[NFBMI-Talk] My radio show this week! Greetings all. Just wanted to remind you about my radio show which will be on at 7 PM Eastern six Central this evening on blind Café radio. The show will deal with live performances however, one specific focus will be the story journey to the center of the earth, written by Jules Vern, as performed by Rick Wakeman and the London Symphony Orchestra. I hope you will make time to tune in this evening. Remember, if you have an Alexa device, just say Alexa learn blind Café, radio skill, then Alexa play blind Café radio. If you do not have an Alexa device go to blind caféradio.com click on the play button and follow the instructions from there. if you’re on Facebook, do a search for blind café. Radio to listen. Hope you will make time to listen to this show. I think you will find the music very interesting. Fred, and 9BSO.

Fred Olver fredolver at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 19:47:08 UTC 2024

Greetings all just wanted to remind you about my radio show this evening at 7 PM Eastern 6 PM central time on blind Café radio. The focus again this week will be live performances, we will especially be listening to an album, entitled journey to the center of the Earth, based on Jules Verns story. This album will be performed by Rick Wakeman and the London Symphony Orchestra. The show can be heard by asking your Alexa device to “learn blind Café, radio skill“ then say to your Alexa device “play blind café radio“. If you do not have an Alexa device, you can do a search for blind Café radio on Facebook and of course you can always go to blind caféradio.com find the play button and follow the instructions from there. Hope you, like me, will enjoy this very special show. Thanks, Fred Olver, and 9BSO. 
Sent from my iPhone

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