[Nfbmo] Missouri affiliate offering world famous trail mix at National Convention!

DanFlasar at aol.com DanFlasar at aol.com
Fri Jun 28 05:38:03 UTC 2013

Hello  Federationists!  

Looking for a healthy snack to keep  your energy up while attend eng all 
the great seminars,  meetings, demos and activities at this  years convention?
    The Missouri affiliate, in response to popular  demand, will be 
offering another batch of our world famous trail mixes this  year!   The mixes will 
be available at the Missouri table,  D18, and from any Missouri affiliate 
     There are 3 varieties  available:   fruit and nut, just fruit and just 
Only the finest dehydrated fruits and roasted, unsalted nuts of  various 
kinds go into the  mixes, including:
dark Montmorency cherries
mango pieces
pressed, dried, ripe bananas - chewy with an intense banana flavor  and a 
hint of lemon
California apricots - meaty and soft, lightly  sulfured
wild blueberries, very intense berry flavor
white peaches - meaty and soft, mildly sulfured
dried, ripe pineapple - dried at peak of ripeness - naturally sweet  - and 
a little tart - not the candied pieces you usually find in most trail  mixes.
craisins - orange flavored dried cranberries - sugar is added  but just 
enough to balance tartness
large Persian golden raisins  - these are very different from  regular 
raisins - these are larger, sweeter, and plumper - with a much lighter  taste 
than the raisins we all grew up on.
pistachio nut meats
sunflower seed meats
cashew halves and pieces
macadamia nuts
No candy, no chocolate, no peanuts, no  coconut. 
  These mixes are never the same from year to  year  - we buy the best 
available ingredients we can find at any one time and mix  them up into 
individual packages.  Most ingredients were purchased from  Trader Joe's.
     Very little, if any,  sugar added - fruits are picked and dried at 
peak of ripeness.   Each  mix is $4 per each 4 oz bag.  You'll pay the same or 
more at specialty  and gift shops but the quality won't be nearly as  high.
     All nuts are dry-roasted without added  salt.  
   So, get your orders in now!   The word is  getting out - they won't last 
Dan Flasar
Missouri affiliate
_danflasar at aol.com_ (mailto:danflasar at aol.com) 
Dan Flasar
Lewis & Clark chapter

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