[nFBMI-Talk] Fwd: There's Still Openings at CATA's Focus Group on Thursday!

J.J. Meddaugh jj at bestmidi.com
Tue Feb 5 20:24:50 UTC 2019

If you are in the Lansing area, this may be of interest to you. 
Currently, this software runs on Android but I know they are looking to 
expand in the future.

They will give you free CATA monthly passes in exchange for participating.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	There's Still Openings at CATA's Focus Group on Thursday!
Date: 	Tue, 5 Feb 2019 20:11:18 +0000
From: 	Pam Latka <PLatka at cata.org>

We’ve rescheduled the LookingBus focus groups for this Thursday, 
February 7, and wanted to be sure you had an opportunity to attend if 
you’re interested. We have a number of seats available at our evening 
session which runs from 6 to 8 p.m. at CATA’s Administrative Offices, 
4615 Tranter Street in south Lansing.

CATA will cover the cost of your rides to and from your session, provide 
a meal and three months of unlimited rides on our fixed-route service so 
you can experience the program firsthand!

Please RSVP to platka at cata.org <mailto:platka at cata.org> or 517-394-1100 
no later than 3 p.m.  Wednesday, February 6.  If you will be accompanied 
by a personal care assistant, let us know so we can be sure to provide 
them with a meal. If you would like to bring a guest or send someone in 
your place, please provide that individual’s name and contact 
information. We’re happy to have them join us if space allows.

For those who will be traveling on Spec-Tran, simply identify yourself 
as a “focus group participant” when scheduling your rides, and your fare 
will be complimentary.

We look forward to understanding how LookingBus can best accommodate 
your transportation needs and others in our community!

The LookingBus program is the result of MDOT’s  $465,000 Michigan 
Mobility Challenge grant recently awarded to CATA to address mobility 
gaps in and encourage independent use of public transportation among the 
visually impaired. The grant is an initiative to use technology to 
bridge these gaps. To achieve this, CATA is collaborating with 
LookingBus, an Ann Arbor-based company, to implement an app-based 
fixed-route pilot program. We are excited to offer our 
mobility-challenged customers an innovative interface to access our 
service. CATA will be the first transit agency in the state of Michigan 
to implement the program across multiple fixed routes.

Hope you can join us!

*Pam Latka*

Marketing Manager

Capital Area Transportation Authority

4615 Tranter Street

Lansing, MI 48910

(517) 394-1100

platka at cata.org <mailto:platka at cata.org>

CA40-3356 CATA drives

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