[Nfbmo] Planning to use City Utilities Access Express Para transit you need to start eligiableity process NOW!!!

Horchem Gary ghorchem at gary-springfield-mo.net
Tue Dec 29 23:57:29 UTC 2009

Greeting from Springfield hope you all had a merry Christmas. If you wish to use City Utilities Access Express Para transit during the State Convention you need to start the eligiableity process NOW!!! While they accept out town para transit I.D cards this process is required to see what level of service you will receive where you will us all Para transit or Para transit and fixed route bus the comment that make the duration only meets once a month WARNING! if you are trying to use Para transit to ride the fix route bus for free it ain't happening folks the only people who qualify to ride the fix route bus for free are: 1. Those that live in the city limits of Springfield and 2. Are paying City Utilities electric, gas or City Utilities water rate payers if you don't meet the criteria you must pay the elderly and disable fare to ride the bus for more please call 417-831-8782. Have a good evening.

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