[NFBMI-Talk] June 13, 2020 Minutes

Diana Mohnke d_mohnke18 at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 29 20:10:48 UTC 2020

Here are the minutes from the June 13, 2020 zoom board meeting.

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan State Board meeting
, June 13, 2020 
Zoom Meeting 

The meeting was called to order at 1:07 pm by President Mike Powell. 

Quorum, yes.  Board members present: Mike Powell, JJ Meddaugh, Sabrina Simmons, Diana Mohnke, Fred Wurtzel, Robert Parsons, Jeff Crouch and Darryl Rice. Mark Eagle was absent. 

Introduction of members, visitors and guests.

President Powell read the proposed agenda. Fred moved to accept the agenda as presented, JJ seconded and it passed.  

Secretary’s report.  Diana emailed the minutes to the board.  Fred moved to accept the report as emailed, Darryl seconded and it passed. 

There was no treasurer’s report given. 

Report on activities since last board meeting.
Mike reported that on March 13 got the order that everything was going to be suspended.  Shortly after that, our national president initiated Sunday conference calls with state presidents and national board members.  Every affiliate would be given a zoom account for any affiliate who wanted one.  There was a statewide conference call on April 1 to discuss covid situation with everyone. 
Out of the statewide meeting was discussion on voting.  Fred and Mike were contacted by an attorney talking about what to do for the May election.  They were advised to file a lawsuit, which was done on April 25.  The national organization joined in the case.  On May 19 a consent decree was issued saying the state had to come up with a voting system for August and for November.  There was a temporary ballot that was used for the May election.  Taylor and JJ shared their experiences with voting absentee. 
Mike has attended several conference calls: building memberships, public relations, navigating rehab system, and Newsline training. 
On June 5 Mike met with Shawn Zidek, an attorney, who set up a meeting with the members of the Michigan Bar Association.  They have a committee dealing with elderly individuals and disability concerns. 

Brian Mackey has been working on our state affiliate website.  Mike sent him names of board members and chapter presidents.  Brian needs chapter meeting time and location and chapter constitutions. 

National convention registration and other particulars.
Mike reported that 55 people have registered for national convention from Michigan as of June 8.  Victor Marques is a scholarship winner this year for national convention.  Michigan has 4 Jernigan scholarship winners this year and they will get a national mentor during convention.  Contact Sabrina if you or members in your chapter need help registering for national convention. 

Projects for the rest of the year.  Seminars, training, fund raising, membership building, chapter development, legislative initiatives, advocacy and more.  
Capital region chapter received Grant to do technology training. 
Donna Posont and Fred decided not to do science camp this summer. 
Black Tie White Cane event has been canceled for the fall. 
Hold a parents seminar this year and involve our national office.  We had discuss having a structured discovery seminar, not sure if we can hold one like this at this time. 
Sabrina and JJ have talked about using our zoom account for training on various topics. 

Capital Region chapter grant, Fred.  The grant is for technology training.  They are creating a survey that will be sent out to people to determine what areas to train on.  They plan to start in September, hold the training at 5:30 or 6 before their chapter meeting.  There is funding for local transportation, refreshments and for the trainers.  Did not consider zoom in the grant but could be used.  Fred thanked Lydia and Ody for their work on this project. 

Fundraising, Sabrina.  Need people interested in fundraising.  We still have a few travel mugs and lanners left.  For national convention if you donate $20 between now and convention you are entered into a drawing for Jernigan Fund for next year’s national convention. 

Mike mentioned that President Riccobono put out letter committed to diversity that includes all people in our organization.  Fred feels we need to put out a response from our state affiliate. 
Fred move that Mike appoint a committee to decide if the Michigan affiliate should make a diversity statement and if they do come up with a statement advise Mike about the statement.  JJ seconded and it passed. 

State convention, JJ.  We do not have a hotel yet, can have a contract that allows us to get out if something happens.  JJ is having problems with meeting room costs.  The preference is to have an in person convention if possible but also have a virtual option.  The board will meet on Thursday June 25 at 8 pm to decide about state convention. 

Discussion on holding zoom meetings in the state affiliate.  Sabrina feels it is good to have an ongoing talk, good way to get resources out.  JJ suggested we set up maybe two zoom meetings a month focusing on different topics. 

Chapter and committee reports
Detroit, Sabrina.  They have worked on staying connected with their members and increasing their membership.  Sabrina has attended several zoom meetings that the NFB has put on from various states. 

Wayne, Marcus Simmons.  Strong push to get members registered for national convention. 

Jackson, Mary Ann Robinson.  They have had a few teleconference meetings, encourage members to register for national convention. 

Kalamazoo, Robert.  Next meeting will be the week after convention, meeting virtually.  They will be discussing meeting times for the fall. 

Capital Region, Fred.  Reported about technology Training project earlier. 

Youth outreach, Fred.  Our science camp has been canceled for this year.  Work on having smaller events we can do throughout the year. 

Student division, Robert.  They received money raised from the Michigan’s got talent fundraiser.  Planning for this year’s Michigan’s got talent and working on making it virtual if need be.  Encourage any students who may not be registered for national convention. 

Seniors, Darryl.  There will be a meeting on June 29 at 8 pm. 

Scholarship, Robert.  Three awards: $1000 Geer Wilcox, $500 Jo and Alan Harris, $250 Larry Possont.  Winners from the previous year cannot apply for the next year. 

Old and new business.  
Mary Ann wondered if there was any feedback on concerns with hospitals not including people with disabilities in their statements relating to covid.  Executive Order 2020-64 from the Governor cannot use disability as a factor for covid treatment. 
Rachel Pavone is trying to get guide dog division active again. 

The meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm.

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