[NFBMI-Talk] FW: [NABS-L] Important MI-ABS Information for our Upcoming NFB of Michigan State Convention

Rachel Pavone rachelpavone at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 10 21:29:21 UTC 2021

Hello All of my students near and far, 
I am writing to say that I am very excited that our Michigan State Convention is coming up this weekend. Our student events are sure to be a lot of fun. The good news for those of you that have not yet registered there is still time. 

The Michigan Association of Blind Students is holding two great fundraisers in conjunction with our business meeting. The first big event is Friday Night at 7pm. It is a virtual dance party where you will get to interact with all of your friends as well as request all of the music that you want. More information and the registration page is below. 

The other event that we are hosting is a 50/50 raffle. We will be drawing two names from the tickets purchased. One of the tickets will be for an HP stream 11 inch laptop computer and keyboard combo. The other drawing will be for half of the profits that we make off of the fundraisers. Again more information is in the link as well as the information that needs to be filled out so we can draw your name. 

All of the money that we raise at both of these events goes toward opportunities for students to go to conferences, win scholarships, and to any other issue that we as the student division can help out with. 

I am also asking that if you are a student to please register and become a member fo the Michigan Association of Blind Students. This is a great group that likes to have a lot of fun as well as focus on other student issues in the state and nationally. 

I hope that you will come out and suppoet the student division and that you have a great convention as well.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to myself Rachel Pavone the President at 
rachelpavone at yahoo.com 
or by phone at (810) 701-1614 
Rachel Pavone 
President Michigan Association of Blind Students for the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan 
Secretary Kalamazoo Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Michigan 

Sent from Mail for Windows

From: Victor Marques via NABS-L
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2021 8:22 PM
To: nabs-l at nfbnet.org
Cc: Victor Marques
Subject: [NABS-L] Important MI-ABS Information for our Upcoming NFB of Michigan State Convention

Hello, friends:


As you are likely aware, our NFB of Michigan state convention is less than
two weeks away. If you are a student, or at all interested in student
issues, we really would like to see you at our annual business meeting on
November 13th during convention. If you want to be a part of shaping our
division over the next year or two, we need you to register as a student
division member in order to vote and hold office. We would love to have as
many students as possible be a part of a vibrant and exciting student
division. We welcome members from outside of Michigan as well, especially if
you live out of state but plan to come to school here. To become a member,
please fill out the following form and pay your $10 annual dues by Paypal.



Next, MI-ABS will be holding a virtual dance party on the Friday night of
state convention (November 12th, 7 PM).  It's your chance to pick the tunes,
hang out with friends and make some new connections. Plus, we have lots of
door prizes to give away to those who are attending.  To register for this
event, go to the form below. Tickets are $7 before the event, $10 on the day
of the event, and payment is also being collected by Paypal.



And finally, during convention, we will be running a 50/50 draw. We also
have other great prizes to give away for this drawing as well in addition to
the cash.  Tickets are 1 for $3, 5 for $10 and 10 for $20, and again, we
will collect ticket costs by Paypal. Here is the form for the 50/50:



I'm excited to welcome you to the student division programming at our NFB of
MI state convention for this year. If you have any questions, please get in
touch with us or visit our NFB of MI MI-ABS page at


Victor Marques, Vice-President

on behalf of the

Michigan Association of Blind Students

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