[Nfbmo] FW: HB 1278 - Accessible Voting Equipment

Shelia Wright sbwright95 at att.net
Wed Jan 15 23:13:20 UTC 2014

Okay, HB  1278 is the Accessible Voting Bill. Erase that number in my text
in your mind and may it never be said again. I'm assuming that most of you
reached this conclusion on your own but I wanted to let you know I too
realize mo error and don't require all of you to email this correction to me
(grins and giggles).

-----Original Message-----
From: Nfbmo [mailto:nfbmo-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Shelia Wright
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 5:05 PM
To: nfbmo at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Nfbmo] FW: HB 1278 - Accessible Voting Equipment

Below is a summary I received from Marty Exline concerning HB xxxx on
Accessible Voting which was introduced by Rep. English.

Shelia Wright


From: modisabilaw-bounces at lists.mo.gov
[mailto:modisabilaw-bounces at lists.mo.gov] On Behalf Of Marty Exline
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 9:51 AM
To: MO Disability Policy/Law Listserv
Subject: [Modisabilaw] HB 1278 - Accessible Voting Equipment


HB 1278 - Accessible Voting Equipment

Rep. English


This bill is identical to the one that Rep. English sponsored last year.  It
has not been assigned to a committee.  Last year's bill was not assigned to
a committee by the Speaker until late in the session, so did not get a
committee hearing.


The bill requires at least one accessible voting machine to be available for
use at each polling place for all statewide elections, elections for the
general assembly or local elections.  


Currently, the federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA) requires one accessible
machine at each polling place for all federal elections.  However, for
elections when there are no national contests such as President, U.S.
Senate, or U.S. Representative, the requirement does not apply.  Local
election officials do not always make accessible equipment available for
elections where there are no federal contests.


HB1278 also includes a provision that any additional election costs for the
maintenance and use of the accessible machines during statewide and general
assembly elections shall be paid for by the state and subject to


HB1278 also specifies that voters are not required to provide confirmation
of blindness or visual impairment to use accessible voting machines.  The
bill also mentions that "blind or visually impaired voters" may also vote by
absentee ballot if they choose -- although this is an already an option for
persons with disabilities.







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