Priority SurveyMICHIGAN PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SERVICE, INC. FY 2014­2016 SURVEY Each year, Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service (MPAS) seeks input regarding issues that affect the lives of people with disabilities in Michigan. This year we will also be reevaluating our priorities and adjusting them as necessary to achieve desired outcomes. Thank you for your assistance in our efforts to design advocacy services that will enable people with disabilities to live independent, productive lives as fully included members of the community. Please fax to (517) 487­ 0827 or mail to Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service 4095 Legacy Pkwy, Ste. 500 Lansing, MI 48911. 1. Priority #1 Eliminate Abuse and Neglect In your opinion, which topics need the most urgent attention? Please number your answers with 1 being most important and 6 being least important. _____Advocate the prohibition of restraint/seclusion in schools except in emergency situations _____Advocate the prohibition of restraint/seclusion of people with disabilities in general except in emergency situations _____Advocate expanded background checks on individuals who provide supports and services to people with disabilities _____Investigate and file actions against individuals alleged to have abused a person with a disability _____Advocate for improved mental health screening and services in jails/prisons for people with disabilities 2. Priority #2: Improve Rights Protection System In your opinion, which topics need the most urgent attention? Please number your answers with 1 being most important and 8 being least important. _____Protect individuals with disabilities from guardian abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, or forced treatment _____Training people with disabilities and their families on viable alternatives to guardianship _____Advocate in support of requiring annual financial reporting by all guardians _____Advocate in support of access to an independent and effective rights protection system _____Investigation of suspected or reported rights violations _____Advocate the creation of a Recipient Rights Offices that is independent of the service providing system(s) _____Advocate in support of requiring Community Health Service Providers (CHSPs) to develop and implement Person­Centered _____Planning in the delivery of mental health services 3. Priority #3: Eliminate Employment Barriers and Protect Rights In your opinion, which topics need the most urgent attention? Please number your answers with 1 being most important and 11 being least important. _____Advocate for improved access to services within Michigan Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Centers for Independent Living _____Advocate in support of training for employment counselors who work with people with disabilities _____Advocate in support of people with disabilities to obtain the skill training needed for employment in the community _____Address issues related to sub­minimum wages for people with disabilities _____Legal advice/representation regarding employment laws _____Understanding rights regarding Social Security and Medicaid benefits _____Advocate in support of integrated employment opportunities for people with disabilities _____Advocate in support of assistive technology to enable employment and increase productivity for people with disabilities _____Protect against disability discrimination in the workplace _____Advocate in support of effective Transitioning from school to work for students with disabilities 4. Priority #4: Improve Access to Necessary Services In your opinion, which topics need the most urgent attention? Please number your answers with 1 being most important and 6 being least important. _____Advocate in support of securing services that keep people with disabilities in their communities _____Take actions to assure compliance with federal and state laws that assure accessibility of generic community services _____Take actions to assure polling place accessibility _____Advocate for the necessary supports and services that allow people with disabilities to return to or remain in their community _____Protect children with disabilities from institutionalization 5. Priority #5 Ensure Rights to a High Quality Education In your opinion, which topics need the most urgent attention? Please number your answers with 1 being most important and 6 being least important. _____Advocate in support of improve access to an accommodated general education classroom and curriculum for students with disabilities _____Advocate the elimination of out­of­school placement for disability­related behaviors _____Advocate for improved identification of students eligible for special education services _____Educate parents and service providers on special education laws and rights _____Advocate for improved outcomes for students transitioning from school to community living Was there an area which you felt was not represented in this survey? If so, please provide. For more space feel free to use the area on the last page. 7. To assure that we are reaching a wide cross section of the community, please answer the following. This section is strictly voluntary. There is NO requirement to complete this section. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN YOUR NAME TO THIS SURVEY. I am a: (please check one) _____Person with a disability _____Parent of someone with a disability _____Professional _____Nonprofit organization employee _____Elected official Other:__________________________ 8. Type of Disability: (please check all that apply) _____Developmental disability _____Physical disability _____Deaf/hearing impaired _____Learning disability _____Mental Illness _____Blind/visual impairment _____Brain injury _____None Other______________________________ Priority Survey 9. Living Arrangements: (Check all that apply) _____Own/rent home _____Apartment _____Group Home _____State facility _____Long­term care facility _____Prison/jail _____Homeless _____Transitional housing Other__________________________________ 10. What is your county of residence? ______________________________ 11. What is your ethnicity/race? ___________________________________