Patricia Pyle patriciajpyle11 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 23 18:48:09 UTC 2023


On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 2:44 PM Patricia Pyle <patriciajpyle11 at gmail.com>

> Hello Seniors!
> Tomorrow, Monday April 24th is our monthly chapter meeting.  Hope to see
> you  there.  Find the ZOOM link below.
> Sincerely,
> Pat  Pyle
> >>>> https://zoom.us/j/9612695221?pwd=dHlxZDNwcVVZbUVTYUM5cEU4cDlndz09
> >>>>> Zoom Id 9612695221 Password 902855
> >>>>> Call Zoom through an outside line at: (312)626-6799. Then enter in
> the Id
> >>>>> and password.

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