[Nfbmo] {Spam?} Re: {Disarmed} Reposting a Facebook post that my wife made.

DanFlasar at aol.com DanFlasar at aol.com
Thu Mar 9 08:58:09 UTC 2017

    I agree with your take on this.   If I recall  right, this was a class 
to learn how to use a variety of classroom presentation  tools, one of wihch 
would be Power Point, the digital replacement for slide  shows. 
     A case could be made for using a Word document in  a presentation, 
scrolling down from page to page, but this still doesn't address  the issue of 
including graphic imagery.   Like it or not, graphs and  images can convey a 
lot of information very quickly to those that can see  them.
       You may be able to make other  arrangements for any reports you give 
in your career down the road, but  by insisting that you use PowerPoint, 
your instructor has provided you the  opportunity to at least know what issues 
you will face if you need to use  it.   
       The salient point is, how do you  choose an image that best visually 
illustrates your point?  Even with  sighted help, you may feel that you've 
lost some control over an important part  of your lecture if you let them 
choose the images. .  I found it very  useful to confine all my report 
graphics  to standardized graphs and charts.  Pie and bar charts are fairly  easy 
to understand via touch.  Likewise plots and curves can be similarly  
learned.  Once you have these basic display formats down, your  familiarity with 
your data will suggest to you the appropriate visual method to  use.  Remember 
that your goal in your report is to summarize your  information as quickly 
and as succinctly as possible.  Relying on plain  vanilla graphic methods 
simplifies both constructing  your presentation and  facilitating your 
audience's comprehension.
        This way, you regain control -  knowing which display method best 
fits your data solves the issue of which  graphic to choose - but it still 
leaves the task of creating the chart.   They're not hard to make - if you're 
sighted.  Perhaps someone could write  a little program or macro for you to 
use, but without being able to see the  result, you're stuck again.  
Fortunately, there are plenty of people who  can use spreadsheet tools to do this 
for you.  All  you need to do is  have your data arranged correctly in your 
spreadsheet and provide all  titles, labels and annotations.  Leave the rest 
to your I T peon to do  and have them insert the finished image into your 
slide.     You'll still need some sighted help, but now you're telling them 
what you want  and how it should look.   
     Hope this helps,

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