[nfbmi-talk] From our State ADA Coordinator

Terry D. Eagle terrydeagle at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 1 00:32:03 UTC 2015

Below are comments and congratulations on the Septemver 17th Michigan ADA
Celebration, from the State of Michigan ADA Coordinator. 


I guess we ought to count our blessings that we were not aborted before
birth, are not institutionalized, not begging on a street somewhere in the
U.S. or other country, and that we have the State of Michigan and Snyder
administration with our best interest making life worthwhile living.





To:Sara Grivetti 

Subject:The dayafter


a little craziness ahead of time, Congratulations & thanks to everyone for a
really successful event yesterday!  Despite you all did a spectacular job
CELEBRATING 25 years of progress for people with disabilities.

are notwhere we want or need to be, weare moving forward every It's so
important to remember that while we day.  We in Michigan are so fortunate to
have an administration that not only supports but strongly advocates, for

conditions at all levels for people with disabilities.  

You ng to remember life 25 years ago, when parents of "mongoloid" children
were told to put them Many of you are too in "homes;" when there was no
discussion of underemployment of people with disabilities.. It was just
assumed they couldn't be employed; when "crippled" and "retarded" were
everyday terms; when a blind person who graduated from  100 resumes and
couldn't get one interview.  

law school with honors sent out over My travels to other countries remind me
of the first Ain ADA: Americans.  Many other citizens of other countries
continue doomed to lives of begging or being trapped in their homes, and
it's hard or next to impossible for those of us with disabilities to
navigate places with curbs that range from 2-3" at one end of a block to
8-12" at the other end.

So while we are indeed not where wewant or need to be in many ways, we do
have plentyto celebrate.

Thanks for all your work onthe event & everything you do every day.  I
appreciate the opportunity and privilege to work with you all.


Sharon Alston Ellis, J.D.

State ADACompliance Director


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