[nfbmi-talk] emails on regional transportation

Fred Wurtzel f.wurtzel at att.net
Fri Jun 19 03:24:14 UTC 2015

Hey Mike,


Thanks for this post.  Mary and I went to the airport, yesterday to present
public comment to the airport board regarding the Michigan Flyer resolution.
It would be excellent and important to have the Detroit and Wayne county
chapters present comments in July or August.   The Michigan Flyer issue will
affect plans for regional transportation to the airport for Wayne, Oakland
Macomb and Washtenaw counties since it affects the relationship between
transit and how the airport treats riders.  We can arrange transportation to
the meeting for members who are willing to provide comment.  


The airport, presently, only sees the bus and does not see the passenger.
They have no concern for rider's experiences.  One presenter to the board
bragged about how the airport's main concern was ambience.  I asked about
the ambience of sitting in a parking garage in freezing temperatures and
breathing jet and diesel fumes and not being able to hear anything over the
noise of airplanes and busses.  They also said their "halo" feature
(whatever "halo" is) was way-finding.  I discussed lack of braille signs on
elevators, the obscure locations of elevators and how the original bus stop
near international arrivals was very close to everything and the path from
the new stop is amazingly circuitous.  They have no concept.    


This effort to get proper treatment for transit riders will build
relationships, such as those you are building, which will be helpful to all
of us statewide when transportation issues arise.  


For instance, here in Lansing, we need a tri-county authority to provide
service to Eaton, Clinton and Ingham.  Mark Eagle is leading an effort to
create a meeting of stakeholders or decision-makers to work on this issue.
We can learn from your efforts to help us build a movement, here.  Again,
the decision-makers have no regard for riders, only political lines and
interests.  Our job is to change their perspective and make the rider the
focus and not more petty and provincial matters.  


Great work, thanks.


Warmest Regards,




From: Michael Powell [mailto:mpowell7583 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:24 PM
To: 'JohnC. Scott'; 'Larry Posont'
Cc: 'Fred Wurtzel'
Subject: emails on regional transportation 


Hello all.

I am attaching as one document several emails I received  from Brian Colfer
who has been working with Jim Casha,  who he met at the transportation
meetings he has been attending.  Brian and Jim have gone to a number of
meetings around the state and have also met with members of the state
legislature in Lansing.  Jim has expressed interest in the Detroit chapter
of NFB as well as the state affiliate when he learned from Brian that our
chapter was putting together a task force to deal with transportation
problems.    I have talked to Jim once but haven't been able to follow up
with him due to a number of things going on, one of which was getting my
computer back on track which has now been done.  As Lisa Franklin is
mentioned in these articles, and as you, John, introduced her to the chapter
through her work with warriors On Wheels, could you get her take on him for
us?  We may want to have him talk to our chapter and he may be a resource
the chapter and affiliate could use or even work with in addressing the
transportation needs of the blind.




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