[NFBMO] NFBMO Digest, Vol 216, Issue 15

Kathy Hurley kahrgh29242 at yahoo.com
Sat May 21 16:31:36 UTC 2022

Shields and want to thank all those who worked so hard to make this happen. 
Sorry about the split in my reply! I pushed send by mistake! 
Progress is being made!
Kathy Hurley

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 21, 2022, at 11:29 AM, Kathy Hurley <kahrgh29242 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I certainly appreciate all the work done on the BRITE bill! I have emailed Brenda 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On May 21, 2022, at 7:03 AM, nfbmo-request at nfbnet.org wrote:
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>> Today's Topics:
>>  1. FW: Bill Impacting Children with Visual Impairments Passes MO
>>     Legislature! (Gary Wunder)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 16:22:12 -0500
>> From: "Gary Wunder" <gwunder at earthlink.net>
>> To: "'NFB of Missouri Mailing List'" <nfbmo at nfbnet.org>
>> Subject: [NFBMO] FW: Bill Impacting Children with Visual Impairments
>>   Passes MO Legislature!
>> Message-ID: <01f701d86c8f$ac6b0e90$05412bb0$@earthlink.net>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Read and enjoy:
>> From: BRITE Act <brite.act at gmail.com> 
>> We are thrilled to share that the BRITE Act (Blind Students? Rights to Independence, Training, and Education) passed! The BRITE Act was amended onto Senate Bill 681, Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed, and delivered to the Governor Parson this week. The Governor has until July 15th to sign or veto bills. Once signed, the updates contained in the BRITE Act will begin in school year 2022-23.
>> As a reminder, the BRITE Act:
>> *    Provides clear definitions of terms, including the addition of expanded core curriculum
>> *    Maintains decision making role of IEP team and adds role for IFSP team
>> *    Ensures that 504 plans address any equipment, accommodations, and modifications for students with visual impairments
>> *    Adds language to ensure that instruction and goals for children with visual impairments are in line with those expected of their peers, based on age and intellectual ability (specifically related to braille, assistive technology, and orientation and mobility)
>> *    Provides more flexibility regarding mobility services and allows for nighttime instruction as needed
>> *    Limits costs and barriers to families related to assistive technology and orientation and mobility services
>> *    Expands professionals credentialed to serve children with visual impairments and explicitly names Teachers of the Visually Impaired as individuals qualified to provide instruction in braille and assistive technology
>> *     <https://www.senate.mo.gov/22info/pdf-bill/tat/SB681.pdf> You can view the full bill text for Senate Bill 681 here, BRITE Act language is on pages 73-82
>> Getting a bill passed this year was a major accomplishment and we owe a great deal of thanks to Rep Shield?s for her leadership and dedication to the issue. If you would like to send her a thank you note you can find her  <https://house.mo.gov/memberdetails.aspx?district=011&year=2021&code=R> contact information here.
>> Thank you,
>> The Workgroup
>> Jenny Carmack, National Federation of the Blind of Missouri
>> Jenn Coy, Lighthouse for the Blind - St. Louis
>> Kevin Hollinger, Francis Howell School District, Vision Dept
>> Carla Keirns, Missouri Blind Task Force
>> Mandy Keys, Cape Girardeau School District ?Special Education Dept
>> Anne Silea, Delta Gamma Center
>> Shelia Wright, National Federation of the Blind of Missouri
>> Gary Wunder, National Federation of the Blind of Missouri
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>> End of NFBMO Digest, Vol 216, Issue 15
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