[NFBMI-Talk] Saturday state board meeting

mpowell7583 at yahoo.com mpowell7583 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 3 02:03:31 UTC 2021

Greetings to NFB of Michigan state board members and to all on this list

As you may have heard,  a state board meeting of the NFB of Michigan will be
held Saturday, March 6 which also happens to be the birthday of our past
president Fred Wurtzel.  On March 8, immediate past president Larry Posont
also will be celebrating his Birthday.  I had originally thought we should
meet from 11 AM to 4:00 PM as we do when we have a meeting in person.
However, in looking back and remembering that we met using the Zoom platform
for the first time  beginning in June and in August,   I noted that we
started the meeting at 1:00 PM and went to 4:00 at the latest since we
didn't have to deal with lunch and the other details involved in a personal
gathering that I hope we can have in the not too distant future.  .     

So I propose we go by that Zoom schedule we used In June and August
particularly as this board meeting needs to focus on one particular issue
which could make for a long day if we try to deal with a full agenda.  

Last week I had to attend a few meetings that came up rather quickly.  I
also had some computer issues that compromised my use of my older computer
and access to my yahoo account which contains most of your emailing
addresses as I have been transferring over to my newer computer and Windows
10.  It is a good thing I had access to membership lists and other
registration files I could use as a backup though it was time consuming and
put me behind schedule.  I also became aware of the BSBP town Hall meetings
on the post-secondary training policy changes that are being scheduled for
students and their representatives and educators.    Since participants
needed to register to participate by Friday I had to reach out to students
and leaders on Thursday who might want to speak on this matter.  

So the NFB of Michigan will discuss this matter on Saturday at 1:00 PM and
go to 4:00 PM or later if we need to in honor of Fred and Larry's Birthdays
and the freedom of students everywhere  to control their own destiny and
live the lives  they want.

I will then prepare an agenda to address other state matters such as
developing our chapter at-large, updating chapter membership lists for the
national database, and preparing for our 2021 virtual national convention.
I believe we can deal with these items at a shorter meeting the following
weekend which will be March 13.

But for now make arrangements to go to our NFB of Michigan Zoom room at 1:00
PM Saturday, March 6.  Here is the link to the Zoom room.


If you enter using the Zoom application the Zoom room ID is: 9612695221
followed by the password which is 902855.  If you call Zoom using one of the
outside numbers through a regular telephone you will be prompted to enter
the above Zoom Id followed by the pound key.  As you are not the host you
will be asked to stay on the line, press pound again, or enter the passwords
stated above which is 902855.  I happen to have an outside Zoom number in
front of me which is: (312)626-6799. 

So come and participate and we can allow time to have some open discussion
though the board will need to be the ones to deliberate.  I would also
recommend that you read the policy to get an understanding of the issue.

It is posted on the internet under the spotlight section
www.michigan.gov/bsbp <http://www.michigan.gov/bsbp>   


So now that I am all talked out I will get this out to you and we shall meet
Saturday March 6, at 1: PM.

Michael Powell, President

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan(586)754-1325




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