[nfbmi-talk] The Henry Ford Visit

Donna Posont donnabutterfly50 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 04:23:41 UTC 2015

The Henry Ford Visit

On the weekend of November 21 and 22, 2015 members and friends of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan have been invited to gather at the Henry Ford. We have been asked to help the museum and village staff provide greater opportunities for those of us who are blind. We will be visiting certain displays and providing feedback about how these can be more accessible to those of us who are blind. There will be no fee to enter, but, we will be moving around with our groups to provide the most information to those who are interested and determined to offer an experience which is also valuable and educational for blind visitors.

You may attend one or both days, but, I need to know that you are coming. Saturday, November 21, we will be in Greenfield Village for experiential learning. We will have the opportunity to ride in a Model T car around the village. Please bring your lunch and we will find a warm place to picnic. The time is 11a.m. until 5p.m. On Sunday November 22, we will be in the Henry Ford Museum experiencing the exhibits and providing feedback about ways of making it a more valuable experience for us who are blind. We will not be eating lunch together, but, a break at the Oscar Myer Wienermobile is being planned. Again, please let me know if you are planning to participate. We will be providing transportation and if you need to spend the night Saturday in Detroit please make me aware of your need. Please join us and let us make a difference in this historical opportunity at the Henry Ford.

thanks for your consideration, Donna Posont

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