[nFBMI-Talk] SASS Article Fwd: [Nfbnet-members-list] National Federation of the Blind Publishes New Issue of The Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research

J.J. Meddaugh jj at bestmidi.com
Tue Dec 18 05:54:37 UTC 2018

Signal boosting this to point out that our own SASS program is 
represented here, thanks to the tireless work of Lydia Schuck who wrote 
the included article. Her name should really be first on that article, 
not last.

Info below.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[Nfbnet-members-list] National Federation of the Blind 
Publishes New Issue of The Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research
Date: 	Thu, 13 Dec 2018 19:30:39 +0000
From: 	Blake, Lou Ann via NFBNet-Members-List 
<nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org>
Reply-To: 	Blake, Lou Ann <LBlake at nfb.org>
To: 	nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org <nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org>

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) published Volume 8, Number 2 
of The Journal of Blindness Innovation and Research (JBIR) on December 
13, 2018. You can access the table of contents and articles in this 
issue at JBIR Vol. 8 No. 

Research manuscripts included in this issue are:

* The Impact of Attitudes and Access to Mentors on the Interest in STEM 
for Teens and Adults who are Blind. Edward C. Bell, Ph.D., and Arielle 
M. Silverman, Ph.D.

* Improving Student Self-Efficacy: The Role of Inclusive and Innovative 
Out of School Programming for Students with Blindness and Visual 
Impairments. Kathleen M. Farrand, Natalie Shaheen, Tiffany Wild, Julia 
Averil, and Danene Fast.

* Experiences of Students who are Visually Impaired Receiving Services 
by Disabilities Support Services (DSS) Offices in Higher Education 
Institutions. Silvia M. Correa-Torres, Paula Conroy, Amber Rundle-Kahn, 
and Tara Brown-Ogilvie.

Professional practice articles included in this issue are:

* Field Classes in Residential Adjustment to Blindness Training 
Programs. Justin M. Salisbury, MA, NOMC, NCRTB, NCUEB.

* Transportation Accessibility: Exploring the Input of Individuals Who 
are Blind to Create an In-Service Training for Bus Drivers. Danene K. Fast.

Other scholarly work included in this issue:

* Evaluation Report: Sensational Activities in Summer Science 2017. 
Donna Posont, Jason Meddaugh, Fred Wurtzel, and Lydia Schuck

JBIR is the NFB's free, open-access, online-only professional journal 
that publishes peer-reviewed, original research manuscripts, and 
professional practice articles that deal with all aspects of blindness 
other than the medical. Practice-based articles that share the author's 
expertise in how best-practices can improve education and rehabilitation 
outcomes are strongly encouraged. To learn more about JBIR and how to 
become an author or peer reviewer, please visit the JBIR Home 

Lou Ann Blake, J.D.
Deputy Executive Director, Jernigan Institute
200 East Wells Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 659-9314, extension 2221| lblake at nfb.org<mailto:lblake at nfb.org>

[National Federation of the Blind]<https://nfb.org/>

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[Twitter] <https://twitter.com/NFB_Voice> [Youtube] 

The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and 
friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every 
day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.


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