[Nfbmo] Coffee Berry Cuts Diabetes Risk

NJ Lynn freespirit at accessibleworld.org
Tue Oct 8 19:11:30 UTC 2013

Since diabetes is so much in the blind community, I’m going to put this article here.
Coffee Berry Cuts Diabetes Risk 

Coffee berry, and the drink it makes, is one of the world’s most popular beverages. Yet most people know very little about the fruit that produces coffee beans.
Grown in mountainous tropical climates, the brightly colored fruit ripens into a glowing red berry that is usually harvested by hand.
The berry’s exterior is discarded and the bean is dried and processed. Roasting normally occurs in the country where the beverage will be consumed.

Coffee BerryHowever, as with many fruits, most of the powerful nutritional benefits of coffee are found in the whole fruit itself, not just in the seed (or bean). Nature evolved the cherry of the coffee shrub to withstand intense ultraviolet radiation found at mountainous elevations.
As a result, whole coffee fruit is loaded with beneficial antioxidants and other powerful plant nutrients that are partially destroyed during the separation and roasting processes of conventional coffee production. This nutrient-rich coffee fruit has been relegated to virtual obscurity because it quickly deteriorates during normal coffee harvesting.
Now, however, a patent-pending technology has been developed that preserves the whole coffee fruit, eliminating the potential for toxicity and making it possible to develop supplements that contain all of the nutrients naturally found in the fruit.
Supporting Clinical Evidence
The coffee berry contains some well-studied phytochemicals such as chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, and quinic acid. These nutrients have recently been shown to help quench free radicals,11 provide cardiovascular benefits, and reduce cholesterol oxidation. However, some of coffee berry’s most impressive effects can be seen in blood glucose management.
Chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid are the two primary nutrients in coffee that benefit individuals with high blood sugar. Glucose-6-phosphatase is an enzyme crucial to the homeostatic regulation of blood sugar. Since glucose generation from glycogen stored in the liver is often overactive in people with high blood sugar, reducing the activity of the glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme leads to reduced blood sugar levels, with consequent clinical improvements.
Chlorogenic acid has been shown to inhibit the glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme in a dose-dependent manner, resulting in reduced glucose production. In a human clinical trial at the Moscow Modern Medical Center, 75 healthy volunteers were given either 90 mg of chlorogenic acid a day or a placebo. Blood glucose levels of the chlorogenic acid group were 15-20% lower than those of the placebo group.
Chlorogenic acid also has an antagonistic effect on glucose transport, decreasing the intestinal absorption rate of glucose. This may help to reduce blood insulin levels and minimize fat storage.
Caffeic acid has benefits for elevated blood sugar as well. At National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan, scientists determined that this acid increases glucose uptake into cells, helping to remove it from the bloodstream.
When researchers at nearby Taipei Medical College injected caffeic acid into diabetic rats, they saw a dose-dependent reduction in plasma glucose. However, a similar effect was not observed in normal rats, suggesting that insulin is not involved in this action.
In a related experiment, the researchers observed that caffeic acid reduced elevated plasma glucose in insulin-resistant rats receiving a glucose challenge test. Three studies have shown that coffee consumption helps reduce the risk of type II diabetes.
In an analysis of more than 17,000 Dutch men and women, the more coffee a person drank, the lower the incidence of diabetes. Consuming three to four cups a day decreased the risk by 23%, while persons drinking more than seven cups daily cut their risk in half.
For more information and to get your own supply of this healthful beverage, visit www.sozolife.com/nancylynn

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