[NFBMI-Talk] NFB: Register For IEP Advocacy Academy In Baltimore - Thursday, May 30 Through Sunday, June 2, 2024

Kane Brolin kbrolin65 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 29 16:36:26 UTC 2024


There are several advocacy orgs for the blind here in the United
States.  What makes the National Federation of the Blind stand out
prominently in 2024?

I would argue that foundational to our brand is the fierceness with
which we advocate for the right of our young people with visual
impairment to receive access to Braille and other accommodations they
are entitled to under the law.  Yet as a blind parent in my own right,
all too often, it feels as if school administrators are working at
cross purposes to blind kids and the parents or guardians charged with
making sure they get a free and appropriate public education.  So what
is to be done?

If you want to take a deep dive into the particulars of the
individualized education plan and gain confidence that you can make a
difference in the trenches fighting for the IEP to be carried out
properly, then perhaps you should apply to take part in the
Federation's IEP Advocacy Academy later this spring.  There are a few
things to keep in mind, though:

•	Admittance is by invitation only.
•	For those who are accepted, the cost for your travel, food, and
lodging will be paid for by this project.
•	This is a four-day commitment, starting the Thursday following
Memorial Day 2024 and concluding on Sunday, June 2.
•	The deadline for application is Thursday, March 21, 2024.
•	The IEP Advocacy Academy is an in-person event.  To my knowledge,
this is not available on Zoom or even in hybrid form.  You must be
there at the headquarters of the NFB Jernigan Institute in Baltimore
and commit to all four days.

This sounds like a wonderful opportunity, the likes of which I have
not heard of before and the impact from which could make a monumental
difference in the lives of blind children in your area.  Incidentally,
if we get good at this, it could revolutionize the growth of our
various Federation chapters and affiliates.

If interested, please click on the link at the top of this message.
It will take you to the application.

Here's to the start of a banner year as we take our success in
advocating for blind children and youth in the United States to the
next level.


Kane Brolin
President, Indiana State Affiliate
National Federation of the Blind
(574)386-8868 (mobile)

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