
some not so good submissions. Now we've got a whole song  book. There's Mary
Thompson, who worked on the song book for us.
 I've come down to the end. The  Federation has given me my life! What do I
in return? Money? Sure, give  money. It takes money to run this thing. But
how much
do you give? That's  between you and your conscience and your bank balance.
else do you give?  Give your time. Look around this room: so many people.
Half of
these people are  giving their time to make this program go. Give your
talents. I
have some. I  don't have all. But give your time, give your talents, give
your imagination,
give your enthusiasm. I assure you that, in trying to do this, it has all
come  back
to me-with interest. And now I'm deeper in debt than I was before. So I
give more
to try to pay off the debt, and it keeps coming back with interest.  It's a
that I will never pay off, but it's a debt that I will bear  willingly, all
my life.
Consider a  Charitable Gift
Making  a charitable gift can be one of the most satisfying experiences in
Each  year millions of people contribute their time, talent, and treasure to
organizations. When you plan for a gift to the National Federation  of the
you are not just making a donation; you are leaving a legacy that  insures a
for blind people throughout the country. Special giving  programs are
available through
the National Federation of the Blind (NFB).
Points to Consider When Making a Gift to the  National Federation of the
Will  my gift serve to advance the mission of the NFB?
Am  I giving the most appropriate asset?
Have  I selected the best way to make my gift?
Have  I considered the tax consequences of my gift?
Have  I sought counsel from a competent advisor?
Have  I talked to the NFB planned giving officer about my gift?
Benefits of Making a  Gift to the NFB
Helping  the NFB fulfill its mission
Receiving  income tax savings through a charitable deduction
Making  capital gain tax savings on contribution of some appreciated gifts
Providing  retained payments for the life of a donor or other beneficiaries
Eliminating  federal estate tax in certain situations
Reducing  estate settlement cost
Your Gift Will Help  Us
Make  the study of science and math a real possibility for blind children
Provide  hope and training for seniors losing vision
Promote  state and chapter programs and provide information that will
educate blind
Advance  technology helpful to the blind
Create  a state-of-the-art library on blindness
Train  and inspire professionals working with the blind
Provide  critical information to parents of blind children
Mentor  blind people trying to find jobs
Your gift makes you a part of the  NFB dream!
Source:  Braille Monitor  January  2015
What I Have Given and Received from the  Federation

-----Original Message-----
From: nfbmi-talk [mailto:nfbmi-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
Elizabeth Mohnke via nfbmi-talk
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 4:10 PM
To: 'NFB of Michigan Internet Mailing List'
Subject: [nfbmi-talk] Why Be a Part of the NFB?

Hello List,

Perhaps I should not be posting this in such a public forum, but I have so
many questions about the NFB that I can never really seem to answer. Trying
to find the answers to these questions has only led to more frustration and
confusion. So I am just wondering, what the heck is the point of being a
part of the NFB? Why should someone try to become a part of the NFB? And
what good comes out of trying to be a part of the NFB?

My overall experience with the NFB has been less than positive. I have been
trying to become a part of the NFB for about fifteen years now, and I have
always felt as though I am somehow always on the outside looking in wishing
I could truly be a part of things but never really being a part of things.
During these years I have worked really hard to be a part of the NFB, but I
feel as though all of my hard work was all for nothing given the way I am
constantly being treated by people within the NFB. For the most part, the
only real thing I have receive from the NFB is a lot of criticism rejection,
and negativity..

When I first tried to join the NFB, I was told that the NFB was a great
source of hope, encouragement, and inspiration for people like me who were
losing their eyesight. I was also told that there were so many great role
models within the NFB who could serve as mentors who would be willing to
help support and guide people like me along their path in life. However, the
NFB has never really been any of these things for me, and I feel as though I
was led to believe in something that really does not exist.

So what exactly is the NFB all about? Is it about all the bickering that
goes on to see who can throw the worse insults at each other? Is it about
forming special cliques that only keep others out? Is it about rejecting
people from serving on a project because they have yet to become the perfect
blind person? Is it about tearing each other down with harsh words of
criticism and insults? Is it about being the biggest man or woman in the
room which justifiably gives you some reason to treat everyone else as if
they are somehow less than you? 

This is what the NFB is to me. I think this is rather sad because I do not
believe this is what the NFB is supposed to be. If you believe the NFB
should not be this way either then I would encourage you to take a good hard
look at the way the NFB treats all of its members. I have been deeply hurt
by all of the criticism and rejection I have received by the NFB, but as
someone who has been shunned and ostracized from this organization, I am not
quite sure what more I can do to change the way NFB treats some of its
members. The NFB should be willing to accept anyone who wants to be a part
of it, and maybe by posting this message, someday this might actually become
a reality.

Warm regards,

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