[NFBMI-Talk] Fwd: Save the Date - Blind Christians Group: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 At 7:00 PM Eastern

Kane Brolin kbrolin65 at gmail.com
Fri May 24 18:11:58 UTC 2024

Greetings, fellow Federationists representing Indiana and Michigan.

The below message appeared on our Faith-talk email list.  I believe many
will be interested in this Blind Christians Group meet-up, the first of its
kind ever to be held over the Zoom platform.

You do need to register in advance if you wish to participate.

Registering will result in your getting an individualized message
containing the Zoom link for the actual event on June 4.  Start time is
7:00 PM Eastern/6:00 PM Central.

Have a blessed weekend.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chris Nusbaum via Faith-Talk <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
Date: Thu, May 23, 2024 at 3:02 PM
Subject: [Faith-Talk] Save the Date: Join the National Federation of the
Blind Blind Christians Group on June 4 for our First Ever Membership Call
with Special Guest Linda Morrison
To: <faith-talk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Chris Nusbaum <cnusbaumnfb at gmail.com>

Dear Friends:

The chairwoman of the NFB Blind Christians Group, Linda Mentink, has asked
me to share the news of our first ever virtual gathering, to be held on
June 4 at 7 PM Eastern on Zoom. For this inaugural get-together, we will be
joined by a special guest who leads a ministry for all people which is very
interested in helping blind people get on board. I have been blessed to
serve as a part of this ministry's team for over 2 years, and I'm
incredibly excited to share it with all of you.

As blind Christians, we are always looking for a place where we can serve
God and others on equal terms with our sighted brothers and sisters.
Several of us have found one in the Prayer and Crisis Referral Network's
Prayer and Help Line, a 24/7 phone and text hotline that anyone can call
from anywhere to be connected to a dedicated volunteer who will listen to
them and pray with them for their prayer requests, whatever those requests
may be. On this call we will hear from NFB Blind Christians Group member
Chris Nusbaum, who has served on the Prayer Line for over 2 years, and
Linda Morrison, the founder and national director of the ministry. They
will share how the line works, the impact the ministry has on everyday
people (including them), and answer your questions. While some
accessibility questions may come up, this call is primarily about ministry.
So, if you're passionate about prayer, come join us and bring a friend!

The Prayer Line organization has asked us to create a way for participants
to RSVP so we can gauge interest. Consequently, we have set up a
registration form for this meeting; after you've registered, you'll get an
email from Zoom with the link to join. Here's the link to register:

We hope to see you on June 4 at 7 PM Eastern as Christians throughout the
blind community connect with our fellow believers and hear about a ministry
in which we can all get involved! Please feel free to pass this message
along to all who may be interested, whether or not they are Federation
members. If you have any questions, please contact me at
cnusbaumnfb at gmail.com <mailto:cnusbaumnfb at gmail.com>  or Linda Mentink at
lmentink7360 at gmail.com <mailto:lmentink7360 at gmail.com> .

In Christ,

Chris Nusbaum

Christopher A. Nusbaum, President

Southern Delaware Chapter

National Federation of the Blind of Delaware

Phone: (443) 547-2409

Email:  <mailto:cnusbaumnfb at gmail.com> cnusbaumnfb at gmail.com

 <https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-nusbaum-274384136> LinkedIn

You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.

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