[nfbmi-talk] Sept. 17 ADA event and NFBMi

David Robinson drob1946 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 13:14:49 UTC 2015

Dear Federationists and friends

  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)  was passed 25 years ago and some of us have a great deal of concern about its impact in today's society.  It is not a time for celebration, but a time for renewed conviction to see it observed throughout the land. Especially her in Michigan. A state that has ignored the civil rights of the blind and others with a disibility.  
   We intend to voice our concern by joining with others on September 17 at the State Capitol in Lansing.  This will be a voice that will tell the truth about the affectiveness of the ADA in Michigan and not the pretend celebration which is being presented on that day by the established agencies and less then honest public officials. 

   The rally will occur around 11 a.m.  on Thursday September 17.  If you have questions or want more details please e mail me at (drob1946 at gmail.com) or call 517-775-7943.  We must let all in Michigan know that the ADA is not being observed,and it has not given the blind a better chance at life.  

Dave Robinson 

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