[NFBMI-Talk] agenda state board meeting
mpowell7583 at yahoo.com
mpowell7583 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 9 22:28:38 UTC 2021
Hello all.
In case the error I made involving the date of June 13 threw you off here is
the corrected agenda below rather than attached.
This way if you couldn't open it and read it in protected view, as someone
advised me, now you won't have to.
Michael Powell
President, NFBM
Agenda NFB of Michigan state board meeting June 12 2021
1. Call to order.
2. Roll Call officers and board members
3. Roll Call members, visitors and guests
4. Opening remarks and reading of proposed agenda
5. Secretary's report
6. Treasurer's report
7. Introduction of our national scholarship winners
8. Update since last state board meeting March 13
9. Getting back to in person meetings again and Bringing membership
status, dues, activities and committees up to full functionality.
10. Status report on our chapters and divisions, building and developing
our NFB of Michigan at large chapter.
11. Continued development of our Legislative initiatives, Seeking ongoing
updates on Michigan legislation up for consideration, Hosting legislative
breakfast and other networking events to introduce the Michigan affiliate to
our Representatives and Senators.
12. National virtual Convention. Registration, door prizes, Honor roll
Call of states.
13. NFB of Michigan State Convention and August state board meeting
options. Both virtual? Both live? Perhaps virtual board meeting followed by
live convention?
14. Chapter, division, and committee reports.
15. Old and new business
16. Adjournment
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