[Nfbmo] attn parents of blind children!

Fred Olver goodfolks at charter.net
Mon Jul 22 21:52:40 UTC 2013




I am writing to let you know that the Delta Gamma Center for Children with Visual Impairments has openings for our GRADS Program for the coming school year. The GRADS program meets monthly and serves children starting in pre-school and continuing through high school. Our group meetings provide supportive and fun social opportunities for the children we serve. 


You will find more information about the GRADS groups in the attached flier. Please contact me if you have any questions about our program. And please share information about the GRADS program with families who may benefit from the program. 


We appreciate your support. 




Danny Hurwitz

GRADS Coordinator

Delta Gamma Center for Children with Visual Impairments

1750 S. Big Bend Blvd.

Richmond Heights, MO 63117

(314) 776-1300 ext. 112 




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