[nfbmi-talk] NFB MI Board Meeting 2/25/17

Linda Bloodsaw lindabloodsaw at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 14:20:51 UTC 2017

Hello MI Federationists,

NFB of Michigan Board Meeting

Saturday, February 25, 2017
10:00 a.m. Until 3:00 p.m.

Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan 
auditorium (Basement) 
261 Mack Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48201 

Lunch: Domino's Pizza 
Purchase two slices for $5.00
Possible choices: All Meat, BBQ Chicken, Veggie
This will be based on head count. For instance, if there is not enough interest in ordering a veggie pizza, then it will not be ordered.

Beverage will be provided. 
Cookies and plain potato chips 50 cents each  

I look forward to seeing you on February 25.

Linda Bloodsaw
Board Secretary
NFB of Michigan
(313) 567-3143 

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