[nFBMI-Talk] MPAS - Autonomous Vehicle Survey

Mark Eagle markaeagle at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 15 17:01:23 UTC 2018

Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, Inc. (MPAS) is looking at accessibility issues related to the design and manufacture of self-driving vehicles. Michigan is leading the way in the development of autonomous vehicle technology and is setting the standard for the future. The potential impact on the lives of people with disabilities is enormous. MPAS is working to make sure people with disabilities can use and benefit from this technology and the related policy changes that come from it. We are in the process of gathering information from statewide organizations to get feedback on what people with disabilities want from these vehicles. Our team has developed a survey that will be used to highlight the needs surrounding this accessible technology. MPAS is asking you to share this survey with your membership as we look to reach a diverse population (Facebook, Newsletter, Listserv, etc.). We want our results to represent the community as a whole.   Please contact me if you have any questions or would prefer the survey in an accessible format. We appreciate your assistance! SURVEY - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MPASAV Sincerely, 
Rachel Rachel HuddlestonPublications / Communications Associate
Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, Inc. 
4095 Legacy Parkway, Ste. 500
Lansing, MI  48911

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